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1、 ( ) 2. 今天我们班来了两位新朋友 ! A. I have a new friend ! B. we have two new friends today !( ) 3.我是艾米,我来自英国。 A. Im Amy. Im from USA. B. Im from UK.( ) 4. 你呢? A. What about ? B. What about you? 三、 Choose the right answer. (选择填空。)( )(1)Hi! Im _.A. Zhang PengB. zhang peng ( )(2)Hello! Im _ the UK.A. to B. from(

2、 )(3)We have two new _ today.A. friendB. friends( )(4)I have _ friend. A. aB. an 第二课时一、我能找到好朋友(把句子编号填入适当的括号内)。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A. Zhang Pang : Im from China. B. Amy:m from the USA.C. Mike:m from Canada. D. Sarah:m from the UK.二、我来选( )1.USA A. 美国 B. 英国 C. 中国( ) 2. new A. 好的 B. 新的 C. 旧的 ( ) 3. student

3、A. 朋友 B. 学生 C. 教师( ) 4. he A. 他 B. 她 C. 男孩( ) 5. UK A. 英国 B. 美国 C. 加拿大 三、选择填空 ( )(1)Im from _ UK. A.a B. the( )(2)Im from _ China A. a B. /( )(3)Im from the _ . A. usa B. USA( )(4)Im from _ . A. Canada B. canada 第三课时、读一读,写一写.Cat bag hand dad根据问句选择相应的答语( )1、Where are you from? A、My name is Zhangpong.

4、( )2、Good morning. B、See you!( )3、Whats your name? C、Good morning.( )4、Goodbye! D、Im from Shandong.( )5、Nice to meet you! E、Fine,thank you.( )6、How are you? F、Nice to meet you,too.( )7、How old are you? G、Im nine.第四课时一情景反应:1. 班里来了一位新同学,你想问他“你从哪里来?”你应该说:A. How are you?B. Where are you from?2. 向别人介绍自己的

5、朋友,你应该说:_A This is my new friend , Amy.B Im Amy.3. 向别人告别应该说:_AGoodbye. B. Im sorry. 二选择1.-_ are you from? - Im from China.A. What B. Who C. Where2. This _my new friend, Amy.A. is B . am C. are2. _my mother.A. Shes B . Hes C. She 三、Choose the right answer. (选择填空)( )1.你想问对方来自哪个国家时,你可以问:A. Where are yo

6、u? B. Where are you from?( )2.Where are you from?A. This is China. B. I am from China.( )3. 3月8日,你想对你的妈妈说:A. Happy Teachers Day! B. Happy Womens Day!第五课时 一、 火眼金睛。(找出不同类的词。1 ( )A he B boy C girl 2 ( ) A one B student C two3 ( ) A teacher B Canada C China4 ( ) A UK B USA C. she二、找出与众不同的单词。1. he she yo

7、u boy2. student girl pupil teacher 3. China Canada Australia student第六课时一. 我来选。( )1. friend A. 老师 B 朋友 C 妈妈( )2. teacher A 老师 B 学生 C 今天 ( ) 3. China A 中国 B 美国 C 英国( ) 4. she A 他 B 她 C 女孩二. 找朋友( )1. This is Miss White. A. 他是我的朋友。( ) 2. Hes my friend. B. 我叫迈克。( ) 3. Shes a teacher. C. 我来自加拿大。( ) 4.My

8、names Mike. D. 这位是怀特老师。( ) 5.Im from Canada. E. 她是一位老师。Unit 2 My Family 一、我会排。(将下列句子排成一段通顺的对话)( )Hes my father.( )Nice to meet you.( )Whos that man?( )Hi, Dad ! This is my friend , Amy .( )Nice to meet you, too.二、Read and number. (读一读,将下面的句子排成一段通顺的话。( )Hes my father.( )Nice to meet you, too.( 1)Whos

9、 that man?( )Hi, dad! This is my friend, Amy.( )Nice to meet you.一我会连。1.woman A(口语)爸爸 2.mother B. 女人 C.(口语)妈妈4.mum D.母亲 E.父亲6.father F.男人二我会选1. Whos that_? A. woman B. man 2 This is my_. A. mother B. father3. _ is my teacher . A. He B. She4 This is my _. A. friend B. boy三我会找对子(找出下列单词的对应词)。

10、1.mom_ 2.woman_ 3.father_ 4.mother _ 5.she _ A. mother B. he C. man D. father E. dad Read and match. (读一读,将对应词的序号写在括号里。( )1father A. mom( )2man B. girl( )3boy C. dad( )4motherD. woman第三课时 一小小检察官:请把不同类的单词选出来。( ) 1.A. red B. pen C. pencil( ) 2.A. father B. Canada C. mother( ) 3.A.ten B. leg C. seven二、Read and tick or cross.(读一读,判断每

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