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1、McGea n-Rohco, and is now part of Atotech. The Hull Cell has become an in tegral part of plati ng operati ons everywhere.赫尔槽最早由赫尔公司发明,该公司现在是安美特公司的一个部分,赫尔槽已经成为 世界各地电镀操作的一个必须部分。ADVANTAGESThe Hull Cell en ables an experie need operator to determ ine the follow ing facts about a plat ing soluti on:1.App

2、roximate Bright Curre nt Den sity Range . This is accomplished by compari ngthe bright plated areas on the panel with current densities given in a chart. If the bright or operable range is between 1- 1/4 ” (3.2 cm) and 2-1/2 “ (6.4 cm) from the left side ofthe pan el, and the total curre nt applied

3、is 3 Amps,the corresp onding respective curre nt den sities from a Hull Cell ruler or chart lie betwee n 75 Amps/ft 2 (7.6 Amps/dm 2) and 25 Amps/ft 2 (2.7 amps/dm 2). Si nee these values represe nt extreme limits, it does not follow that either of these curre nt den sities can be used in a plati ng

4、 bath without obta ining a poordeposit. However, some in termediate curre nt den sity such as 50 Amps/ft 2 (5.4Amps/dm 2) should work best.优点: 赫尔槽可以让有经验的操作者确定电镀液的以下状况:1.近似光亮电流密度的范围。这是通过用给定的电流密度下比较在试片上的光亮镀层范围来实现。如果光亮或可操作的范围为从试片的左边算起1-1/4 ( 3.2厘米)和2-1/2 ” ( 6.4厘米),提供的总电流为3安培,从各自的相应赫尔槽尺或图表电流密度读出电镀范围为 7

5、5 Amps/ft2(7.6 Amps/dm2 )和 25 Amps/ft2 (2.7 amps/dm2 )。由于这些值代表了极限,但是这不表示这些电流密度可以在任一镀液中使用而不产生差的镀层。所以,一些中间电流密度,如 50 Amps/ft2 ( 5.4 Amps/dm2 )是最合适的。2.Approximate Concen trati ons of Primary Con stitue nts such as zi nc metalcontent, sodium cyanidecontent, ni ckel metal content, etc. Gen erally, the hig

6、her the metal content of a bath,the higher (but notn ecessarily wider) is the operable bright curre nt den sity ran ge.3.Additi on Agent Concen trati on . Although a few additi on age nts can bedeterm ined by an alysis, theHull Cell test usually provides the only satisfactory means of con trolli ng

7、the additi on ofthese materials,provided they exhibit a visible effect on the deposit.4.Metallic or Organic Impurities in a plating bath affect the appearance of the HullCell deposit, andtheir prese nce or abse nce can be established.2.主要成分的大概浓度。如锌金属含量,氰化钠,镍金属含量等,一般来说镀液的金属含量越高可操作的光亮电流密度越高。 (但不一定是更宽的

8、)3.添加剂用量。虽然有少数添加剂可以分析,赫尔槽试验通常提供了控制这些添加剂唯一令人满意的方法,只要添加剂在镀层 上产生可见的效果。4.镀液中的金属或有机杂质会影响试片的外观,因此可以判断这些杂质是否存在。TEST METHODSBefore running a Hull Cell plat ing test, the follow ing steps must be take n:1.Bring the solution to be tested to its normal operating level in the plating tank.2.Either stir the bath

9、 thoroughly or use a sampli ng tube exte nding to the bottom of thetank and go overthe tank uniformly from one end to the other.3.The temperature of the bath sample should be maintained at the proper operating temperature duri ngthe test. The best method for test ing samples at high temperatures is

10、by using aModel HT Hull Cell,which is equipped with a heati ng eleme nt and thermostat.4.Use a clea n Hull Cell and clea n the cathode pan el. If more tha n one type of plat ing soluti on is to betested regularly, one cell should be used exclusively for each type to avoid crosscon tam in ati on.5.Hu

11、ll Cell plat ing tests do not elim in ate the n eed for occasi onal chemical an alysis.Such an alyses shouldbe made before the plati ng test so that the bath sample can be adjusted to the optimum compositi oneither prior to or duri ng the seque nee of Hull Cell tests.分析方法在进行赫尔槽测试前,以下的步骤必修遵循1使要进行测试的镀

12、液操作条件和镀槽里的一样。2要么彻底搅拌镀液或使用采样管延伸到镀槽底部从镀槽的一边转到另一边。3.在测试时测试镀液的温度必修保持在一定的操作范围, 一些要在较高温度下测试的镀液,最好采用可加热和控温的赫尔槽4使用清洁的赫尔槽和试片。赫尔槽最好专用,避免不同镀液的交叉污染。5赫尔槽测试不能取消代替必要的化学分析, 在赫尔槽测试前应分析样品,以便镀液可以在赫尔槽测试时调整到最佳的范围。6.Zinc coated steel cathode pan els must be stripped of the zinc by immers ing theminto a 1:1 soluti on ofhydrochloric acid and water, rinsed and then cleaned with a wet, clean cloth or wet paper towel, justbefore use. Since the Hull Cell

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