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1、,Watch and answer,Questions:,1.When did the event happen?2.What were you doing when Chinese Womens Volleyball Team won the gold in the Rio Olympics?,Background information,Martin Luther King,April 4,1968,Civil Rights MovementRacial discrimination,September 11,2001,World Trade Center,landmark,taken d

2、own by terrorist,What do you think the passage is about?,Title:Do you remember what you were doing?,Do you remember what you were doing?,The passage talks about _.The passage talks about the future events.The passage talks about the present events.The passage talks about the past events.,Title:,The

3、title can be helpful for you to understand a text.,Skimming,1.What are the two events in the passage?2.When did they happen?,Martin Luther King was killed On April 4,1968.,The world trade center was taken down by terrorists On September 11,2001.,Martin Luther King was killed.,The world trade center

4、was taken down by terrorists.,Scanning,Scan the passage,find out the two events,their dates,peoples activities and feelings and fill in the blanks.,Event,Date,Peoples activities,Peoples feelings,Martin Luther King was killed.,On April 4,1968.,Allen was at home with his parents and they were eating d

5、inner in the kitchen.,They were completely shocked.,the First Event,Event2,Date,Peoples activities,Peoples feelings,The world trade center was taken down by terrorists.,On September 11,2001.,Kate Smith was working in her office near the two towers.,She was so scared that she could hardly think clear

6、ly after that.,the Second Event,_ 1.Everyone in America remembers who killed Dr.King._ 2.Robert Allen was eating lunch when Dr.King was killed._ 3.Roberts parents were shocked to hear the news._ 4.Kate Smith was watching a movie when a plane hit the World Trade Center._ 5.Kate didnt think her friend

7、 was telling the truth about the event.,F,F,T,F,T,dinner,working in her office,Some people may not remember,Read the passage again.Are the following statements true(T)or false(F),or is the information not given(NG)?,2c,Underline sentences from the passage with similar meanings to the ones below.,1.N

8、ot everyone will remember who killed him,but they can remember what they were doing when they heard that he got killed.2.No one said anything for the rest of dinner.,Although some people may not remember who killed him,they remember what they were doing when they heard the news.We finished the rest

9、of our dinner in silence.,2d,3.September 11,2001the date alone means something to most people in the US.4.I had trouble thinking clearly after that because I was very afraid.,Even the date September 11,2001 has meaning to most Americans.I was so scared that I could hardly think clearly after that.,D

10、eath of Martin Luther King,Attack on World Trade Center,Pair work:How much do you remember about the two events?,A:When was Dr.King killed?B:A:Where did it happen?What was Robert Allen doing whenB:How did feel about that?.B:,1.Students write a statement based on their experiences on a piece of paper

11、.2.Students hand in their paper.The teacher asks students to choose one piece of paper and judge if the statement is true or false.3.Then give the reasons why it is true or not.,True or False?,RULES,1.In America,for example,many people remember what they were doing on April 4,1968.比如说,在美国,许多人记得他们在19

12、68年4月4日正在做什么。for example,介词短语,“例如”,一般以同类人或事物中的“一个”为例,作插入语,用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。Noise,for example,is a kind of pollution.例如,噪音就是一种污染。Milk and eggs are healthy food,for example.比如说牛奶和鸡蛋是健康事物。,2.She remembers working in her office near the two towers.她记得当时正在两座大楼附近的办公室里上班。remember doing sth.是固定搭配,表示“记得曾经做过

13、某事”,其中remember表示“记得;想起”。I dont remember meeting him anywhere last year.我不记得去年在什么地方见过他。She remembers having dinner with her family at the time of rainstorm.她记得在暴风雨来临时她正在和家人一起吃晚餐。,3.I was so scared that I could hardly think clearly after that.我是如此害怕以至于那之后我几乎不能清楚地思考。句中so that引导的是结果状语从句,此处可以与too to结构转化,

14、原句相当于I was too scared to think clearly after that.My father was so tired that he fell asleep without having dinner.我爸爸非常累,还没吃晚饭就睡着了。She was so sad that she couldnt stop crying.她是如此伤心以至于不停地哭泣。,In America,for example,many people remember what they were doing on April 4,1968.(P38)【原句翻译】_【仿写造句】,for exam

15、ple,_,比如说,在美国,许多人记得他们在,1968年4月4日正在做什么。,2.Even the date September 11,2001 has meaning to most Americans.(P38)【原句翻译】_【仿写造句】Evenhas meaning to_,甚至这个日子2001年9月11日对大多数人,美国人来说是有意义的。,3.I had trouble thinking clearly after that because I was very afraid.(P39)【原句翻译】_【仿写造句】have trouble doing _,在那之后我很难清晰地想起来,因为

16、我太害怕了。,1)_,smart phones are only used by few people,but they are quite popular now.A.So farB.At firstC.As wellD.After all2)Tom may not tell the _(true)to us.3)My parents didnt say anything and had dinner in the living room in _(silent).,B,truth,silence,4)I had great trouble _(speak)clearly after that because I was very afraid.5)Mary often goes hik

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