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1、TheSHIFTkey is used to access the secondary function of each key(displayed above the key in orange.While shift is active,SHIFTwill be shown on the display.PressSHIFTagain to cancel shift mode.As an alternative to using shift,the secondary function of each key can also be accessed by holding down the

2、 key.This feature can be disabled in Settings.=Display Modes=Display Modes=There are four display modes for calculation results.Use theFSEkey to cycle through the modes. The display will showFIX,SCIENGor blank to indicate the current mode.=Decimal Places=To set the number of decimal places in FIX,SC

3、I or ENG modes,pressSHIFTTAB.This will bring up a dialog to select the number of places from0to9,together with the current value rounded to each. =Normal mode=The result is displayed as a normal floating point value if possible.If its magnitude is less than0.0001 or greater than9999999999,then scien

4、tific notation is used(see SCI mode below.The number of decimal places cannot be adjusted in this mode.=FIX mode(Fixed decimal point=The result is displayed after rounding to the number of decimal places selected bySHIFTTAB.If there is not enough room,the result may be displayed with fewer decimal p

5、laces.=SCI mode(Scientific notation=The result is displayed in the format A x10B,with the mantissa(Arounded to the number of decimal places selected bySHIFTTAB.=ENG mode(Engineering notation=This is the same as SCI mode,except that the exponent is set to a multiple of3.=Note=The value used for calcu

6、lations is the unrounded result stored internally,and not the rounded value shown on the display.=Result History=Result History=Each time theEQUkey is pressed,the calculation result is added to a history list.TheANSkey presents a dialog showing the calculation result history,with the most recent res

7、ults at the top.Select the required value to enter it into the calculator.=History Size=The maximum number of results which are stored can be set via the Settings screen(Menu-Settings. When set toOff,theANSkey simply recalls the last result,without showing a dialog.=Unique History=By default,the val

8、ues in the history list are unique.If a calculation result is the same as one already in the history list,this value is moved to the top.This behaviour can be changed via the Settings screen. =History Reset=The history list can also be cleared via the Settings screen.=Memories=Main Memory=The main m

9、emory has four dedicated function keys:MSstores the current display value into the main memory.MRrecalls the value stored in the main memory.MPadds the current display value to the main memory.MMsubtracts the current display value from the main memory.Whenever a non-zero value is stored in the main

10、memory,the letterMis shown on the display.The main memory can also be accessed via theSTOandRCLkeys(see below.=Additional Memories=There are nine additional memories which can be accessed via theSTOandRCLkeys.These keys show a dialog with the current values stored in the main memoryand the additiona

11、l memories1 to9.Select the appropriate value to store or recall the memory value.=Memory Reset=The values stored in all the memories can be reset to zero via the Settings screen.=Unit Conversion=Unit Conversion=The current display value can be converted between different units using theCONVkey.First

12、,select the unit type from the list(distance,area,speed,time,etc.Second,select the unit to convert from.Drag the list up/down to scroll if necessary.The dialog will show the value converted to all appropriate units,with the original value highlighted in orange.Select the required value to enter it i

13、nto the calculator.Press the back button at any time to go back to the previous step.=Zero Values=For most conversions,an original value of0.0will be replaced by1.0as a convenience to avoid converting zero to zero.This does not apply to conversions which are not a simple ratio,e.g. temperature.The u

14、nit conversion dialog only displays values in decimal,the current radix mode(BIN,OCT or HEXis ignored.=Basic Functions=Arithmetic Calculations=These are entered exactly as written:25MUL3EQU75.Operations can be joined together:12ADD3SUB4EQU11.Multiplication and division have precedence over addition and subtraction and will be performed first:

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