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1、能力:1、能读懂介绍名著、作家的文章教学重点1、punishment、include等词的用法教学难点1、turn around等词组的用法教学过程一、课堂导入教师读句子,让学生听并复述1. It describes peoples lives in the southern states of American at that time.2. It tells how people grow.3. It is written in everyday English , and the dialogues sound especially real.4. It is still read an

2、d loved by people all over the world.5. Everyone is surprised to see them at first, but very pleased to find that they are alive.二、复习预习教师引导学生复习上节课所学知识点,(以提问、回顾的形式进行),针对上节课的作业进行讲评、订正、答疑,并通过对一些动词的分析和扩展导入本节课所要学习Unite 3.三、知识讲解知识点1:The work is a punishment because he missed school one day.1.【考查点】punishme

3、nt名词,意为“处罚、惩罚”。其动词形式为punish.如:My punishment for littering was several hours of picking up trash.我因乱扔杂物而受到的处罚是捡几个小时的垃圾。You cant punish me for something I did not do.你不能为我没做过的事而惩罚我。2.【考查点】miss及物动词,还可意为“想念”。What did you miss most when you lived there?你在那里生活的时候最怀念的是什么?知识点2:But soon he turns the situatio

4、n round, and he is helped by his friends instead.1.【考查点】turn round 意为“好转、使变得完全不同”。Do you think our housing sales will turn round during this year?你认为今年我们的住宅销路会好换吗?2.【考查点】turn round意为“转身”。The man in white did not turn round.穿白色衣服的男士没有转身。知识点3:He asks each friend to give him something valuable, and in

5、return they are allowed to do some of Toms work.1.【考查点】in return意为“作为回报”。What did you give him in return?你给他什么作为报答呢?The little girl gave me a big hug in return for my help.这个小姑娘给了我一个热情的拥抱以答谢我的帮助。知识点4:Some people in the book are not included in the film.1.【考查点】include及物动词,意为“包括、包含”。Some new words are

6、 included in this text.一些新单词被包含在这篇课文中。The price includes both house and furniture.这个价格包括房子和家具。知识点5:There are many writers now, but they write on the Internet, for free.1.【考查点】for free意为“免费、无偿”。People living in that city can take the bus for free.住在那个城市的居民可以免费乘坐公共汽车。If you buy one. I will give you an

7、other one for free.如果你买一个,我将再免费送一个。知识点6:He gets lost in strange places, and he runs away from danger all the time.1.【考查点】all the time意为“一直、始终”。I think about that all the time.我一直在想那件事。The baby cries all the time.那个婴儿一直哭。知识点7:He wrote down his ideas in the form of many famous dialogues and letters.1.

8、【考查点】in the form of 意为“以.的形式”。My garden is in the form of a square.我的花园是方形的。His family story is told in the form of a play.他的家史是以戏剧的形式来叙述的。知识点8:But he does not he get into trouble?1.【考查点】be in trouble意为“陷入困境、有困难”。They are in trouble now. Who can help them?现在他们陷入了困境。谁能帮帮他们?【考查点】have trouble in doing

9、sth.意为“做某事有麻烦”。I had some trouble in reading the book.我读这本书有困难。四、例题精析【例题1】 How many _ are there in the USA? Im not sure, probably there are fifty. A.countries B. villages C.towns D.states【答案】D【解析】由答语句意.“.或许有50个”以及备选项常识推断问句句意为:美国有多少个州?,故选D。【例题2】 Confucius was a great educator and _. His thoughts stil

10、l influence us. A.thinker B. scientist C.inventor D. musician【答案】A【解析】由后句句意“他的思想仍然影响着我们”可知,前句意为“孔子是一位伟大的教育家和思想家”,故选A【例题3】 What do you want to be when you_? An astronaut. A. take up B. come up C. grow up D. get up【答案】C【解析】take up“占据、开始从事”;come up“走近,长出”;grow up“成长、长大”;get up“起床”,故选C.【例题4】 The dog too

11、k a piece of meat and_ . A.put away B. took off C.ran away D.saw off【解析】put away“把.收起”;take off“脱掉、起飞”;run away“逃走”;see off“送行”,故选C.五、课堂运用【基础】 1. He has studied American _(文学)for many years.【答案】literature 【解析】句意为“他学习文学已经有很多年了”,故填literature.2Lu Xun is known _ not only a great writer but also a great

12、thinker. B. for C.with D. as【解析】句意为“鲁迅不但作为一位著名的作家而且作为一位著名的思想家而出名”。Be known as.意为“作为.而出名”,故选D。3The teacher advised us to read four famous classical _ of Chinese literature. B. works C. job【答案】B【解析】句意为:老师建议我们阅读4部中国经典文学名著。Work意为“著作”时,为可数名词,由four知用复数形式,故选B.【巩固】 4. Jenny got up and the

13、n_(hurry)to school without breakfast.【答案】hurried【解析】and连接的并列谓语在形式上要一致,由got可知hurry也要用过去式hurried.5.He found it difficult_ others with English. A. help B. helping C.helped help【解析】此句中it为形式宾语,而真正的宾语为后面的动词不定式短语,故选D.6What a nice day! We should go sightseeing _ watching TV in the hotel. A because of B

14、. instead of C. together with D. out of【解析】because of意为“因为”,instead of意为“代替”,together with“连同”,out of .“从.出来”。根据句意:天气多好呀!我们应该去观光而不是待在旅店里看电视。【拔高】 7. Would you like _me with my English? Yes, Id love to A. help help C. helps D.helping【解析】would you like to do sth.?意为“你愿意做某事吗?”是固定句型,故选B. 8. Annie _ to the party. She had a wonderful time with us. A.invites invited C.was invited D.has invited【解析】根据后句句意“她和我们过度了一段愉快的时光”知前句意为“安妮被邀请参加聚会”,故用被动语态;又由后句是一般过去时知前句应用

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