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1、有机会展示自己的能力,他重拾信心,开始在学校取得成功。2.It is so difficult to explore the bottom of the ocean because someparts are very deep.探索海底是很困难的,因为有些地方很深。3.It was about 30 seconds before Alex emerged from the water; we were quite scared.大约过了 30 秒,亚历克斯才从水里出来,我们非常害怕。4.We often assume that when other people do the same th

2、ings as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable.我们经常假设,当别人和我们做同样的事情时, 他们做这些事情的原因是一样的; 但是这种假设并不总是合理的。5.There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may pose athreat to social stability.人们普遍担心失业率上升可能对社会稳定构成威胁。6.After a(n) comprehensive physica

3、l exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high.经过全面的身体检查,医生说我身体状况很好,只是血压有点高。7.It is well known that China is a country with rich natural resourcesand a very big population.众所周知,中国是一个自然资源丰富、人口众多的国家。8.Some people believe that the earth can yield enough f

4、ood to supportat least twice its present population.一些人相信地球可以生产足够的食物来养活至少两倍于现在的人口。9.Sam inherited the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action.山姆继承了家里人的想象力,但他缺乏采取行动的动力。10.A bee that has found honey is able to transmit to other bees theinformation they need

5、in order to collect the honey.找到蜂蜜的蜜蜂能够将收集蜂蜜所需的信息传递给其他蜜蜂。2.15选 10attain 赢得,获得,得到 ; fascinating 迷人的,吸引人 fulfill 履行,执行 pursue 追求,致力于 available 可获得的可利用的 qualify 使合适, 合格 raise 提升,增加 passion 强烈的爱好,热爱 virtually 实际上classify 分类归类 acquire 获得,取得,学到 fashionable 流行的especially 特别的 sample 样品,标本 prosperous 繁荣的 Uni

6、versity students come from different parts of the country with various purposes. However, a closer look at their reasons for studying at the university will enable us to (1) classify them roughly into three groups: those who have a(n) (2) passion for learning, those who wish to (3) attain a bright f

7、uture, and those who learn with no definite purpose. Firstly, there are many students who learn simply because they (4) pursue theirgoal of learning. Somer ead a wealth of British and American novels because they are keenly interested in literature. Others sit in front of the computer screen, workin

8、g on a new program, (5) virtually day and night,because they find some computer programs (6) fascinating , and they dream of becoming a Bill Gates one day. Secondly, there are students who work hard mainly for a better and more (7) prosperous future. It seems thatthe majority of students fall into t

9、his group. After admission to the university, they read books after books to (8) acquire knowledge from all of the resources which are (9) available to them, and finally, to succeed in the future job market. Thirdly, there are still some students who learn without a clear goal. They take courses, fi

10、nish homework, enjoy life on campus, but dont want to (10) sample anything new or challenging. They have no idea what they will be doing after college. And they may end up with nothing in their lives. 大学生来自全国各地,目的各异。然而,仔细研究他们在大学学习的原因,我们 可以将他们大致分为三类: 对学习有热情的人、 希望获得光明未来的人和没有明 确目标的人。 首先, 有很多学生仅仅因为追求学习目

11、标而学习。 有些人读了大量 的英美小说, 因为他们对文学很感兴趣。 其他人则坐在电脑屏幕前, 日以继夜地 编写一个新程序,因为他们发现有些电脑程序很迷人, 他们梦想有一天能成为 “比 尔盖茨”。其次,有一些学生主要是为了更好和更繁荣的未来而努力学习。似 乎大多数学生都属于这个群体。 大学入学后, 他们一本接一本地读书, 以便从所 有可利用的资源中获取知识, 最终在未来的就业市场上取得成功。 第三, 仍然有 一些学生没有明确的学习目标。他们学习课程,完成家庭作业,享受校园生活, 但不想尝试任何新的或有挑战性的东西。 他们不知道大学毕业后会做什么。 他们 的生活可能一无所获。3. 选词组open

12、the door to 给以机会 in advance 预先,提前 all at once 同时,一下子 reap the benefits (of) 得享(某事物)的好处 make the most of 最大限度的利用某物 over time 逐渐地,慢慢地get by 过活,活的去 stand a chance (of) 有(做成某事)的希望remind . of 使某人想起 take pleasure in 乐于做某事1.My family got by on my fathers unemployment benefit after he lost his job.我父亲失业后,我们

13、家靠他的失业救济金过活。2.Many subway riders read books or listen to music in order to make themost of their time on the way to work.许多地铁乘客读书或听音乐是为了充分利用上班路上的时间。3.In order to make sure he would be able to attend the meeting, I called him up two weeks in advance .为了确保他能参加会议,我提前两周给他打了电话。4.Experts say our company i

14、s amazing in that sales have been increasing steadily over time .专家们说,我们公司的销售额随着时间的推移一直在稳步增长,这让人吃惊。5.In order to reap the benefits of the physical exercise, you have toexercise regularly, and for at least half an hour each time. 为了从体育锻炼中获益,你必须定期锻炼,每次至少锻炼半小时。6.They all tried to talk all at once , but

15、 I couldnt hear anything theysaid.他们都想一下子说出来,但我听不到他们说的任何话。7.Yellow flowers in the field always remind me of my childhood in thecountryside.田野里的黄花总是让我想起我在农村的童年。8.We have been practicing for so long and so hard that our team should stand a chance of winning the game.我们练习了这么长时间,这么刻苦,我们队应该有机会赢得比赛。9.Research on genes wil

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