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1、一般指在较大的地方,或在某一范围内They arrived _ Beijing yesterday.Shandong Province lies _the east of China.on一般指在物体的表面,或相邻并接壤的两个地域The picture is hanging _ the wall.Vietnam is _ the south of China.to表示某范围外不接壤的两位置Jiangsu Province is _ the southeast of Hebei Province. beside/by“在的旁边”She was standing _ her mother.Ther

2、e is a small house _ the river.near“接近;靠近”There is a supermarket _ my home.2表示方位的between和amongbetween在两者或每两者之间I sat down _ Sue and Jane.among在三者或三者以上之间The teacher was standing _ the students.3表示方位的across, through, over和pastacross从的表面穿过He walked _ the square to meet us.through从的内部穿过The guide led us _

3、 the forest.over从的上面跨过The thief jumped _ the fence and fled away.past从的旁边经过She walked _ the shop.4表示时间点的at, in和on表示在某个时间点、时刻或重大节日_ 9:00; _ noon; _ daybreak; _Christmas表示在某个较长的时间内,如世纪、朝代或年月;泛指的上午、下午、傍晚_ the 21st century; _ September; _ the morning表示在具体某一天或具体某一天的上午、下午、晚上_ 2nd, September; _ the morning

4、 of 1st, May5表示时间段的for和sincefor“for时间段”意为“多长时间”,表示动作持续的时间长短,一般作完成时、过去时或将来时的时间状语He has lived in the small village _ five years.I studied in Peking University _ 4 years.since“since时间点”意为“自从(过去某时)以来”,作完成时的时间状语He has worked in this company _ graduation.Tom has been doing his homework _ 7 oclock.6表示交通方式的

5、by, in和onby“by名词”表示交通方式时,名词前不加冠词My brother usually goes to school _后的名词必须有冠词或代词等修饰My father often goes to work _ his car/_ his bicycle.7表示“用”的by, in和with指“靠手段,用方法,凭借”,后可接名词、代词或动名词He made a living _ selling newspapers when he was young.多用于表示语言、材料的名词前All the applicants are required to

6、fill _the form in ink.with多用于表示有形的工具或身体器官的名词前They are busy digging _ spades.8表示“除外”的except, except for和besidesexcept表示“除之外(其他的都)”,其后的宾语是被排除在外的,侧重同类事物的排除All my friends took part in the party _John.except for其后被排除的内容与主语往往不是同一类的His composition is good _ a few spelling mistakes.besides表示“除之外(其他的也)”,其后的宾

7、语是被包括在内的He has learned German, French _ English.9其他常考介词的用法(1)against的用法含义(表示态度)反对An agreement seems to be impossible because the majority of the committee members are _ it.(表示对比)以为背景The skiers red clothes stood out clearly _ the snow.(表示方位)倚靠着The girl was leaning _ the wall with her arms folded.(2)b

8、eyond的用法(表示位置)在另一边,在更远处The small village is 20 miles _ the town.(表示时间)晚于He delayed the matter _ the fixed time.(表示程度)超出,非所能及To be acknowledged as the first to receive this honor is _ expression in words for me.(3)over的用法(表示方位)越过The airplane flew _ the mountains and disappeared in the distance.(表示等级或

9、数目)高于,在之上,超过He has got the job because he has the advantage _ others of knowing many languages.(表示时间或过程)在期间Im sorry I didnt phone you, but Ive been very busy _ the past couple of weeks.(4)to的用法(表示方向、距离)到,向,去It was on the way _ the railway station.(表示时间)直到为止,到He wakes at a quarter _ six every morning

10、.(表示比较、比例、参照)与相比,相对于而言I prefer oranges to apples.(表示对象关系)属于,对,给The hospital is attached _ the university.达到(某一点或某个限度)Temperatures dropped _ 25 degrees below zero.(5)under的用法在下面,在之下She placed the ladder _ the window.在过程中The possibility of employing more staff is still _ discussion.(数字、数量、年龄或价格)低于,少于,

11、在以下These toys are not suitable for children _ five.受影响Shes been _ a lot of pressure at work.(6)with的用法和一起,和,同,跟Would you like to go shopping _ me?(表示同时或同一方向)随着_ time going by, the little tree has grown up.具有,带有The dictionary is what I want, but I dont have enough money _ me.由于,因为He trembled _ fear.(

12、表示方式)用He cut it _ a knife.二、介词短语介词的固定搭配考查有两种:一是考查固定搭配中的介词;二是考查介词短语。While staying in the village, James unselfishly shared whatever he had with the villagers without asking for anything in return.(2014浙江高考)当詹姆斯住在这个村里的时候,他无私地把他的任何东西都与村民分享而不图任何回报。Starting your own business could be a way to achieving financial independence.On the other hand, it could just put you in debt.(2014江西高考)自己做生意或许是获得经济独立的一种方法,另一方面,它也可能让你负债。知识积累介词的常用搭配一览1介词与名词的常用搭配(1)atn.表示状态at a loss 不知所措 at peace 处于和平中at war 在战争中 at work 在工作(2)其他以at开头的介词短语at the beginning of 在的开始at the cost of 以的代价

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