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1、党的领导人的各种观点已统一为一致的政策.solidarity .slidriti团结;一致a union of interests or purposes or sympathies among members of a groupautonomous :tnms自治的(of political bodies) not controlled by outside forces 同义词:independent, self-governing, sovereignexisting as an independent entity (of persons) free from external co

2、ntrol self-directed, self-reliantaffiliate filieit (使.)加入, 接受为会员a subordinate or subsidiary associate; a person who is affiliated with another or with an organizationsecretariat .sekrtrit秘书处, 书记处, 秘书(书记,部长等)的职位an administrative unit responsible for maintaining records and other secretarial duties; e

3、specially for international organizationssuccessor 继承者, 接任者, 后续的事物a person who follows next in order; a thing or person that immediately replaces something or someone;a person who inherits some title or officetariff 关税, 关税表, 税则, (旅馆, 饭店等的)价目表、价格表a government tax on imports or exports vt.课以关税charge a

4、 tariffGeneva dini:vA city of southwest Switzerland located on Lake Geneva and bisected by the Rhone River. Originally an ancient Celtic settlement, it was a focal point of the Reformation after the arrival of John Calvin in 1536. Geneva was the headquarters of the League of Nations (1920-1946) and

5、is still the home of many international organizations. Population, 159,500.日内瓦:瑞士西南日内瓦湖上的一座城市,被罗讷河一分为二。最初是古老的凯尔特定居点,1536年约翰加尔文到来后它是宗教改革运动的中心。日内瓦曾为国际联盟(1920-1946年)的总部,现仍是许多国际组织的根据地。人口159,500You are going to hear six abbreviations and some information about them. Listen carefully and write down in ful

6、l the corresponding names of these organizations.1. The European Union2. Food and Agricultural Organization3. International Monetary Fund4. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development5. The World Health Organization6. The World Trade OrganizationB. Key words:headquarters 司令部,指挥部,总部(usu

7、ally plural) the office that serves as the administrative center of an enterpriseVocabularyVehicleA device or structure for transporting persons or things; a conveyance:交通工具:运输人或物的器具或结构a space vehicle航天器encompass inkmpsTo form a circle or ring around; surround. 围绕:组成一圈或成环行;包围To enclose; envelop包围;包装

8、To constitute or include构成,包括:eg. a survey that encompassed a wide range of participants.一份包括了广泛参与人的评论To accomplish; achieve完成;获得treaty n. 条约,协定a written agreement between two states or sovereignsaeronautics .rn:tiksThe design and construction of aircraft.飞行学:飞机的设计及制造The theory and practice of aircr

9、aft navigation.航空学:飞机航行的理论与实践integral intigrlEssential or necessary for completeness; constituent:必须的:构成整体所必须的;应有的:The kitchen is an integral part of a house.厨房是房子不可缺的部分Possessing everything essential; entire.完整的:具有全部要素的;完整的Expressed or expressible as or in terms of integers.整数的:用整数表示的或可用整数表示的Expres

10、sed as or involving integrals.积分的:表示为或包含整数的n.(名词)A complete unit; a whole整体;全体Malaysia mleiThailand tailndCambodia高棉, 柬埔寨A country of southeast Asia on the Gulf of Siam. During the time of the Khmer emperors, it ruled the entire Mekong River valley but fell under the sway of its stronger neighbors a

11、fter the 15th century. Cambodia became part of French Indochina in the 19th century and proclaimed its independence in 1953. Phnom Penh is the capital and the largest city. Population, 5,756,141.柬埔寨,高棉共和国:亚洲东南部靠近暹罗湾的一个国家。在高棉王朝时代,它统治了整个湄公河流域,但在15世纪之后,在它的强大邻邦的影响下衰落了。束埔寨在19世纪成为法属印度支那的一部分,于1953年宣布独立,它的首

12、都和最大的城市是金边。人口5,756,141Brunei Darussalam文莱达鲁萨兰国Laoslauz老挝A country of southeast Asia. Mainly united as a kingdom by 1353, it became part of French Indochina in 1893 and finally gained its independence in 1953. It has long been the scene of bitter guerrilla warfare. Vientiane is the capital and the largest city. Population, 3,811,000.老挝:东南亚一国家。于1353年统一成帝国,于1893年成为法属印度支那的一部分并最终于1953年取得独立。一直是残酷的游击战争的战场。万象是其首都以及最大城市。人口3,811,000Myanmar mjnm:(r)缅甸东南亚国家

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