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高中英语外研版必修四 module 1 life in the future 含答案Word格式文档下载.docx

1、12surgery n. 外科手术13telesurgery n. 远距离手术14outpatient n. 门诊病人15clinic n. 诊所 第四屏听写16spaceport n 宇航基地17dishwasher n. 洗碗碟机18colony n. 殖民地19pad n. (动物的)脚20doormat n. 门前擦鞋垫 .高频词汇(汉译英)第五屏听写1mud n 泥2alternative adj. 替换的;供选择的3crime n. 罪;罪行4prediction n. 预测5risky adj. 危险的;冒险的6resource n (常作复数)资源 第六屏听写7material

2、 n 材料8rely vi. 依赖;依靠9load vt. 装;装载10arrest vt. 逮捕;拘留11criminal n. 罪犯;犯人12fire vt. 开火;启动 第七屏听写13limit n (常作复数)范围14._outdoors adv. 户外15command n. 命令;指令16charge n. 费用;价钱17power vt. 供给动力18switch n. 开关 vi. 交换;调换 第八屏听写19disability n 失去能力;伤残20attach vt. 系;贴;连接21optimistic adj. 乐观的;乐观主义的22definitely adv. 无疑

3、地;确定地23eventually adv. 最后;终于24predict vt. 预言;预料 第九屏听写25shape vt. 造成形状26for_sure 肯定地27run_out (某物)用完;不多了;没有了28rely_on 依靠29get_rid_of 除掉;处理掉 第十屏听写30free_of_charge 免费31use_up 用完32look_out 小心;当心33for_a_start 首先34on_the_way_out 即将被淘汰;即将过时 二、刷清单(一)核心单词阅读单词1.brick n砖2concrete n. 混凝土3solar adj. 太阳的4urban ad

4、j. 都市的;5landfill n. 垃圾填埋地6online adv. 联机地7.catalogue n目录8recreation n. 娱乐;9bowling n. 保龄球游戏10softball n. 垒球(运动)11flick n. 轻打;12surgery n. 外科手术13.telesurgery n远距离手术14outpatient n. 门诊病人15clinic n. 诊所16spaceport n. 宇航基地17colony n. 殖民地表达1.alternative adj.供选择的;替换的2resource n. (常作复数)资源3material n. 材料4arre

5、st vt. 逮捕;5fire_ vt. 开火;启动6limit n. (常作复数)范围7outdoors adv. 户外8command n&vt. 命令;9charge n. 费用;10power vt. 供给动力11switch n. 开关vi. 交换;调换12eventually adv. 最后;终于;最终13shape vt. 造成形状;塑造语境活用1As natural resources are limited on earth, we will have to use alternative (替换的) energy.2He was a natural leader, and

6、when he commanded (命令) them to do things, everyone obeyed.3Childhood experience often plays a big part in shaping (塑造) ones character.4The man was arrested (逮捕) by the police because he stole a car yesterday.5Eventually (最终) your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adul

7、t.6Can you tell me where the light switch (开关) is?拓展1.mud n泥muddy adj.多泥的;泥泞的2criminal n罪犯;犯人 adj.犯罪的crime n罪;3risky adj.危险的;冒险的risk vt.&n.冒险4rely vi.依赖;依靠reliable adj.可依靠的;可依赖的5load vt.装;装载unload vt.卸载upload vt.上传download vt.下载6disability n失去能力;伤残disable vt.使人丧失能力;使残疾disabled adj.有残疾的;残废的7attach vt

8、.系;连接attachment n附件8optimistic adj.乐观的;乐观主义的optimism n乐观主义9definitely adv.无疑地;确定地definite adj.肯定的;确定的10predict vt.预言;预料prediction n预测1They predicted that there would be an earthquake, but their prediction didnt come true.(predict)2The little boy tried to save his sister from the river at the risk of

9、 his own life, which is quite risky.(risky)3Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for help so your software must be reliable.(rely)4It is bad manners to laugh at disabled people. Most of us may end up in disability one day.(disable)5Mary is an optimistic girl and she believes optimism can creat

10、e miracles. (optimistic)6I definitely remember sending the letter and Im definite about this.(definite)7As a criminal,_the boy who was charged with the crime had shown criminal tendencies since early adolescence.(criminal)(二)常用短语写准记牢语境活用(选用左栏短语填空)1.for_sure肯定地2run_out_ (某物)用完;3rely_on 依靠4get_rid_of

11、除掉;处理掉5place_an_order/orders 订购;下订单6free_of_charge 免费7use_up 用完8look_out 小心;9for_a_start 首先10on_the_way_out 即将被淘汰;即将过时1.No one knows for_sure when advertising first started.2The young man made up his mind to get_rid_of his bad habits.3In the past years they have been relying_on the governments finan

12、cial support.4The natural resources are running_out because of peoples wasting behavior.5If you are not satisfied with our products, we can exchange them free_of_charge within 7 days. (三)经典句式原句背诵句式解构佳句仿写1.Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will never change no matter where they live.每个人在出生时都会领到一个电话号码,无论他们生活在什么地方,这个号码都不会改变。no matter where 引导让步状语从句。不管我们身在何方,友情会把我们的心紧紧相系。No_matter_where_we_are,_friendship will tie our heart tightly. 2.Im t

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