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1、Famous symbol of chinese culture:#chopsticks,筷子,China is an ancient country with a history of five thousand years of civilization,she dazzles with resplendent culture.Among them,chopsticks culture with its enduring force of character,unique charm,become a rarity in the big garden of Chinese culture.

2、Chopsticks in China has a history of nearly three thousand years,this unique tableware so often is seen as an unique symbol of eastern civilization.,The origin of chopsticks,1.In order to win the favor of the king Zhou,the last king of Shang Dynasty,Daji used the jade hairpin as the chopsticks.2.Day

3、u use the branches to eat hot food and thats is the origin of the chopsticks.,the history of chopsticks,Though(虽然)chopsticks are used in many Asian(亚洲)countries today,they have their beginnings in China.Chinese history says that the Chinese had chopsticks as far back as the XiaDynasty(朝代).Chopsticks

4、 are traditionally given to a daughter when she marries to show that they should have a son very soon,for chopsticks in Chinese is pronounced(发音)like quick a son!#In China chopsticks are connected with good luck.So on the countrys New Years Eve,many families will lay out new chopsticks at dinners as

5、 a way of asking for goodluck.,The development of chopsticks,In the Spring and Autumn Period copper(铜)and iron chopsticks appeared.With the Han Dynasty came lacquered(上漆)chopsticks followed by gold and silver chopsticks in later dynasties.Today we have chopsticks made of plastic.The most expensive a

6、re made from elephants tusks and jade.Chopsticks in their own waytell us something about Chinese tradition.In ancient times the rich used jade or gold chopsticks to show their wealth.,The story of chopsticks,The Emperor Li Longji once granted a pair of gold chopsticks to the prime minister Song Jing

7、 to praise his honest.所赐之物,非赐汝金。#盖赐卿之箸,表卿之直也,The story of chopsticks,In the Romance of three Kingdom,when Cao cao pointed out that only Liu Bei and himself are the heroes in the world,LiuBei dropped his chopsticks with terrify.Howev-er,luckily,he used the thunder to cover it successfully and didnt g

8、et the attention of Cao cao。#,第一季度党风廉政建设汇报20XX年第一季度党风廉政建设工作开展情况汇报根据市国土局20XX年3月27日党风廉政建设工作会议的要求,我单位以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,全面贯彻党的十八大精神,认真学习贯彻、省、市会议精神,认真落实央八项规定,以贯彻落实党风廉政建设责任制为总抓手,进一步加大从源头上预防和治理腐败的力度。#努力推进党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争的深入开展。#为我单位各项工作的顺利开展提供了坚定的政治保证。#现将20XX 年第一季度党风廉政建设责任制工作情况汇报如下:#一、成立了组织,明确了责任征收办支部十分重视党风廉

9、政建设和反腐败工作,为抓好党风廉政建设工作,营造健康向上,安全稳定的工作环境,保障各项工作顺利开展,结合本单位实际,专门成立了落实党风廉政建设责任制领导小组,由孔祥臣同志任组长,李跃、臧宏、陈雨、杨雷为副组长,其他科室负责人为成员,领导小组下设办公室,由杨雷同志任办公室主任,另抽调两名办公室人员协助杨雷同志,负责日常工作上下衔接及平常工作的检查督促。#征收办党支部班子年初就制定了20XX年党风廉政建设和反腐败工作实施方案,将廉政建设工作任务进行了分解。#,The influence of chopsticks,Chopsticks,as one of the most famous chine

10、se cultural symbols,also have a great influence in the world.As we all know,in the southeast of Asia,chopsticks are a kind of common tableware.In fact,it is the reflection of chinese culture.And the chopsticks have played an important role in our cultural diffusion.Its a kind of tool that spreads ou

11、r culture abroad.When it refers to chopsticks,people will firstly think of China.It has been our cultural symbol.,bamboo chopsticks,jade chopstick,ivory chopstick,gold chopsticks,plastic chopsticks,stainless steel chopsticks,Taboo No.1,Dont use chopsticks to hit the side of your bowl.,Taboo No.2,Don

12、t use chopsticks to poke at every dish casually.,Taboo No.3,It is rude to stick the chopsticks in the bowl.,Taboo No.4,Do not stretch out your index finger while eating.,Brilliant culture,Objective:#,Marvellous invention Chopsticks evolved into the offerings(供品;#祭品)Decorations,Brilliant culture,Subjective:#,A Chinese cuisine culture revolutionThe symbol of human civilization Chinese special complexTraditional Chinese cultureCultural Symbols(Intangible cultural heritage)(非物质文化遗产),Chopsticks DayChopsticks dance,Thank you!#,

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