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1、 “So, do you have any questions for me?” Thismon refrain toward the close of a job interview can make even the best of us stammerwhen the tables are turned. But with the national unemployment rate over 8%, sharpinterview skills are more important than ever. “那么,你有什么想问的吗?”这个面试结束前最常见的问题能让即使原本处于上风的面试者也

2、顿时变得结结巴巴。在失业率超过8%的当前趋势下,的掌握比以往任何时候都具有意义。 Most employers agree that, “No, I have no questions,” is the worst possible response. “Themost frustrating thing for a recruiter is when you dont have any questions at all,” says recruiterAbby Kohut of AbsolutelyAbby. 很多招聘人员都同意“不了,我没什么想问的”这样的回答是他们认为最糟糕的回复。“对于

3、公司的招聘人员来说,没什么比应聘者毫无疑问更让人沮丧的事情了。”Absolutely网站的招聘者,Abby Kohut说道。 We asked professional recruiters to brief us on the top ten most mon interviewquestions to scratch off our lists immediately. 我们向专业招聘人员要来了“10个最糟糕的面试提问”,这些问题应该立马从我们的脑子里删除。 Questions You Should Never Ask in a Job Interview 面试时你永远不要问的那些问题:

4、1. Anything related to salary or benefits 1.关于薪水和福利的任何事,都不要问 “Company benefits and salary negotiations dont e into play until an offer has beenextended,” says Kohut. The same principle applies to sick time and vacation days. Its best toavoid any question that sounds like you assume you already have

5、the positionunless, ofcourse, your interviewer brings it up first. “除非已正式雇佣,否则公司的薪水、福利以及关于薪水的谈判永远都不会展现给应聘者,”Kohut说道。同样,病假、假期等相关的问题也不能问。除非对方已经暗示你将得到这份工作,否则,不要提出任何以上提到的问题,这会让人觉得你已有胜券在握的感觉。 2. Questions that start with “why?” 2.不要提出任何以“为什么”开头的问题 Why? Its a matter of psychology. These kinds of questions

6、 put people on the defensive,says Kohut. She advises repositioning a question such as, “Why did the pany lay off peoplelast year?” to a less confrontational, “I read about the layoffs you had. Whats your opinion onhow the pany is positioned for the future? 为什么呢?因为这是个心理学问题。以“为什么”开头的问题会让人变得具有防御意识,Kohu

7、t解释道。她建议可以换个方式问问题,比如,把“为什么贵公司去年要裁员?”的问题巧妙转变成:“我听说去年贵公司裁员了 _,请问,您对于公司未来的定位有什么看法? 3. “Who is your petition? 3.“我的竞争者都有些谁? This is a great example of a question that could either make you sound thoughtful ortotally backfire and reveal that you did zero research about the pany prior to theinterview, say

8、s Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter of CareerTrend. Before asking any question,determine whether its something you could have figured out yourself through a Googlesearch. If it is, a) dont ask it and b) do that Google search before your interview! 这个问题是把双刃剑,它也许会让你显得考虑周全也可能带来出其不意的反效果,让用人单位觉得你根本没有事先做好对公司的.研究、

9、也丝毫不重视这次面试CareerTrend网站的Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter说道。在问出任何一个问题前,请先自问:这个问题我能不能自己用google找到答案?如果能,那么,请1)千万别问这个问题2)面试前先用google搜一搜! 4. “How often do reviews our? 4.“公司多久对员工进行一次评估? Maybe youre concerned about the panys view of your performance, or maybe yourejust curious, but nix any questions about the pa

10、nys review or self-appraisal policies. “Itmakes us think youre concerned with how often negative feedback might be delivered,” saysKohut. Keep your confidence intact, and avoid the topic altogetheror at least until youreceive an offer. 也许你比较在乎公司对你工作表现的看法,也许你只是好奇想问这个罢了。无论如何,请拒绝任何关于员工评估或政策的问题。“这个问题会让我

11、们觉得,你很在乎关于自己的消极反馈多久会向上汇报一次”,Kohut说道。保持自信吧,避免这些问题等你已经得到了这份工作再问也不迟。 5. “May I arrive early or leave late as long as I get my hours in? 5.“在保证工作时间的前提下,我可以迟到或早退吗? Even if you make it clear that youre hoping for a flexible schedule to aommodate alegitimate concern such as picking up your kids from daycar

12、e, Barrett-Poindexter advisesagainst this question. “While work-life balance is a very popular concern right now, its not themost pressing consideration for a hiring decision-maker,” she says. “Insinuating early onthat youre concerned about balancing your life may indicate to your employer that you

13、aremore concerned about your needs and less concerned about the panys.” 即使你已经表明你的初衷只是想知道能不能弹性工作,以满足那些合理的要求-比如去日托所接小孩-但Barrett-Poindexter建议别问这个问题。“诚然,生活和工作间的平衡是当今很流行的主题,但是对于招聘人员来讲却并不是,”她说道,“过早暗示你对工作和生活之间的平衡,可能会给你的雇主一种”此人较注重个人利益,而非公司利益”的印象。 6. “Can I work from home? 6.“我能在家工作吗? Unless it was implied i

14、n the initial job description, dont bring it up. “Some panies willallow you to work from home on oasion once they see what a productive employee you are,”says Kohut. But an interview isnt the time to be asking for special favors. Right now your toppriority is selling them on you first. 除非招聘启事里写了这条,否

15、则,千万别问。“某些公司也许会同意你在家工作,前提是他们知道你是个高效率的雇员”,Kohut说。但无论如何,面试的重点是先成功把自己推荐出去,而不是急着询问特殊待遇。 7. “Would you like to see my references? 7.“你们想看我的吗? “Interviewing is a lot like dating,” says Barrett-Poindexter. “Its important to entice withyour value and attract them to call you for the next date.” Offering up your references too soonmay hint at desperation. Plus, you dont want to run the risk of overusing your references.

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