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高三英语一轮复习 期中考试考前模拟学案Word格式.docx

1、第一节 语法和词汇知识(共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分)1. Although he has become wealthy, Mr. Wood remains _ he used to be, modest and friendly. A. which B. where C. what D. that2. A beach house caught fire last night, _ 5 students living in it. A. killing B. to kill C. having killed D. killed3. - Did you talk with _ presen

2、t at the meeting yesterday? - No. only a few of them. A. anyone B. everyone C. someone D. no one6. There _ be any difficulty in passing the road test since you have practiced a lot in driving school. A. mustnt B. may not C. shouldnt D. wouldnt7. Several new trains were delayed due to poor weather, l

3、eaving passengers _on the trains for hours without air conditioning after the power was shut down. A. sticking B. stuck C. to be stuck D. having stuck8. Liza _ well not want to go on the tripshe hates traveling. A. will B. can C. must D. may9.Surely you can find the museum,for it is within easy of y

4、our hotelAwalk Breach Cdistance Dspace10.You were so careless to a whole paragraph when copying the articleA. give away B. make up C. turn off D. leave out11.The boy looked at his Christmas gift with an_ of satisfaction.A. expectation B. imagination C. expression D. appreciation12.Our special thanks

5、 go to thousands of volunteers, without _tireless work, none of this would be possible.A. which B. whom C. whose D. that13.A special dance_ Gangnam Style has raised a worldwide storm nowadays.A. calling B. being called C. called D. to be called14.Dont phone Tom at two oclock this afternoon, when he

6、_ a meeting.A. will attend B. attends C. is to attend D. will be attending15.Mandy was curious to hear_ Peter had to say for himself.A. which B. how C. that D. what16.It came as_ shock that_ fire broke out in Shanghai yesterday, killing at least 5 people.A. a; a B. a;不填 C. 不填;a D. the;the17.Who is s

7、tanding over there? It must be_ from the Express Company.A. everybody B. somebody C. nobody D. anybody18.The wetland park is_ attractive in spring and autumn, for the weather is pleasant in both seasons.A. mostly B. hardly C. equally D. merely19.Mo Yans writing has_ him a large audience, not only in

8、 China but overseas. A. deserved B. expanded C. admitted D. gained20.An optimistic person usually holds out_ more pressure than a nervous one. A. against B. across C. above D. around21._I cant fully understand what his music conveys, his performance is quite impressive. A. As B. Since C. If D. While

9、22.The meeting between the presidents of those two countries_ in Paris last week. A. took part B. took action C. took effect D. took place23.My neighbor plays loud music late at night. _.You really should talk to him about it.A. Thats annoying B. Its a good point C. Youve got it right D. This is tri

10、cky第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)What a busy day! The three boys were fed, bathed and changed into their nightclothes. Mary had 26 them a story and finally they were asleep. “Babysitting(照看)the three boys aged eight, six and four is extremely 27 ,”she thought.“Sleep,” she considered, “if only I could

11、!” But she had difficult homework to complete. Leaning back, she 28 her feet onto the sofa to get comfortable. Whoever said babysitting was a(n) 29 way to make money obviously hadnt met the three boys, she thought. The television was on, the room was warm, and the lights were dim. Marys 30 felt heav

12、ier and heavier. I mustnt sleep, she thought which was 31 what she did, of course.Strangely enough, she soon 32 that she was a world-famous chef(主厨). She made a 33 and wore diamonds and designer clothes. Most days she relaxed by the pool, meeting the rich and famous or 34 her favorite hobby. She 35

13、took the leading role in her own TV show.That is, until she became too 36 . “I am definitely the best in the world,” she thought, as she prepared a tasty chicken dish. But 37 seemed to go right. She spilt the flour, she dropped an egg and she cut her finger. Despite all the troubles, she 38 to get t

14、he chicken into the stove. Soon, smoke blanketed the room. The chicken was on fire. 39 set in, but Mary could not runshe was 40 to the spot. She tried hard to move, but could not, _41_ a sharp sound awoke her.She got shocked and confused 42 was pouring from the kitchen. Rushing to investigate, she w

15、as met by three 43 little faces and some very burnt bread. “Sorry, we were hungry and you were 44 , so we tried to make some bread,” explained a boy. Relieved, Mary made them a snack and sent them back to bed. She 45 them never to fall asleep on the job again!26Agiven Bwritten Ctold Dtaught27Asuccessful Bhelpful Ctirin

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