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1、8. be concerned about 关心; 挂念 9. set down 放下;记下10. share sth with sb 和某人分享某物11. on purpose(= by design) 成心12. go through 经历;仔细检查; 通过,穿过13. a series of 一系列;一套 14. be crazy about 对着迷15. in order to/ so as to 为了 16. face to face 面对面地17. get along with 与相处;进展 18. communicate with sb 和交流19. pack (sth) up

2、拾掇,打理行装 20. according to 按照;根据所说 21. join in 参加活动22. have difficulty/ trouble with sb/sth 同某人闹意见;在方面有困难have difficulty/ trouble (in) doing sth 在做某事有困难23. get/be tired of (doing) sth 对厌烦 24. settle down 安定下来,定居25. cheat sb (out) of sth 骗取某人某物26. have the/a habit of doing sth有做的习惯27. no longer = not a

3、ny longer 不再28. have got to (=have to) 不得不,必须29. fall in love(with sb/sth) 相爱;爱上30. suffer from 受之苦,因受到损害;患病31. at dusk 在黄昏 at dawn 在黎明,在破晓32. be grateful/thankful (to sb) (for sth) 感谢(某人)(某事)33. It/This is the first/second/third/ time that sb have done sth. It/This was the first/second/third/ time

4、that sb had done sth. “这是某人第一/二/三/次做某事34. Its no pleasure doing sth. 做没乐趣。Its useless/no use/no good doing sth.做没用。*语法:直接引语和间接引语Unit 2 English around the World1. in some ways 在某些方面 2. such as 例如3. believe it or not 信不信由你 4. ever before 从前5. even if/ though 即使6. at the end of 在末期/尽头 by the end of 到底末

5、为止 in the end 终于,最后 7. be based on 在.根底上 8. get/be close to 接近,靠近9. changeinto 把变成 10. in the early days 在早期11. take sth with sb 随身携带12. the sameas 与一样13. present sth to sb 把呈交某人 14. at present 目前;如今15. be present at 在席;出席16. be absent from 缺席17. carry out a rule 执行规那么 18. as a rule 通常;照例19. be a na

6、tive of 是本地人20. be native to是的土产动物/植物21. at sbs request 应某人的要求 22. make a request 恳求23. request that sb (should) do要求某人做24. command that sb (should) do命令某人做25. have a command of掌握 26. give commands命令27. in one direction 朝一个方向 28. be different from 与不同 be different in 在方面不同29. as we know 正如我们所知 30. b

7、ecause of 因为;由于31. play a role/ part (in) 在中起作用;扮演一个角色;参与32. (sth) come up (vi.) 走近; 升起; 发生;发芽;被提出(sb) come up with提出主意,观点33. make (good/ full) use of (好好/充分)利用34. have fun 玩得开心35. a number of +可数复数n (+复数v.) 大量的the number of +可数复数n (+单数v.)的数目36. an English-speaking country一个讲英语的国家37. native language

8、 母语 Unit 3 Travel Journal1. graduate from 从毕业 2. give in (to ) 向投降/屈从/让步3. give up(doing) sth 放弃4. as usual 像往常一样5. at midnight 午夜 6. put up 搭,建;举起,抬起;张贴,挂起put up a tent 搭帐篷7. make camp 扎营8. at an altitude of 在海拔/高度9. attitude to/ toward(s) 对态度10. change ones mind 改变主意11. make up ones mind to do = d

9、etermine to do sth = be determined to do sth 下定决心干某事12. dream of/ about (doing) sth梦想/向往(做)某事; 做梦,梦见13. persuade sb to do sth= persuade sb into doing sth 说服某人做某事persuade sb not to do sth= persuade sb out of doing sth 说服某人不做某事14. get sb interested in 使某人对.感兴趣15. the best way of doing sth/ the best wa

10、y to do sth 做某事的最好方法16. insist on (doing) sth 一定/坚持要(做)insist on sbs doing sth 一定/坚持要某人做17. insist that sb do sth.坚决认为,坚持说 陈述语气insist that sb (should) do sth.坚持要求,坚持要做 虚拟语气18. care about 关心,忧虑,挂念,在乎care for 喜欢,想要;照顾,照料19. cant wait to do sth= can hardly wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事20. For one thing, For a

11、nother, 一那么,二那么;一方面,另一方面 21. be fond of (doing) sth. 喜欢(做)22. sb be familiar with sth 某人熟悉某事sth be familiar to sb 某事为某人所熟悉23. encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事24. ever since 自从; 自以后25. 更喜欢(做)A甚于(做)B prefer A (to B) prefer doing A (to doing B) prefer to do A (rather than do B)26. prefer + that clause 宁愿

12、 prefer sb to do sth宁愿某人做某事27. It is /was + 被强调局部 + that + 其它成分 (强调句)* 语法:如今进展时表将来Unit 4 Earthquakes 1.right away 立即= right now= at once= immediately if/though 好似,仿佛【+陈述语气(从句内容可能性大)】【+虚拟语气(从句内容非真实)】3. at an end 完毕,终结4. sth come to an end (vi) 某事完毕= sb put/ bring sth to an end= sb put/ bring an

13、end to sth 完毕某事5. burst out crying/laughing= burst into tears/ laughter突然哭/笑起来6. shake hands 握手7. instead of 代替,而不是8. in honour of 纪念,向表示敬意9. have time to do 有时间做某事10. happen to do 碰巧做某事11. in ruins 成为废墟12. cut across 穿过;横穿 13. blow away 吹走,刮走 14. fall down 倒塌,掉下15. more than超过,不仅16. rescue sb./ sth. (from) 从中搭救/营救出某人17. be pleased/willing to do 乐意做某事18. make/give/deliver a speech发表演说19. judging by/ from 从看,根据判断20. dig out 挖掘;发现 21. tens of thousands of 数以万计的22. think little/poorly/badly/ill of

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