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1、2、To learn about the relationship between diet and overall health.(学习饮食结构与身体健康之间的关系。3、To practise the technique of reading. (练习阅读技巧。五、学习要点:词汇 before, diet, energy, exercise, fast food, healthy, important, lifestyle, seldom, tired, top, dancer, change, fruit, sweet, often, bread, meet, juice, person句

2、型1、Before, I seldom ate fruit and vegetables.Now I always eat an apple for breakfast and I often drink some milk.2、I swim twice a week.3、I do not eat fast food any more.六、学习策略:The technique of fast reading and detail reading.(快速阅读和细节性阅读技巧。七、智能培养:Compound healthy food and do some proper activities.(配

3、制健康食物,适时运动。八|、课堂教学设计( 45 minutes)Step1. Revision (5 minutes)Revise the structure they learned last lesson :What is your favorite food ? What do you usually eat?Get the Ss to go on talking about it. A: I like bananas. What food do you like?B: I like hamburgers. Do you like vegetables? They are my fav

4、ourite. No, I dislike them. What about fish? I like fish. It is healthy. I dont like eggs.What about you? I hate eggs.Step (5 minutes)Present the new words:diet, energy, exercise, fast food, healthy, important, lifestyle, seldom, tired, top, dancer, change, fruit, sweet, often, bread, meet, juice, p

5、ersonStep (20 minutes)Fast reading: Read the text quickly and silently,then answer the questions. ( 2 minutes)1. Does Kitty have a healthy diet now? 2. Did she have a healthy diet before?3. Did Daniel change his diet and lifestyle?he have a healthy diet now?Details reading:Questions about Kitty and

6、her diet: ( 6 minutes)1. What does kitty want to be?2. How many hours does she dance every day?3. Why did she change her diet?4. What does sheeat for breakfast now?5. What does she usually eat for dinner?Questions about Daniel and her diet: does Daniel do after class? did he love before? long does h

7、e exercise every day now?4. What does he usually have for breakfast?5. What does he usually have for dinner?3. Read again: Sum up the main idea of each paragraph. ( 3 minutes) the Ss to find out the new words in the passage and guess the meanings. ( 3 minutes)Do part B1 Answers: , , , , , , , 5. Rea

8、d after the tape and then complete the passages:Kitty wto be a dancer. She spends two hours pdancing every day. She thinks its important for her to have a healthy d. Thats because she is easy to feel twhen she dances. Though sweet snacks can give her e_, they are not healthy. So she seldomeats them.

9、 She always eats an apple, some bread and drinks some milk for b_ . She has l _ every day. For dinner, she usually eats meat and v_. After dinner, she s_ has an orange or a banana.Daniel likes studying and he is a tstudent at school. He likes pcomputer gamesandcwith his friends as well. But he doesn

10、t have a hdiet or lbecause he loves Coke and hamburgers and he ndoes exercise. Well, he thinks its time for him to c_ now. He p_ to have juice and bread for breakfast,f_ and vegetables for lunch and dinner. He also plans to go swimmingt_ a week.Step 5 Retell the text according to the key words. ( 3

11、minutes)Step 6 Discussion: ( 3 minutes)What shouldnt (不应该)we eat?What should (应该)we eat?Step 7 Interview: ( 4 minutes)The student reporter is interviewing Kitty and Daniel. He is asking something about their food and lifestyles.Make up a conversation among them.Step 8 Writing: What I eat and how I l

12、ive( 5 minutes)( If there is no time left , do it after class. 如没有时间剩下来进行写作就留课后去做) Homework:用下列各类食物,为自己配制一天的三餐饭。meat, fish, eggs, beans and nuts, bread, potatoes, rice, milk, cheese, vegetables, fruit, snacks,such as ice cream, biscuits, cakes, chocolate and sweetsBreakfast:Lunch:Supper:BlackboardWr

13、iting ( 板书 )7AUnit 4Food( Reading 1 )Food and lifestylesNew words:The answers of the exercises:.教学后记:本节课是阅读第一课时,要求学生对课文进行整体理解。学生平时考试阅读题失分较多,要利用阅读课对学生加强阅读技巧的指导。授人以鱼,不如授人以渔。牛津7AUnit4 第3课时(Reading第2课时)教案7A Unit 4 Reading (2)一、教学内容:1、精读课文2、 理解课文知识点二、教具:录音机,磁带, 课件1、复习课文,根据Kitty和Daniel的饮食变化,复述课文。2、找出并尽量理解

14、课文中新语言点。1、To practise intensive reading and retell the text.(练习精读,理解并复述课文。2、To understand and master the new points in the text.(理解掌握课文中的新语言点。掌握句型1、I want to be a dancer.2、Its important for a dancer to be healthy.3、Before, I seldom ate fruit and vegetables.4、I know that sweet snacks are not good for me.5、I do not eat sweet snacks bet

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