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1、(2)( ) Avery much Btoo much Cmuch too Dso muchC走路怎么样?哦,我想走路太冷了。3、After living for years in a big city,they found it difficult to settle _ in a town.(2)( ) Afor Bat Cup DdownD在大都市生活了诸近年后来,她们发现很难再在小镇上生活。4、The reason for my absence was _ I had fallen ill.(2)( ) Awhy Bbecause Cfor Dthat我缺席因素是由于我生病了。5、It

2、 was in this house _ the important meeting in history was held.(2)( ) Awhere Bthat Cwhich Din which这是房子就是历史上举办了重要会议那个。6、Well_ what our country expects of us.(2)( ) Akeep up with Bput up with Cstand up to Dlive up to咱们要达到国家对咱们盼望。7、The writer has listed why cloning is not feasible to be _on humans.(2)

3、( ) Aamended Badopted Cadjusted Dadapted作者列举了为什么克隆不能被人类采用因素8、I think the chief thing that _ me about Mr. Bush was his kindness and humor.(2)( ) Ahit Bstruck Cbeat Dknocked我想最打动我事情是布什先生友善和幽默。9、Mrs. Clinton was always neatly and quietly dressed _ her age and status.(2)( ) Ain regard to Bin accordance

4、with Cin reference to Din comparison with克林顿太太总是按照她年龄和身份来着装,打扮整洁素雅。10、After the _of 17 British passengers,Mr. Blair continued to express his concern over the safety of the other passengers still on board the hijacked airliner.(2)( ) Arelay Brelease Cconvey Dtransfer在17名英国旅客被释放后,布莱尔先生表达继续关切其她仍在被劫持乘客安

5、全。11、The “quality” newspapers are often held _ as an example of impartial journalism.(2)( ) Aback Bin Donto有“质量”报纸经常是公正新闻见光最佳之处。12、_how the splendid Maya Culture disappeared all of a sudden from the earth,it remains a mystery hard to solve.(2)( ) AIn turn BAs to CThanks to DAs a rule灿烂玛雅文化是如何突然消失于地球

6、依然是一种难解决谜。13、In the era of market economy,the concept of “Consumer First” should be _by manufacturers.(2)( ) Arejected Breformed Crelived Dreinforced在市场经济时代,制造商应加强“顾客第一”理念。14、The football match was held over until further notice _the continual rain.(2)( ) Aon account of Bthanks to Cbut for Das for足球

7、比赛在雨停了后来,另行告知。15、Some people consider it unwise to _themselves in a quarrel between husband and wife.(2)( ) Aparticipate Binvolve Ccombine Dassociate有人以为参加到夫妻之间吵架是不明智之举。16、The Old Man and the Sea and many other novels _ Ernest Hemingway the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954.(2)( ) Aearned Bgained C

8、awarded DclaimedA在1954年,老人与海和其他许多故事获得了厄内斯特海明威诺贝尔文学奖。17、Those who had moved to America under the _that America was paved with gold everywhere started to regret their decision.(2)( ) Aillusion Bintention Cimpression Dconcept那些以为美国遍地是黄金人,到了美国后,开始后悔自己决定。18、The actors have to _ before they appear in fron

9、t of the audience.(2)( ) Acover up Bpaint up Cmake up Ddo up演员出当前观众面前之前必要先化妆。19、John was never particular _ the food his wife served.(2)( ) Aabout Bof Dto约翰从不挑剔她妻子煮食物。20、Hot metal _as it grows cooler.(2)( ) Acontracts Breduces Ccondenses Ddecreases热金属遇冷会收缩。21、The purpose of the research had a more d

10、ifferent meaning for them than_ . Afor ours it had Bit did for us Cwith us Dwith ours对咱们来说,研究目意义重要性超过研究自身。22、Do you know _the population of China is? Ahow many Bhow much Dwhat你懂得中华人民共和国人口总数是多少吗?23、Advertising is different from other forms of communication_ _the advertiser pays for the message to be

11、delivered.(2)( ) Ain that Bnow that Csee that Dwhereas广告不同于其她形式沟通之处在于广告重要用于消息传递。24、I know nothing about his journey _ he is likely to be away for six months.(2)( ) Aexcept Bunless Cexcept that Dapart from关于她旅行,除了懂得她很也许要离开半年,其她我都不清晰。25、_editor and _publisher of this magazine is a learned man from Bri

12、tain.(2)( ) AAn,a BThe,a CThe,the DThe,/编辑和出版这本杂志是一种来自英国有学问人。26、Many a white-collar worker_to return to the easy days of university or college.(2)( ) Awishes Bwish Chave wished Dwishing许多白领工作后都怀念在大学读书那一段美好时光。27、He struck the girl in the face and she fell to the ground _.(2)( ) Adie Bdeath Cdead Ddeadly她打了女孩脸使她摔到地上死了。28、She woke up from the nightmare _ .(2)( ) Awith start Bwith a start Cstarting Dstarted她从恶梦中惊醒。29、Is there any_in your company? Avacancy Bdesertion Cemptiness Dhollow你公司里还缺人手吗?30、The old man _the boy on his knees.(2)( ) Aseated

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