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1、yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million Yuan, . Painting, model culture creates new Ma Church community, creating Lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and municipal discipline Inspection Commission, the peoples d

2、aily special report. Constantly promote independent Commission against corruption culture construction to rural extends, created established Dahlin rural industry Park independent Commission against corruption culture positions, formed has a support service low double excellent of members lead team,

3、 constantly perfect and established Park funds assets management, and village audit supervision, and villagers democratic financial, system, strengthening Park party, and Chief, and financial, full public, powerful to guarantees has new rural construction, by city rural style clean government inspec

4、tion unit led of height evaluation. Through the implementation of honest and clean government cultural construction, and effectively educate the broad masses of party members and cadres and consciously regulated behavior and discipline, honesty in politics and culture to create a good atmosphere and

5、 fresh development environment. Although we in implement implementation independent Commission against corruption guidelines aspects made has must effectiveness, but away from superior of requirements also exists must of distance, main performance for: a is system enough sound, education, and superv

6、ision, and prevention, and punishment, aspects long-term mechanism also enough perfect, especially in enrollment bid work regulatory aspects also needed strengthening; II is regulatory supervision exists lost of Yu wide, and lost of Yu soft, investigation illegal disciplinary case of efforts also ne

7、eded strengthening, individual sector and cadres also different degree exists treat gift, not to benefits not do, and mess do of phenomenon; Three for honest work is the new situations and new problems in finding timely enough, treatment measures are not strong enough. To solve these problems, we wi

8、ll proceed from the following five aspects of rectification, make sure to implement the provisions of the code. (A) deepening the learning, enhance the consciousness of honesty in politics. To create event as an opportunity to Excel and learning party, further increasing the governance capability an

9、d advanced construction, reinforced rules of the broad masses of party members and cadres awareness, sense of responsibility, sense of honor, improve working ability and level of scientific development. Should make full use of meetings, in particular central group learning opportunity, further stren

10、gthening the study and education of the code, the intensive warning education, education the majority of party members and cadres known fear, knew fear, honesty in politics of tension the strings, consciousness and enhancing the implementation of the initiative. Also, pay attention to apply what the

11、y have learned, consciously study results into planning work, new ideas,建筑施工组织一、 判断题 1、项目建议书是项目决策的核心。( )2、可行性研究是对项目在技术上是否可行和经济上是否合理进行科学的分析和论证。( )3、固定资产投资项目包括基本建设项目和技术改造项目。( )4、施工组织设计的编制,只是为实施拟建工程项目的生产过程提供了一个可行的 方案。( )5、施工组织设计是指导拟建工程施工全过程各项活动的纯技术性文件。( )6、施工准备工作的检查方法常采用实际与计划对比法。( )7、施工准备工作不仅要在开工前集中进行,

12、而且要贯穿在整个施工过程中。( )8、调查研究与收集资料是施工准备工作的内容之一。( )9、资源准备就是指施工物资准备。( )10、施工现场准备工作全部由施工单位负责完成。( )11、施工用水包括生产和生活用水。( )12、组织流水施工必须使同一施工过程的专业队组保持连续施工。( )13、工艺参数是指流水步距、流水节拍、技术间歇、搭接时间等。( )14、网络图中的箭线可以画成直线、折线、斜线、曲线或垂直线。( )15、单代号网络图严禁出现箭线交叉,否则容易引起混乱。( )16、单代号网络图与双代号网络图并无本质区别,只是表达方式不同。( )17、计算网络计划时间参数的目的主要是确定总工期,做到

13、工程进度心中有数。 ( )18、在网络计划中当某项工作使用了全部或部分总时差时,则将引起通过该工作的线路上所有工作总时差重新分配。( )19、由关键工作组成的线路必为关键线路。( )20、若将网络计划中某关键工作的持续时间压缩,则工期相应缩短。( )21、网络计划中非关键工作的自由时差一定不为零。( )22、关键线路上相邻两项工作之间的时间间隔必为零。( )23、在网络计划执行过程中,如果某关键工作的完成时间推迟3天,工程总工期也必推迟3天。( )24、两关键节点之间的工作不一定是关键工作。( )25、拟定主要工程项目施工方案中的施工方法时,要求考虑各工种各施工段的合理搭接。( )26、确定各

14、单位工程的开、竣工时间和相互搭接关系的依据是施工部署。( )27、设计施工总平面图一般应先考虑场外交通的引入。( )28、在设计施工总平面图时,各种加工厂布置应以方便使用、安全防火、集中布置为原则。( )29、工程施工组织设计中,主要施工机械的需要量是根据建筑面积、施工方案和工程量,并套用机械产量定额求得的。( )30、采用网络图表达施工总进度计划,便于对进度计划进行调整、优化、统计资源数量。( )31、确定各分部分项工程的施工顺序是制定施工方案的关键。( )32、施工方法和施工机械的选择,必须满足施工技术的要求。( )33、单位工程施工进度计划初始方案编制后,应先检查工期是否满足要求,然后再

15、进行调整。( )34、选择好施工方案后,便可编制资源需要量计划。( )35、单位工程施工平面图设计首先确定起重机械的位置。( )二、 单项选择题1、某一建设项目的决策以该项目的( C )被批准为标准。A、设计任务书 B、项目建议书 C、可行性研究报告 D、初步设计2、在同一个建设项目中,下列关系正确的是( A )。A、建设项目单项工程单位工程分部工程分项工程B、建设项目单位工程检验批分项工程C、单项工程单位工程分部工程分项工程D、单项工程单位工程分部工程分项工程检验批3、建筑产品地点的固定性和类型的多样性决定了建筑产品生产的( B )。A、流动性 B、单件性 C、地区性 D、综合复杂性4、标前施工组织设计追求的主要目标是( B )。A、施工效率和效益 B、中标和经济效益 C、履行合同义务D、施工效率和合同义务5、以一个建筑物或构筑物为对象而进行的各项施工准备,称作( B )。A、全场性施工准备

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