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中考英语语法测试 形容词副词.docx

1、中考英语语法测试 形容词副词2013中考英语语法测试:形容词、副词(1)1The white shirt is as _ as the yellow one.AcheapBcheaperCcheapestDthe cheapest2These shoes are much too _ for me.AbigBbiggerCbiggestDthe biggest3It was _ yesterday than today.Amuch hotBmore hotterCthe hottestDhotter4The fifth crange is _ of all. Give it to that s

2、mall childAbigBbiggerCthe biggerDthe biggest5Lin Tao jumped _ of all the students at the school sports meetingAfartherBfarthestCfarDhigh6I think thats _ piece of music at the moment.Amore popularBthe most popularCpopularDmost popular7My daughter is doing _ this month than last month.Amuch goodBvery

3、wellCmuch betterDwell8This box is _ that one.Aheavy thanBso heavy thanCheavier asDas heavy as9Which colour do you like _ , white, red _ yellow?Amore; andBbetter; andCbest; orDmuch; or10Of all the stars ,the sun is _ to us.AnearBnearerCthe nearestDfather答案1Aasas结构中应用形容词或副词的原级。2A此题无比较对象,所以不属比较等级句型。3D句

4、中有than,故用比较级。4D三者以上的比较应用最高级。5Bof all the students 指三者以上进行比较,故应用最高级。又因此处的 farthest是副词最高级,故其前加不加 the都可。6B比较对象是在“当时”诸多的音乐中,故用最高级。7C句中有than,故用比较级。8D其它三个选项表达都不对。9C有三个比较对象,故用最高级。10C因句首有“of all the stars,故用最高级”2013中考英语语法测试:形容词、副词(2)11Winter is _ than summer.AhotterBcolderCwarmerDcool12In this country, its

5、very _ in November, but its even _ in December.Acold; coldBcold; colderCcolder; coldDcolder; coldest13No one runs as fast as Joho in his class. The sentence means _AJohn runs fastest in his classBJohn runs faster than any other boy in this class.CJohn runs more slowly than any other student in his c

6、lassDJohn runs as fast as others in his class14He ran and ran, but he couldnt run _ to catch the bus.Afast enoughBquick enoughCenough fastDenough quickly15The sweater is very beautiful, but its _ dear.Atoo muchBmuch tooCmanyDmore16Li Lei didnt run _ to _ Liu FengAenough quickly; catch upBfast enough

7、; catch up withCquickly enough; keep upDenough fast; catch up with17Why were you shouting? -Alice asked me to speak more _ The line was badAnoisilyBquietlyCpolitelyDloudly18Can yon understand me? -Sorry, I can _ understand you.AhardlyBalmostCnearlyDever19She is _ to go to schoolAold enoughBenough ol

8、dCbig enoughDenough big20Look outside! Its blowing _ .AstrongBstronglyCheavyDheavily答案11B同3小题。12B第一个分句属非比较等级句型,第二个分句以前作为比较对象,故用比较级。13A此题考查单句释义。前一个句是用asas句型表达最高级含义,注意此种句型的方语只有是 no one、 nobody或nothing之类的带有否定含义的不定代词时,才能表达最高级含义。14Aenough修饰名词前置,修饰形容词或副词后置。但如果enough代一个短语时,也可放在名词后边。例如:There is enough food

9、for all of us.15Bmuch too后修饰形容词或副词; too much可单独使用。如:This is too much for her. 这对她太过分了。也可修饰不可数名词。如:Theres too much work for him to do. 他日理万机。16Benough修饰形容词或副词时应后置。A、D项错误都是enough位置不对。 C项错误在于keep up用的不对,其后加上with才有“赶上”的意思。17D因 Alice 听不见,所以说话者才大声喊。loudly大声地,noisily喧闹地,quietly静静地,politely礼貌地。18Ahardly意为“几

10、乎不”,是一个带有否定含义的副词。19Aenough修饰形容词应后置。20B风“刮得大”可说blow hard或 blow strongly.雨(雪)“下得大”可说 rain (snow) hard/heavily.2013中考英语语法测试:形容词、副词(3)21Look! The children are playing _ . They are always _Ahappy; happyBhappily; happilyChappily; happyDhappy, happily22We cant put this basket in the car. The cars _ fullAso

11、BtooCvery23He likes to do some reading in the morning _ASo do IBSo am ICSo did IDSo I do24Basketball is the most popular game in America. - _ .ASo does itBSo it doesCSo is itDSo it is25Dont go out. Its raining _ .AheavyBheavilyCloudlyDhardly26They went back to Shanghai last summer. And _ .AI did soB

12、so did ICI do soDso do I27Mrs Zhang is too _ to go on walking.AstrongBtallCkindDtired28We have never seen _ film before. Its very interesting.Aso a goodBa so goodCsuch a goodDa such good29Li Lei prefers maths to Chinese. But I think Chinese is much _ .AusefulBvery usefulCthe most usefulDmore useful3

13、0You dont look so _ as usual. Why not go to see a doctor?AwellBbetterCbadlyDworse答案21C一般说来,副词修饰动词,而形容词多作表语或定语。22Btoo意为“太”,有“过分”的含义。后一句是前句的原因。23A“So do I.”在此句中意为“我也喜欢。”“So+助动词+主语”表示某人也同前者的情况相同。该句型主语与前句主语不同。24DSo it is. 确实是这样。“So+主语+助动词”表示情况的确如此。此句型主语与前句相同。25B26B“so +助动词+主语”表示“某人(与主语不同的别人)也如此。”“So +主语+动词。”表示“某人(与前句主语一致)确实如此。”27D根据句

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