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Unit-6-tell-me-when-the-pain-started (1)PPT资料.ppt

1、,1.Look and match.,Lead-in,_,cough,应急方法:少吃易发食物,比如带鱼、黄鱼、羊肉、狗肉、韭菜、笋、秋茄子、椒、酒、甜酒酿等,都可算为发物。少吃油腻、荤腥、辛辣这三大类食品。饮食宜清淡,如冬瓜、丝瓜、苦瓜、海带、莲藕、西瓜、柚子等就属于凉性食物。蜂蜜和香油各一汤匙,搅拌至表面没有油为止,空腹服用,每天多次。决明子和菊花泡茶喝,可养肝去火。,1.Look and match.,Lead-in,_,stomachache,应急方法:如果胃突然疼,又没有药的话,记得,蹲下来,双手抱住自己胃的地方,尽量把自己的上身压在蹲的两腿上,紧紧地压一下自己的胃部,这样会改善胃疼的

2、尖锐感。胃疼的时候,记得,可以倒一杯较热的水,然后喝下去,这样,也会起到缓解的作用。这种的是因为可能胃酸过多导致了胃疼,所以,喝水,会稀释掉。胃疼的时候,可能是吃得太饱而引起的不舒服的感觉,这个时候,可以吃一点儿促消化的药,或者是静静地不要动,让胃能处在平和的消化的状态中。胃疼的时候,记得,也可以喝一杯较浓的牛奶,必须是纯牛奶,这样的喝下去后,也会对你的胃疼有所改善。因为牛奶进入胃后,会隔开胃壁与其他物质的接触而减少疼痛的。有时候胃疼也是因为饥饿造成的,这个时候,要记得,常在自己工作的地方备一些零食,这样,当你有饥饿感的时候,就吃点,也能减少你的胃疼的毛病的。,1.Look and match

3、.,Lead-in,_,toothache,止牙疼小方法牙痛(神经性、过敏性、蛀牙痛均可):花椒10粒,白酒一两,将花椒浸在酒内,十分钟后用口含酒,几分钟即见效,一日2次每次10分钟,3-4天痊愈。牙周炎、牙龈炎:用一只鸡蛋清加等量白酒搅匀喝一口,含口中,5分钟后吐掉,一日二次(一日一只蛋),2-3天消炎止痛。牙出血(经常出血或刷牙引起):花椒10粒,醋三两,浸2天后口含,一次3分钟,一日2次,连用5天有特效。,1.Look and match.,Lead-in,_,fever,发烧怎么办?如果是发低烧,首先要多喝水,喝白开水最好,用大杯子倒水喝,直到喝到喝不下去为止,多上几次厕所,体力的病毒

4、就已经排出体外一部分了。然后还可以在家里煮姜糖水喝,把姜切片或者切碎后加红糖大煮,趁热喝下去,然后睡觉出出汗,在刚开始发烧并不严重时,这个方法很不效。还可以用物理降温法,倒温水,拿毛巾浸泡温水,擦拭身体,特别是额头、腋下、手心脚心。如果发烧不到38.5度,但也烧了一段时间了,可以到医院看看是什么原因引起的,然后吃医院给开的药,一般感冒分风寒和风热,吃不同的感冒药就可以了,如果是由炎症引起的,也可以吃点儿抗生素,这个要看医生做的判断来决定。治好了感冒发炎,烧自然就退了。如果发但如果发烧烧到38.5度以上,那么就要吃退烧药或者到医院打退烧针了。,1.Look and match.,Lead-in,

5、_,back pain,背痛怎么办?,开始姿势:站立位。训练方法:缓慢、尽力从身体侧方降低肩关节。收缩臀部肌肉。,fevertoothachecough headacheback painstomachache,I have a,He has a,General procedure,头疼喉咙痛咳嗽流鼻涕感冒发烧 She has a headache/sorethroat/cough/runny nose/cold/fever.She should take some pills/medicine twice a day/three times a day;drink more water;st

6、ay in bed warm;have a rest,2.Listen and order.,Lead-in,The correct order:1._ 2._ 3._ 4._,Listening and speaking,Listening and speaking,3.Listen and answer.,Listening and speaking,1:Who is Tom talking to?_2:Why is he making this phone call?_,the receptionist of Dr.Smiths office.,Because he would like

7、 to make an appointment.,4.Listen and complete.,Listening and speaking,a bad back pain,at 3 this afternoon,5.Listen and underline.,Nurse:Betty:Nurse:,Good morning,Dr.Kings office.Good morning,my name is Betty and I would like to make an appointment.Whats wrong with you?I have a runny nose.And I coug

8、h all the time.How long have you felt this way?For about one day.,Listening and speaking,5.Listen and underline.,Nurse:,I see.Do you feel cold?Yes,I feel very cold.I think I have a fever.Well,Dr.King is free at 2 this afternoon.Will this be OK for you?Can you make it earlier?Well,let me see.What abo

9、ut 11 this morning?11 is fine.OK,see you then.Thank you very much.,Listening and speaking,I would like to make an appointment.我想预约看病。make an appointment:预约eg:Can I make an appointment to see your boss.,date,appointment,Key phrases and entences in dialogue,B.Whats wrong with you?你怎么了?(多用于询问疾病或遇到麻烦时)=

10、Whats the matter with you?=Whats your trouble?I have got a bad cold.,C.-How long have you felt this way?(你这种感觉多久了?)=How long have you been like this?-For two weeks.(for+一段时间),D.Dr.King is free at 2 this free:有空eg:Are you free this weekend?你这周末有空吗?,E.How/What about 11 this morning?11点钟可以

11、吗?=Will 11 be OK for you?,6.Talk and practice.,Listening and speaking,7.Talk and act.,Listening and speaking,7.Talk and act.,Listening and speaking,Everyday English,Id like to make an appointment with the doctor.The doctor is free at 10 this morning.Will ten oclock be OK for you?How long have you fe

12、lt this way?Youve got a high fever.I think you need more rest.,我想预约医生。今天上午10点医生有空。10点钟可以吗?你哪里感觉不舒服?你出现这样的症状有多久了?你发烧了。我认为你需要多休息。,Listening and speaking,Reading and writing,Reading and writing,8.Think and discuss.,Reading and writing,cold,headache,toothache,cold,stomachache,9.Read and complete.,Doctor

13、 Linda Smiths Busy Afternoon,Linda Smith works at the school clinic.Yesterday afternoon,three students visited her office.The first one was Sam,a very fat boy.He said that he had a stomachache.Linda asked what he had for lunch.Sam said that he had 3 big hamburgers and a large box of ice-cream.“What

14、a huge lunch!”said Dr.Smith.“Well,it is nothing serious.Just remember to exercise more and eat less!”,Reading and writing,9.Read and complete.,Doctor Linda Smiths Busy Afternoon,Sophie was the second.It was a cold day,but she was in a very short skirt.She looked pale and kept coughing all the time.After a careful check,Dr.Smith said,“Youve caught a cold.It is not serious.Take the pills three times a day for 3 days.Remember to wear warmer clothes on cold days.”,Reading and writing,The last was Henry.He hurt his left foot dur

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