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1、 B. Have a good journey. C. Really?I am very glad.5.A. Of course, I will. B. Not very often. C. Around a day.对话理解 根据你所听到的对话及问题选择正确答案。(共10分,每小题1分)6. A. Sometimes. B. Never.C. Every day. 7. 8. A. Theyre workers.B. Theyre old friends.C. Theyre classmates.9. A. To the lake.B. To the beach.C. To the park

2、.10. A. Buy a pen. B. Change a pen.C. Take a pen.听下面一段长对话,回答1112 两个小题。11AThis Sunday BThis Thursday CThis Saturday.12ATheyre going to have a party BTheyre going to have a picnic CTheyre going to have a big dinner听下面一段长对话,回答1315 三个小题。13. A. Size LB. Size MC. Size S14. A. BrownB. WhiteC. Black15. A. $

3、 45B. $ 46C.$ 48短文理解 根据你所听到的短文的容及问题选择正确答案。短文和问题读两遍。16. A. China.B. A park.C. A town.17. A. Three hours.B. More than four hours.C. Less than four hours.18. A. bread and water B. applesC. both A and B19. A. B. C. 20. A. Go shopping.B. Go camping.C. Go boating.中考英语听力训练1听力原文1. What do you think of the f

4、ilm?2. Dont be nervous. You are sure to win!3. Im sorry I forgot to bring my notebook here.4. I will go to England for a holiday tomorrow.5. Will you join our club?6. M: How often do you exercise?W: I keep running every day, sometimes I go swimming, but I never play ball games.Q: How often does the

5、woman go swimming?7. W: How many students are there in your class? M: There are only thirty-two. And half of them are girls. How many girl students are there in the class?8. W: Hi! I dont know if you remember me. My name is Maria.M: Sure, I remember you. You sat next to me. Yeah, thats right. How ar

6、e you doing? Fine. Nice to see you again. Who are the two speakers?9. M: Hi, Cathy! What did you do last Saturday? I had a picnic near the sea with some friends. Then you must have had a good time. Sure.Q:Where did Cathy go last Saturday?10. M: Excuse me. I bought a pen here yesterday. But I cant wr

7、ite with it now. Whats the problem? It doesnt work. Would you mind giving me another one? Sure. Here you are. What does the boy want to do in this conversation?W:Jack,your fathers birthday is coming.M:Really? When is it?This SaturdayOh,what shall we do for him? Shall we have a party?Id like to go ou

8、t to have a picnicThats great!Questions:11When is Jacks fathers birthday?12What are they going to do for Jacks fathers birthday? Good morning! Can I help you? Yes, please. I want a T-shirt. What size do you want? Size M, please. OK! What about this one? Sorry! I dont like black. Have you got any oth

9、er colors? Oh, yes. Weve also got blue, brown and white ones. Can I have a look at the brown ones? Certainly. How much is it? $ 48. OK, Ill take it.13. What size T-shirt does the man want?14. What color T-shirt does the man like?15. How much is the T-shirt?Hello, boys and girls! Here is some informa

10、tion about our trip to the town of Chinese. Well go there by bus. Its a long trip, over 4 hours. So we have to start early. The bus will wait for you at the school gate at 7:00 tomorrow morning. Well take some bread, water and apples for lunch with us and we will eat together in a park. After that w

11、e will walk around the old market. You will be able to buy all your presents there. We will meet at the place where our bus stops. If you are lost, please give me a call. My mobile phone number is . Any questions? OK. See you tomorrow.16. Where will they go?17. How long will it take them to go there

12、?18. What will they have for lunch?19. Whats the speakers mobile phone number?20. What can they do after lunch?中考英语听力训练2听力试题.情景反应 根据你所听到的容,选择正确的应答语。(共5分,每小题1分)1.A. Look, Ive bought a new watch. B. Oh, its still early. C. Its a quarter to nine.2.A. Thats a good idea. Lets make a plan for the journey.B. What do you think of it? C. The Great Wall is the longest wall in the world.3.A. It was all right. B. It was cloudy. C. It was dark.4.A. It doesnt matter. B. Dont be so serious.C. Im sorry. I got up late again.5.A. Last week. B. In the library. C. Very interesting.对话理解 根据你所听到的对话及问题选择正确答案

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