1、设计工作是工程建设的关键环节。做好设计工作,对工程建设的工期、质量、投资费用和建成投产的运行安全靠得住性和生产的综合经济效益,起着决定性的作用。本论文即在遵循原理、合理计划、反复校验的基础上完成。关键词:三个以上AbstractThe graduation design topic for preliminary design of Jinzhou 220/60kV step-down substation electrical part, the design can guarantee the power supply reliability, flexibility and one-ti
2、me meet long-term load requirements, the design will be designed in accordance with the long-term load planning. In the design process. According to the state laws and regulations, implement the program guidelines, policies and the basic construction of national economic construction, from the overa
3、ll situation by using system engineering method, correctly handle the relationship between the production and the life, safety and economic aspects, the comprehensive utilization of resources, saving resources and land, the production process the main equipment, and main works to achieve reliable, a
4、dvanced, applicable. Based on the above principle, the design goal, gradually complete the main variable selection, the formulation of the main electrical wiring, short-circuit current calculation, electrical equipment choice, high voltage power distribution equipment planning, relay protection, lig
5、htning protection planning, planning and design drawings and other major work, has formed a complete paper. With the rapid development of economy, the clean energy power two times in the future will play a decisive role in the development. In order to promote the power of sustained and stable develo
6、pment, ensure the successful construction of West to East power transmission project, to meet the requirements of the power supply to the load area, realize safe power supply, ensure the reliability of power supply, becomes substation reasonable design is particularly important. Design is a key link
7、 in the construction. Do the design work, the project construction period, quality, cost and the completion of the operation safety and reliability and production of comprehensive economic benefits, play a decisive role. The completion of this thesis is to follow the principle, reasonable planning,
8、repeatedly check.引言本毕业设计论文为220/60KV降压变电所电气部份设计,要求所设计的变电所能长期靠得住为其负荷供电。设计进程中遵循国家的法律、法规,贯彻执行国家经济建设的方针、政策和大体建设程序,运用系统工程的方式从全局动身,正确处置生产与生活、安全与经济等方面的关系,实行资源的综合利用,节约能源和用地,对生产工艺、主要设备和主体工程要做到靠得住、适用、先进。在上述原则基础上,明确设计的目的,慢慢完成主变的选择、电气主接线的拟定、短路电流的计算、电气设备选择、高压配电装置的计划、继电保护和自动装置的计划设计、防雷保护计划、绘制图纸等主要工作,形成较为完整的论文。目前,电力
11、计算负荷,均按60%75%计算负荷选择变压器容量,通常一次变电所采用75%,二次变电所采用60%。 1.1.3变压器的选择(1)主变压器一般采用三相变压器,若因为制造和运输条件的限制,在220kv的变电所中,可以采用单相变压器组。当装设一组单相变压器时,要考虑安装设备用相,当主变压器超过一组时,并且各组容量知足全所负荷的75%时,可以不安装设备用相。(2)当系统有调压要求时,从经济运行的观点考虑,对于新建的变电所,应该注意选择有载调压变压器。其中变电所附加的工程造价,在短时刻内是能够回收的。(3)在两个中性点之间直接接地系统连接的变压器,除了低压负荷较大或者与高中压间潮流不稳定的情形外,通过经
12、济的比较,一般都采用自耦变压器。(4)一般采用三相绕组变压器的变电所具有三种电压,例如220kv、110kv、60kv。变压器的负荷计算 变电所60KV侧的用户总容量S=26400/+18500/+18900/+14100/+12900/= 变压器的容量:(考虑负荷的同时系数和线损)S=S(1+5%)= 根据主变压器容量选择的规则(停一台主变压器后,余者能够带70%的负荷)S= S70%=若选择两台90000KVA主变压器,则其中一台容量占总负荷比例为:(90000/ S)100%=%65%(重要负荷比例),知足设计要求。所以选择的变压器型号参数为:型号SFPZ7-90000/220空载损耗(KW)104额定容量(KVA)90000负载损耗(KW)359额定电压(KV)高2308%,低69阻抗电压(%)连接组别YN,d11空载电流(%)本次设计的220/60kV降压变电所采用2台主变压器并列运行的方式。第二章变电所电气主接线的选择电气主接线指的是变电所的变压器、输电线路与电力系统相连接,完成输配电任务。它是变电所电气设计的首要任务,也是组成电力系统的重要环节。主接线方案的肯定与电力系统及发电厂、变电所本身运行的靠得住性、灵活性和经济性等紧密相关,并对电气设备选择、配电装置布置、继电保护和控制方式的拟订有
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