1、 (2) 建设性质: 1.2 建设和运营单位(1) 建设单位: (2) 运营单位: 1.3 建设背景及意义1.4 编制依据编制项目建议书的主要依据是:2. 项目立项的必要性2.1. 现状及存在的主要问题针对目前存在的主要环保问题,重点从以下几个方面分析论证项目建设的必要性和迫切性:3. 建设方案3.1. 建设规模及目标(1) 处理对象: (2) 建设规模: (3) 项目目标: 3.2 技术方案 3.2.1 依托条件 3.2.2 工艺方案3.2.3 设备(设施)方案3.4 项目进度计划安排4. 投资估算4.1. 投资估算依据5. 结论及建议5.1. 结论5.1.1. 废物的基本情况及最终去向 5
2、.1.2 废物最终去向执行标准 5.1.3 投资和成本估算 5.2 问题及建议篇二:项目建议书格式(经典)图片已关闭显示,点此查看项目建议书又称立项报告,是项目建设筹建单位或项目法人,根据国民经济的发展、国家和地方中长期规划、产业政策、生产力布局、国内外市场、所在地的内外部条件,提出的某一具体项目的建议文件,是对拟建项目提出的框架性的总体设想。往往是在项目早期,由于项目条件还不够成熟,仅有规划意见书,对项目的具体建设方案还不明晰,市政、环保、交通等专业咨询意见尚未办理。项目建议书是由项目投资方向其主管部门上报的文件,目前广泛应用于项目的国家立项审批工作中。它要从宏观上论述项目设立的必要性和可能
5、、投资估算,需要说明需要投入的固定资金和流动资金;9、投资方式和资金来源;项目建议书的编报程序项目建议书由政府部门、全国性专业公司以及现有企事业单位或新组成的项目法人提出。其中,跨地区、跨行业的建设项目以及对国计民生有重大影响的项目、国内合资建设项目,应由有关部门和地区联合提出;中外合资、合作经营项目,在中外投资者达成意向性协议书后,再根据国内有关投资政策、产业政策编制项目建议书;大中型和限额以上拟建项目上报项目建议书时,应附初步可行性研究报告。项目建议书的编报要求:根 据现行规定,建设项目是指一个总体设计或初步设计范围内,由一个或几个单位工程组成,经济上统一核算,行政上实行统一管理的建设单位
6、。项目建议书的审批权限:目前,项目建议书要按现行的管理体制、隶属关系,分级审批。(一) 大中型基本建设项目、限额以上更新改造项目,委托有资格的工程咨询、设计单位初评后,经省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市计委及行业归口主管部门初审后,报国家计委审批,其*大型项目(总投资4亿元以上的交通、能源、原材料项目,2亿元以上的其他项目),由国家计委审核后报国务院审批。落实供水、供电、供气、供热、雨污水排放、电信等市政公用设施配套方案。落实环保、劳保、卫生防疫、节能、消防措施。 外商投资企业申请企业名称预登记。篇三:篇四:environmental project proposalswe live in th
7、e earth crying, calling for the earth we live. does not protect the planet and humanity cry, called on people to protect the earth, caring for the earth. i want to tell people, we only have one earth.environmental degradation, no turning back the beginning of chinasenvironmental problems are not fro
8、m today. back in the 1990s, had very serious environmental pollution problems. such as the huaihe river basin. in the 1990s, five accounted for 80% of water quality, the huaihe river is like a huge year-round gutter. in 1995, the environmental pollution caused economic losses of 187.5 billion yuan.
9、the institute estimates, environmental pollution and ecological damage by the loss has accounted for 15% of total gdp, which means that one side is a 9% economic growth, while 15% loss rate.developed zhejiang province, has reached 100% coverage of acid rain. the frequency of occurrence of acid rain,
10、 11% of the haida, jiangsu, approximately 12%. central region and some southern cities, such as yibin, huaihua, shaoxing, zunyi, ningbo, wenzhou, etc., more than 90% of the acid rain frequency.in china, the basic elimination of acid rain pollution in the maximum allowable sulfur dioxide emissions by
11、 12 million to 1400 million tons. in 2003, an emission of sulfur dioxide has reached 21.587 million tons, up 12% over 2002, includingindustrial emissions increased by 14.7%. according to the current rate of economic growth. and pollution control methods and efforts, by 2020, the country only on the
12、thermal power plant emissions of sulfur dioxide will reach 21 million tons or more, all emissions will exceed the capacity of more than one times the atmospheric environment, which environment and public health will be a serious disaster.january 27, davos, switzerland world economic forum was predic
13、ted that, if not further remediation, human history, sudden environmental crisis on the economy, the 1greatest destruction of the social system, is likely to occur in the near future in china. pollution in a dilemma there is a saying in economic development, control theenvironment, investment in env
14、ironmental protection to be more than 1.5% of gdp. but this is already very good in the environmental situation in china, according to shanghais experience, to be truly effective control environment, environmental protection investment should account for more than 3% of gdp. in the past 20 years, chinas annual investment in environmental protection, in the first half of 1990 was 0.5%, 1% in recent years only a little more. environ
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