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1、专业班级设计(论文)题目接受 任务 日期年月日完成任务日期指 导 教 师指导教师单位设计(论文)内容目标1 负荷计算与功率因数补偿2 供电系统短路电流计算3 35kv高压电气设备选择4 电力线路选择5继电保护与自动装置设计(论文)要求绘图软件采用AutoCAD,查找煤矿电气设备,计算,设计完成后,提交煤矿企业地面356kV变电所初步设计设计说明书一份。论文指导记录第1-4周:查文献资料,讲解相关专业知识,检查献综述和课题计划;第5-12周:检查、指导、画图,性能演算;第13-16周:指导、整理论文,准备答辩参考资料供电技术电力工程煤矿电工手册煤矿供电及其设备注:此表发给学生后由指导教师填写,学

2、生按此表要求开展毕业设计(论文)工作。新疆工业高等专科学校机械工程系毕业设计(论文)成绩表学 生 姓 名指导教师(签名)指导教师评语评阅成绩: 评阅教师签字:答辩记录成绩: 提问教师签字:小组意见答辩成绩: 答辩小组组长签字:摘 要供电系统是电力系统的一个重要环节,由电气设备及配电线路按一定的接线方式所组成;它从电力系统取得电能,通过其变换、分配、输送与保护等功能,将电能安全、可靠、经济地送到每一个用电设备的装设场所,再利用电气控制设备来决定用电设备的运行状态,最终使电能为国民经济和人民生活服务。拟定供电系统,主要是综合考虑矿井负荷性质,主变压器的台数、容量及电源线的情况来决定矿井地面356k


4、210中已确定为全分列运行,当一路故障时,另一路必须能保证全矿的供电,故最大长时负荷电流和正常工作电压损失均按一路供电考虑,表28中各6kV的一、二级负荷组也按此原则考虑。但在计算导线经济截面时,可按每路最多承担0.650.75左右的总负荷电流考虑。矿山地面35kV终端变电所是一级用电户,是高压开关与电器的密集区,并且运行方式多种多样,各开关互相交错,保护范围很短,故对变电所各级过流保护装置的设置与整定造成较大困难。关键词:1供电系统;2功率因数;3负荷计算;4 短路计算;5设备选型; 6电力线路;7继电保护;8自动装置AbstractPower supply system is an imp

5、ortant part of the power system, from electrical equipment and distribution lines in accordance with certain wiring formed; it to obtain energy from the power system, through its transformation, distribution, transportation and protection functions, will be energy security, reliable and economically

6、 to every place installation of electrical equipment, electrical control equipment re-use electrical equipment to determine operational status, and finally to energy services for the national economy and peoples lives. Development of power supply system, the main load is taken into account the natur

7、e of mine, the main transformer station number, capacity, and power cord to determine the mine situation in the main substation ground 35/6kV wiring. And draw a wiring diagram of power supply system. For the industrial and mining enterprises 35 / 6 10kV power supply system, generally infinite power

8、capacity system, the normal operation mode often or all the way to use disaggregated way, way back-way circuit is simple, it can be calculated in the equivalent circuit diagram in direct impedance series and parallel computing, in order to achieve the short-circuit the total impedance of the equival

9、ent point, and then calculated the short-circuit parameters. Electrical Equipment, in addition to control electrical equipment choice theory, but also must understand the manufacture of electrical equipment in order to select a reasonable model. Selection of specific equipment, the need to clarify i

10、ts two operation modes (normal and short run), the maximum length of time through its load current and maximum short circuit current. Thermal stability test is reasonable, depends largely on the relay operating time to determine reasonableness. For a user of electricity, coal mine ground 35kV substa

11、tion or ring double-loop power supply requirements, in the case of 2-10 has been identified as running the whole breakdown, when faults the way, another way to be able to guarantee the power supply all mine Therefore, when the load current and the maximum length of the normal power supply voltage lo

12、ss Junan consider the way the table 2-8 in the 6kV one or two load groups are also considering this principle. However, in the calculation of the economic section of wire, it can take up to 0.65 per road around 0.75 to consider the total load current. Mine is one terminal substation ground 35kV elec

13、tricity users, the high-voltage switches and appliances intensive areas, and run a variety of ways, each switch crossed the scope of protection is very short, it is on the Substation at all levels of overcurrent protection device settings and create greater difficulties adjustingKey words:1a power s

14、upply system; 2 power factor; 3 load calculation; 4 short-circuit calculations; 5 equipment selection;6 power lines; 7 protection; 8 automatic devices第 一 章 负荷计算与功率因数补偿一.1 概述 工矿企业负荷计算,首先需收集必要的负荷资料,按表29的格式做成负荷统计计算表,计算或查表求出各负荷的需用系数和功率因数,然后由低压到高压逐级计算各组负荷,在进行负荷归总时,应计入各低压变压器的损耗,考虑组间同时系数后,就可求得矿井kV母线上的总计算负荷,作为初选主变压器台数容量的主要依据功率因数的补偿计算与主变压器的容量、负荷率及运行方式密不可分,题意是要求将35kV母线的功率因数提高到0.9以上,故应将主变压器的功率损耗也计入总的负荷中,在计算过程中将会存在估算与最后验算的反复。本章可按以下八步去计算。(一)计算各组负荷并填入表29中1114各栏。(二)选择各低压变压器并计算其损耗。(三)计算6kV母线上补偿前的总负荷并初选主变压器。(四)功率因数补偿计算与电容器柜选择。(五)主变压器校验及经济运行。(六)全矿电耗与吨煤电耗计算。(七)拟定并绘制矿井地面供电系统一次接线图。(八)设计计算选择结果汇总。某年

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