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1、陷入,卷入; be trapped in 陷于.处境之下)我们中有些人不得不禁足在家Some are stuck far away from home有些人不得不滞留他乡Some of us have lost their jobs,(失业,同义词be out of work, be unemployed;lose vt 失去。易混点:be lost 迷失;be lost in全神贯注于;lose heart失去信心,lose ones heart to爱上了)我们中有人失去了工作Some have to shut down their businesses (shut down关闭,歇业,停

2、业;shut up住口,闭嘴)有人关停了赖以为生的生意Some of us are cutting down the expenses(cut down削减, 砍倒; cut up切碎,cut out:切断; cut off:切掉, 砍掉, 隔离, 停止)我们中有人不得不缩减开支Some cant even pay their rent and bills有人甚至支付不起房租和账单Somecant go back to school我们中有人无法回到学校Some cant get back to their jobs有人无法回到工作岗位And some of us are still work

3、ing day and night,我们中有人必须日夜坚守no matter how exhausted they are(此处=however,引导让步状语从句;但no matter how 一般不用来引导名词性从句, 而however可以引导名词性从句;however还表示转折,相当于but, nevertheless, nonetheless之类的词,而且使用时一般后面加个逗号,注意but后面不加逗号。无论多么疲惫Or how dangerous it is.抑或多么危险Some of us have become infected.我们中有人被感染They were isolated

4、from their families, their loved ones,他们不得不离开家人和所爱之人and have to be alone in the wards,独自在病房面对恐惧Or even worse, it is their children, parents, or loved ones that are infected (强调句 it is/was +被强调部分+that+其他成分,被强调部分是人时,可以用who替换that。此句强调主语)甚至更遭的是,被感染的是他们的孩子、父母或者爱人and they dont even have a chance to say go

5、odbye他们甚至来不及当面道别The virus is rampaging病毒在大行肆虐The numbers are increasing感染人数在不断增加The rumors are spreading谣言四起The fear is growing恐惧弥漫It seems that all of a sudden似乎整个国家都在一瞬间the whole country lost its vitality and prosperity.失去了往日的活力和繁华You are not the only one who is worrying,(定语从句, 先行词为the only one)你不

6、是一个人在担忧you are not the only one who is fearing,你不是一个人在恐惧You are not the only one who is struggling你不是一个人在苦苦支撑We are all facing a dark time right now,我们都在面临一个黑暗时刻Our country is facing a dark time right now.我们整个国家都在面临一个黑暗时刻This is a war! 这是一场战争!Its a war without guns, bombs, or smoke (without/with结构做定

7、语)这是一场没有枪、没有炮、没有硝烟的战争But its a war with virus, doubts, fears, rumors, and discriminations.但这是一场与病毒、怀疑、恐惧、谣言和歧视的战争But we shall all be fighters, my dear fellows!但我们都是战士!我亲爱的同胞们,Not just the doctors, the nurses, the policemen and the scientists who should fight不仅仅只是医生、护士、警察和科学家在战斗All of us should be th

8、e fighters in this war我们都应该成为这场战争中的战士We shall fight against fear (shall在疑问句中可用于征求对方意见,主要用于第一人称,其意为“要不要”“好;shall在陈述句表示说话者的允诺、告诫、威胁、命令、规定、必然性等,主要用于第二、三人称;should作为情态动词最基本的意思是“应该”既可指有责任或义务 “应该”做某事,也可指建议或劝告某人“应该”做某事,还可指推测某事或某情况“应该”会发生。当“应该”讲,shall更正式。我们应该和恐惧斗争We shall fight against uncertainty我们应该和未知斗争We

9、 shall fight against doubts我们应该和怀疑斗争We shall fight against selfishness我们应该和自私斗争We shall fight against rumors我们应该和谣言斗争We shall fight against discriminations我们应该和歧视斗争This is going to be a fierce and cruel war (be going to 表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情,根据主观判断将来肯定发生的事情;will表示客观上将来势必发生的事情,表示的将来时间则较远一些)这将会是一场激烈的严酷的战争But

10、 dont be afraid,(祈使句)但是不用害怕Were going to win this war together in the end!我们终将取得这场战争的胜利Our people may get sick,(情态动词表推测可记忆口诀:can不肯,may不问,must肯定不否问。Can肯定句表示能,会;may疑问句表示请求,must否定句是不允许,疑问句是非要,偏偏。我们的人民可能生病our city may get sick,我们的城市可能生病but we as a brave nation, will never ever get sick但我们作为一个勇敢的民族,绝不会被病

11、魔打倒Because we have the history, spirit and determination to win.因为我们拥有必胜的历史、精神和决心!Weve been on this planet for over 5000 years.我们在地球上已经延续了5000年Weve witnessed much darker moments我们见证过更加黑暗的时刻Weve been through much crueler trials我们经历过更加残酷的考验No matter its the war, invasion, starvation, poverty or natura

12、ldisasters 无论是战争、侵略、饥饿、贫穷还是自然灾害Weve always survived and我们总是幸存下来Weve always stood back up on our feet我们总是能重新站立起来Weve always won in the end.我们总是赢的最后的胜利And we will definitely win this time.所以这一次我们也将取得最终的胜利We dont know how long this will take,我们不知道这场战争将持续多久Or what cost we have to pay又或者我们将付出什么代价But ther

13、es one thing we are 100% sure但有一件事我们100%的确定That is: we are going to win this war in the end!那就是我们终将赢得这场战争的胜利Because thats what weve been doing for the past 5000 years.(表语从句,what引导表语从句并做do的宾语)因为在我们过去5000年的历史中,我们就是这样做的And thats what makes us the greatestnation ever(表语从句,what引导表语从句并做主语)而正因如此成就了我们这个世上最伟

14、大的民族It is only by going through dark times that we can separatethe greatest from the great. (强调句,强调状语only by going through dark times)只有经历黑暗时刻才能区分伟大和平庸In each dark time,在每一个黑暗时刻Weve always fought together我们总是共同抗争No matter how strong our enemy was无论我们的敌人有多么强大Or howimpossibleit seemed to win又或者我们赢的概率微乎其微We just kept fighting我们都会坚持战斗Because we are all fighters!因为我们都是战士!When all of th

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