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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家高三英语三轮复习材料好句诵读(五)1. What he said led us to believe he was right.2. Success lies in hard work while laziness can lead to failure.3. All the leading newspapers reported the news.4. Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.5. His answer

2、was so confused that I could hardly make sense of.6. The mother didnt know who to blame for the broken glass as it happened while she was out.7. Mr. Smith, tired of the boring speech, started to read a novel.8. So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an earthquake outbreak.9.

3、 He bought a computer the day he got his salary.10. Not a single mistake did he make.11. The flowers smelling sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.12. How do you suggest we(should)go to Beijing for our holidays.13. Puzzled by his problem I didnt know how to answer

4、.14. You can easily clarify any problems if you study British history.15. He divided his time between reading and writing.(在之间平分)16. England can be divided into three main areas.17. As we joined the big crowd I got separated from my friends.18. Come and see me whenever it is convenient to you.19. I

5、kept my reference near my desk for convenience.20. Under the influence of my friends, I bought a coat, too.21. However, these industrial cities do not have historical attractions of other places.22. Attracted by the beauty of nature, the girl form London decided to spend another two days on the farm

6、.23. These tickets are available on the day of issue only.24. Complete the exercise without referring to a dictionary.25. Nowadays many farmers want to break away from their lands and make a living in the cities.26. In copying this paper, be careful not to leave out any words.27. The manager is in c

7、harge of the factory; that is to say, the factory is in the charge of him.28. There seems to be something wrong with her.29. My first impression of him was favorable(讨人喜欢的).30. My father impressed value of hard work on me.31. You reminded me of your father when you say that.32. Many companies are su

8、ffering from a shortage of skilled staff.33. The hospital aims to ease the sufferings of the dying.34. He lacks confidence.35. The trip was cancelled for lack of time.36. The book is completely lacking in originality.37. Though lacking money, his parents managed to send him to university.38. I have

9、been known to faint at the sight of blood. 39. Out of sight, out of mind.40. He assisted us to establish a new company.41. Two students assisted me with the experiment.42. They came to our assistance soon after they received our phone.(以上用法同aid)43. These pets require a lot of care and attention.44.

10、The house requires(needs/ wants)cleaning / to be cleaned.,45. All passengers are required to show their tickets.46. All of us required of him whether he had heard form Helen recently.(require sth.of sb.)47. They are working against time to get people out of the rubble alive.48. When his parents died

11、 he had to learn to stand on his own feet.49. Make sure that no one finds out about this.50. We must study English hard, or we are not good at English, are we?(并列句的反意疑问句就近一致)51. We are good friends though he is ten years senior to me.52. Please state your name, age and occupation below.53. He occupi

12、es himself in collecting stamps.54. In case it rains, the picnic will be put off to next week.55. I shall stay at home all day in case there is news of my daughter.56. Stop talking and concentrate on your work.57. I decided to concentrate all my efforts on finding somewhere to live.58. The police ha

13、d to employ(use)force to break into the building.59. He often accuses me of my carelessness.60. The door opens and closes of itself.61. We say a good reporter must have a nose for a story.62. It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star.Not until she took

14、 off her dark glasses did I realize she was a famous film star.63. John was presented with his award at a ceremony which recognized(承认功绩等)the bravery of ten people who had saved the life of another.64. Most students have been present at the speech by Mr. Smith but some naughty boys were absent form

15、it.65. Its so hot today, but the electric fan isnt working.66. His father is electrical engineer.67. It so happened that I had no money with me.(碰巧) I happened to have no money with me. As it happens, I had no money with me.68. I finally managed to get the car working again.69. When did you get knowing him?70. The teacher got us to discuss the problems by ourselves.71. You will get to understand the importance of learning English soon.72. Look! That Mr. Smith gets drunk again.73. Youd better get your hair cut. Its too long for a boy student.- 3

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