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1、who had his passport stolen in New Zealand, by a parrot. A parrot? A bird? Thats impossible! Are you pulling my leg? No, I am dead serious: its a true story! What happened? According to the article, the Scottish tourist had put his passport in a little bright bag. But the brightness of the bag drew

2、the attention of a parrot, which swooped down, grabbed it, and flew away! Oh my! The poor tourist! Whats he going to do? Well, he cant travel home. In fact, he will now have to spend an extra six weeks in New Zealand. Six weeks? Yeah. The article says thats how long it will take him to get his passp

3、ort renewed. How inconvenient! Indeed. Thats why, when I travel, I always keep important documents in a safe in my hotel room. I would never lose an ID card or passport! Tina, I am in a panic. I cant find my ID card .Ive lost it!Tina: Its probably just misplaced. I am sure it will turn up. No it won

4、t. Ive looked everywhere for it .its nowhere to be found. I think I somehow threw the card out with the rubbish. I did a big house clean on Sunday and may have gotten a bit careless. Oh my, what have I done? Lisa, take it easy .its not the end of the world! Youll just have to get it replaced. How? W

5、ill I be fined? No, of course not. Its a simple two-step process. I had to do it last year. The first thing is to report the card lost or stolen to your local police station. Thats fairly straightforward. Then what? Take a copy of the police report to the Public Security Bureau opposite the National

6、 Library. They will issue a new card immediately. Thats it? Thats it. So Ill have a new card by the end of the week? Yep. Its no big deal, really. Youre a star. Thanks for the help! No worries.Unit2Jack: Eric, I hope I meet the woman of my dreams sooner rather than later. I want to settle down and h

7、ave a family before I am thirty.Eric: Well, Ive always thought that you and Rachel would make a wonderful couple! Rachel? Shed never go for me. I wouldnt be so sure. You should see the way she looks at you.What year were you born in? What year was I born in? Whats that got to do with anything? Lots.

8、 The year you were born says a great deal about your personality and who you would be compatible with as a mate. Youre kidding, right? No. I am perfectly serious. I was born in 1985. Thats the year of the ox. That makes sense, because youre down to earth, caring and loyal, just like ox people. Are y

9、ou aware that Rachel was born in 1987? Yes, I am, but whats your point? Thats the year of the rabbit.Rabbit people are usually sweet natured, sociable and romantic. Just like Rachel You know, it is said that an ideal match for a rabbit is an oxCindy: Lisa, youre such an extroverted person, while I a

10、m much more introverted. Youre outgoing, whereas I am soft spoken. Youre very social, while I am very reserved. What do you think it is that makes our personalities so different? After all, were sisters! I think it all has to do with the nature versus nurture debate? Nature versus nurture? Yes, some

11、 scientists think that people are born with their personalities. Thats the “nature” theory of human behavior. Other scientists claim that the environment people grow up in shapes their personalities. Thats the “nurture” theory of human behavior. Hm. Interesting. I tend to think that the environment

12、determines a persons character. I guess that means I subscribe to the “nurture” theory. Me too. I suppose thats why we are so different. We went to different schools, you played sports while I studied music, and we hung out with different types of friends. Nonetheless, I do think nature plays a role

13、 in shaping personality too. After all, were both intelligent, talented in what we do and very caring towards others. These are probably all traits that we inherited. Maybe. I am no expert. The important thing to me is that we get along so well, enjoy being together and love each other. Youre right.

14、 I couldnt ask for a better sister!Unit3 This is Tina Lin from HTN news, and we are with Rachel Wu today, a student of Feminist Studies. Rachel, would you say that there is true equality in our society between men and women?Rachel: Thats a good question. On the whole, in most areas, I believe we can speak about real equality between men and women, and that is a very clear sign of social progress. However, the wage gap is still a significant problem women still earn a lot less money than men who have the same jobs. Can you give us a speci

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