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1、,Vegay Carpio,You will tolerate allif you understand all.(理解一切便宽容一切。,Romain Rolland,What do you know about the earth?,What do you know about the universe?,How do you get knowledge and understanding?,reading,observing,thinking,asking questions,Pre-reading,By what ways do we acquire knowledge?,Reading

2、 booksWatching TVGoing through the InternetLearning from teachers or friendsListening to the radio,Which of these things help you to understand things?,(1)being relaxed and happy(2)having time to think about what you are learning(3)being interested in the topic(4)discussing topics with friends(5)ask

3、ing questions,While reading,Task 1:Read texts 1-4.Which of the underlined linking words mean the same as these?,Example as=when,afterward butsinceso he couldso to start withnext,=later,=however,=because,=in order to,=therefore,=at first,=then,Task 2:Answer the following questions.,1.How do most peop

4、le today get answers to things according to the writer?2.How did most people learn about things in the 17th century?,They are turning to the Internet to get answers.,They believed more in religion than in facts.,3.Does the writer believe that the Bacons method of scientific thought is a good way to

5、gain knowledge?4.What image does the writer use to explain how men like Bacon and Galileo helped educate people?,Yes.He said modern scientists and thinkers are still solving the worlds problems with this type of analysis luckily for us.,An image of setting forth their scientific ideas.,5.Why did Ari

6、stotle assume that the sun moved around the Earth?6.Would the writer describe the people of the church during Galileos time as having“open”or“closed”minds?,Because it felt like the earth was standing still.,The writer describe the people of the church during Galileos time as having closed minds.,Tas

7、k 3:Find these verbs about learning in the text,then match them with their meanings.,1)to look at closely 2)to get 3)to go against popular 4)to encourage learning 5)to find the answer to a problem 6)to think about sometime from all sides 7)to see if an answer is right 8)to find something for the fir

8、st time,acquireobserveconsidertestdiscoverinspiresolvechallenge,Post reading:Discussion,Do you think people like Bacon and Galileo would have thought it was a good idea to open libraries and set up universities?Why?,Language Points, start with 1)in the first place 第一 To start with,we hadnt enoug

9、h money and secondly were too busy.一来我们的钱不够,二来我们没时间。2)at the beginning 起初;开始时 The club had only six members to start with.这个俱乐部最初只有六个成员。,2.worthy 1)worthy of sb/sth 适合于某人/某事 It was difficult to find words worthy of the occasion.很难找到适合于那种场合的言词。2)worthy of sth 应得某事物;值得做某事 Their efforts are worthy of y

10、our support.他们的努力值得得到你的支持。He who does his duty is worthy of praising.凡是忠于职守的人都值得奖励。,3.approve 1)vi.赞同,同意;后常跟介词of You can join the class if you parents approve.如果你父母同意,你可以参加这个班。I approve of your trying to earn some money.But please dont neglect your studies.我同意你去挣一些钱,可是请不要忽视 了功课。,2)vt.批准 The city cou

11、ncil approved the building plan.市议会批准了这项建筑计划。The equipment must be bought from a supplier approved by the company.设备必须从公司认可的供应商那里购 买。,4.vital adj.至关重要的,生死攸关的,有活 力的,充满生机的1)作定语 The heart is a vital organ.心脏是维持生命必须的器官。This matter is of vital importance to us.这件事对我们来说至关重要。Shes a very vital sort of perso

12、n.她是个精力旺盛的人。The police perform a vital role to our society.警察在我们的社会起着极其重要的作用。,2)It is vital that It is vital that we move quickly.我们必须快速离开。3)be vital to This point is vital to my argument.这一点对我的论据极为重要。4)as vital The government saw the introduction of new technology as vital.政府认为引进新技术至关重要。,5.with no

13、one coming to their defence with的复合结构作状语,no one是宾语,coming to their defence是分词短语作宾补。又如:With you talking all the time,how can I focus on my lesson?你在我旁边唧唧喳喳的,我怎么能专心学习 呢?With the machines roaring all through the night,I couldnt sleep at all.工地上的机器彻夜轰鸣,我根本无法入睡。,6.Its(not)surprising that it 是形式主语,真正的主语是后

14、面 that引导 的从句。Its not surprising that you should have done this.你会干出这种事我一点都不奇怪。Its shameful that he treat his parents that way.他这样对待他父母真丢人。It is obvious that she is very clever.很明显,她挺聪明。,Practice,Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words below.,accustomed,bureaucratic,tend,approve,ben

15、eficial,worthy,urge,vital,unwilling,assumption,defence,BC,kingdom,rank,1.Ben _ to lie whenever he feels he might get into trouble.2.You might find it _ to STUDY before your next exam!3.I dont _ of the man she is marrying.Hes not _ of her.4.He _ me to give up smoking.He said it was _ for my health.,tends,approve,urged,vital,beneficial,worthy,5.

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