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1、外文文献翻译原文及译文(节选重点翻译)中文标题:拼多多营销模式研究文 献 出 处 :Maurice Cohen. The Research of Pin Duo Duo MarketingPattern J Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,2019,1(2): 246-256.译文字数:3300 多字原文The Research of Pin Duo Duo Marketing Pattern Maurice CohenAbstractSocial e-commerce is a new e-commerce model that h

2、as quietly emerged in recent years. Pin Duo Duo are representatives of social e- commerce, from the group of friends in the group, Offline Street advertising to the title of the variety, you can see its figure. Founded in September 2015, it is a third-party social e-commerce platform dedicated to C2

3、B (Customer to Business). In recent years, relying on the extensive application of network technology, Tencents high-traffic products have launched its innovative “social e-commerce” shopping-single mode, and in the short three years, it ranks among the top three e-commerce platforms. The analysis o

4、f the highlights and deficiencies in the marketing strategy adopted by the company has been carried out, and the optimization measures that should be taken are sought.Keywords: Pin Duo Duo, Marketing strategy, Social E-commerce IntroductionPin Duo Duo is a third-party shopping platform where users c

5、an purchase goods at a lower price by initiating a group with friends, family, neighbors, and the like. Since the launch of the company in 2015, the number of users has exceeded 300 million, and the monthly turnover hasexceeded 40 billion yuan. On July 26 this year, the company was officially listed

6、 in the US, and its increase was over 40% on the first day of listing. Pin duo duo development in such a short period of three years is so rapid, its unique new social e-commerce thinking is indispensable, but its rapid development, there are also many shortcomings in the marketing model. Constantly

7、 revised to seek better development.In July 2016, it won a total investment of 110 million US dollars from top investment institutions such as Tencent, Gaochun Capital, New Tianyu Capital and IDG. At the end of 2016, the turnover of a single day exceeded 10 million yuan, and the number of paid users

8、 exceeded 20 million. At that time, the number of active users and the number of transactions that had been put together were already comparable to those of Vipshop. This means that it took more than a year to fight and it took the old e-commerce company to walk in three or four years. On December 9

9、, 2017, according to the latest e-commerce APP data released by Cheetah, it is shown that there are four more Lectra Tmall, Suning Tesco, Vipshop, and Jingdong. The weekly penetration rate is second only to mobile Taobao. The second place of the business APP. More and more in the competition of e-co

10、mmerce giants gradually have a place.Fighting group to attract trafficWhen a user buys a product on a traditional group purchase website (such as Meituan, Baidu glutinous rice, handle net, etc.), there is no limiton the number of people. One person and 100 people buy the same price, and the consumer

11、 does not know whether the business is true. It is the bottom price. Simply put, the essence of this type of website group purchase is a long-term discount sale. The group purchase method is much different from the general e-commerce website. In its platform, each product has a separate purchase pri

12、ce and a group price. You can choose to buy a group to make a product order. After the group payment is successful, you can obtain a forwarding link and invite friends. Participating groups, members of the delegation can also share the group purchase link, invite more members to participate in the d

13、elegation, invite the corresponding number of people to pay for the purchase within the specified time, and then successfully wait for the receipt. If the number of people fails to reach the group, the system will automatically refund the payment account. In short, it is to use sharing to get profit

14、.This type of grouping seems to better reflect the connotation of group buying: if the number of buyers reaches a certain number of advantages, they can purchase goods at a more favorable price. This also means the old saying: Many people are more powerful. In the process of grouping, in order to re

15、ach the number of people in the group, consumers will consciously help the merchants to promote and form a viral spread. This effect is not available in traditional group purchases, and this is the meaning of the group. In this scenario, the consumer is notonly the consumer, but also the retailer of

16、 the group behavior, and the gain in the retail behavior is the price concession obtained after the group. In the process of grouping, the buyer obtains the corresponding goods at a lower price. The seller saves the marketing expenses through the self- marketing of the buyer, and at the same time reduces the production risk through the mode of pre-payment, thereby achieving a win-win situation betwe

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