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1、,小孩儿翻了一个身。,(5)Individual measure word for date,time,etc,一个春天,一个季节,一个月,一个星期,一个下午,一个钟头=一个小时,他们很认真、很努力地练习了一个夏天。,(6)Individual measure word for some abstract nouns,一个问题,一个希望,一个理想,一个好办法,岁su,measure word for the age of people or animals熊猫三岁不到五十岁她的孩子两岁了。这匹马一岁了。长他一岁/大他一岁比他长一岁/比他大一岁他好像年轻了十岁。,本bn,Individual m

2、easure word for books or magazines,etc.一本字典 一本词典 一本书,一本杂志zzh,一本小说,些xi,(1)Indefinite measure word for indefinite quantity.一些人 一些动物,买些东西一些事一些想法一些地方加些水这些年好些人 quite a lot of people前些日子 a few days ago再给我些。Give me some more.,(1)measure word following a verb or an adjective to indicate the state of an acti

3、on or matter.难些/简单些/容易些跑快些早些来有些冷请安静些!红色的车比蓝色的车大一些。他比他的哥哥高一些。,块kui,(1)partial measure word for lumps of food stuff.四块西瓜 一块蛋糕 一块肉 一块面包,(2)individual measure word for a solid substance with a regular shape一块石头 一块木头,(3)individual measure word for regular-shaped products.一块手表 一块玻璃 bli 一块黑板,(4)individual

4、measure for Chinese currency.一百元(块)五十元(块)二十元(块)十元(块)五元(块)一元(块),我们常常说“一块钱”or“一元钱”“块(钱)is equivalent to元 in Chinese currency.”,次c,(1)measure word for the number of repetitions in a given period of time.一次讨论 一次旅游 一次运动会,(2)measure word for the number of times an action is taken.看了三次电影回了两次家踢了四次足球打了三次篮球我去

5、过一次北京,他去过五次。我说了很多次。我第二次去中国时,才遇到他。有一次,我在北京坐出租车,司机跟我说了很多中国文化知识。,公斤njn,Kilogram(kg);kilo五公斤苹果我给你买了一公斤葡萄。这个行李箱重40公斤。,元yun,individual measure for Chinese currency(the standard monetary unit of China,divided into 100 fen“分”)=圆一元钱一元人民币 a Chinese yuan,件jin,(1)individual measure for clothes,etc。一件大衣 一件衬衫 一件毛

6、衣 一件雨衣他买了两件衬衫。,(2)individual measure for furniture,jewelry,etc一件家具 一件乐器 一件珠宝,(3)individual measure word for affairs,incidents,business etc.一件小事这件事情十分重要。,张zhn,(1)individual measure word for flat things,or things with a surface.一张字画 一张报纸 一张地图 一张车票,Used for paper,paintings,etc一张纸 一张相片 一张画 一张电影票,(2)indi

7、vidual measure word for furniture with a flat surface.一张沙发 一张床 一张桌子,(3)individual measure word things with a flat surface.一张饼,(4)individual measure word for bows,etc一张弓,(5)individual measure word the mouth or face of a person or animal.一张嘴 一张脸,角jio,Fractional unit of Chinese currency equal to 1/10 o

8、f a yuan一角七元八角,分fn,(1)unit of money,equal to a tenth of a jiao“角”一分(纸币和硬币)九块四毛五(分),(2)minute:unit of time,equal to one-sixtieth of an hour差十分十二点二点三十分,十点十分,(3)expressing fractions and percentages 百分之二十八 twenty-eight per cent二分之一 a half 四分之三 three-fourths;three-quarters,(4)partial measure word for one

9、-tenth of the whole小王学汉语是三分的热。他七分像女人,三分像男人。他有了几分成绩就骄傲起来。,条tio,(1)individual measure word for long,narrow things.一条裤子 一条裙子 四条黄瓜 一条船,一条床单 a bed sheet,(2)definite measure word for things of fixed quantity(for bar-shaped objects)一条烟 a carton of cigarettes 两条肥皂 two bars of soap,(3)individual measure word

10、 for natural things,such as mountains,rivers,etc.一条大街 一条小路 一条河,(4)individual measure word for insects or an imals.一条狗 一条蛇 一条鱼 一条龙,(5)measure word for abstract things,such as news and experience一条新闻一条意见一条消息两条建议几条理由,Individual measure word for limbs of persons or animals,or peoples lives.两条腿 两条胳膊 bo 四

11、条汉子 five brave men一条好嗓sn子,位wi,Individual measure word for people一位老人 一位军人,Generally used for persons of high social rank with the sense of respect.,一位教授jioshu 一位老师,used to refer to people,mostly express the respect,四位客人那位是谁?一位科学家一位/名 护士/教练/画家/老师,双shun,Measure word for two things of the same kind to

12、be used together一双筷子 一双拖tu鞋 一双袜子,Measure word for some organs of the human body.一双脚 一双手 一双眼睛 一双耳朵,Collective measure word for people in pairs一双儿女她的一双儿女都是大学生。,种zhn,Collective measure word for people,animals or plants of the same kind.一种树 一种鱼,一种兔一种人这种人五千种进口商品 5000 categories of imports两种点心,Collective

13、measure word for things of the same kind.一种车,Collective measure word for abstract things of the same kind一种看法 一种习惯,刻k,quarter of an hour一刻=十五分钟十二点一刻,辆lin,Measure word for any conveyance,etc.一辆大巴/一辆公共汽车 一辆自行车,一辆出租车,一辆马车,米m,Meter 1千米=1000米1公里=一千米跑了5000米。,段dun,(1)measure for a part of something.一段文章一段音

14、乐一段话根据这段话,(我们)可以知道,(2)measure word for a part cut from something long and narrow.一段绳子shnzi cord,rope一段丝线 sxin silk thread一段葱cn onion(3)measure word for a length of time or some distance.一段路一段距离jl distance一段经历一段时间他在北京住过一段时间。这(一)段路不太长,走一会儿就到。,层cn,(1)Storey:partial measure word for the storeys of a bui

15、lding.一层楼 一层塔 一层台阶,顶层 top floor五层楼三层蛋糕,(2)partial measure word for layer upon layer of people一层又一层的工人房子外面站着一层又一层的警察。(3)component part in a sequence这段话有好几层意思。This paragraph has several layers of meaning.,(3)layer:partial measure word for an outer covering.一层冰 一层奶油 一层灰 一层雪,穿了几层衣服 wear several layers of clothing,

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