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1、,1.电梯门有哪些保护措施?mechanical protective edge 机械式保护触板2.infrared protective system 红外保护系统,Door 门系统,door operatorsafety edgesillcar door lockdoor interlocklanding door jambcalling boardfireman switchcenter opening doordoor knife cam,门机安全触板地坎轿门锁门锁装置层门门套召唤盒消防开关中分门门刀,Door 门系统,emergency unlocking device紧急开锁装置p

2、roximity protection device近门保护装置door protection device近门保护装置landing indictor层门位置显示装置,Guide system(导向系统),Major components in guide system导向系统主要有哪些构件?Guide rail(导轨)Rail bracket(导轨支架)Guide shoe(导靴),Guide rail(导轨),Hollow Guide Rail空心导轨,T Shape Guide Rail T型导轨(实心),Rail bracket(导轨支架),Guide shoe(导靴),Safety

3、 protection system(安全保护系统),Try to find out the safety protection devices in elevators as much as possible.电梯的保护装置有哪些?Can you point out the work sequence of safety protection device?安全保护系统实施保护的先后顺序?,Safety protection system,traction wire rope,traction machineoverspeed governor,safety gearrope gripper

4、,钢丝绳,曳引机,限速器,安全钳,夹绳器,缓冲器,Overspeed governor(限速器),Figure2-11,Governor and its Location(限速器及其位置),Safety gear(安全钳),Do you know the types of safety gear?你知道安全钳的类型吗?instantaneoussafety gear瞬时安全钳,instnteinjs,rogressive safety gear渐进式安全钳,Rope gripper(夹绳器),Buffer(缓冲器),弹簧缓冲器 液压缓冲器 聚氨酯缓冲器,spring buffer hydrau

5、lic buffer polyurethane buffer,Electrical control system(电气控制系统),What kind of device can be classified as part of electrical control system?哪些装置可以归类为电气控制系统的一部 分?,Car operation panel轿厢操纵面板 COP,Control cabinet(控制柜),Calling board,(召唤盒),Sentence Explanation(句型讲解)Guide rail will suffer huge load when saf

6、ety gear operation,so its rigidity or stiffness is important.导轨在安全钳动作时承受巨大的载荷,所以它的刚度非常重 要。Safety gear is braking system attached on the elevator car,running up and down the elevator shaft and grab onto the rails when emergency.安全钳是附着在电梯轿厢上的制动系统,在电梯井道中上上 下下,在紧急情况下抓牢导轨。,Sentence Explanation(句型讲解)Car d

7、oor is active door while landing door is passive door.轿门是主动门,层门是被动门。As the edge may be operated many hundreds of times during a day,subject to many kinds of contact and abuse,the entire mechanism must be rugged.因为触板可能每天动作数百次,受到各种接触和滥用,整 个结构必须坚固。,Sentence Explanation(句型讲解)Landing door protect riders

8、from falling into the shaft.层门防止乘客坠入井道。,Before you enter elevator,you face landing door;when you stay in elevator car,the door you can see is car door.在进入电梯前,你面对的是层门;当你在电梯轿厢,你能 看到的是轿门。,Sentence Explanation(句型讲解)Calling board or Hall calling board can be found in each landing.Most landing calling boa

9、rds have at least two calling buttons for upward and downward except the terminal station.在每层都可以看到召唤盒。除了端站之外,大多数召唤盒 都有两个用于上行和下行的召唤按钮。,Sentence Explanation(句型讲解)Elevator control cabinetis important to elevator and can be seen as brain of people,receiving signals from COP&calling board and giving inst

10、ructions to traction machine all the time.电梯控制柜对于电梯的重要性好比人的大脑,不断从轿厢 操纵箱和召唤箱接受信号,并发出指令给曳引机。,Sentence Explanation(句型讲解)Elevator control cabinet locates in machine room for most elevators.It will be mounted in shaft for machine roomless elevator.大多数电梯的控制柜在机房,对于无机房电梯,控制柜一 般安装在井道之中。,Sentence Explanation(

11、句型讲解)The double banked car operating panel is advisable for a higher number of floors,because the single banked version would be too long.高层电梯建议使用双排的轿厢操作箱面板,因为单排会导 致面板太长。,Sentence Explanation(句型讲解)Relay-controlled elevator systems remained common until the 1980s,and their gradual replacement with mi

12、croprocessor based controls which are now the industry standard.直到二十世纪八十年代,继电器控制的电梯还比较常见,逐渐被现在成为业界标准的微机控制所代替。,Sentence Explanation(句型讲解)Buffer is an important part of elevator safety system,and it is the last barrier if elevator out of control.Buffers can reduce the shock to a great extent or soften

13、 the force when the elevator runs into the pit during an emergency,protect passengers from being harmed or components being destroyed.缓冲器是电梯安全系统的重要一部分,是电梯失控的最后 一道屏障。缓冲器可以很大程度上降低或缓和电梯在紧急情况下蹲底 的冲击力,保护乘客的安全和货物免受损坏。,Sentence Explanation(句型讲解)The overspeed governor and safety can protect the car from fal

14、ling to the pit,but it will not stop the ascending car.In order to stop the ascending car,we now have another device,called rope gripper.限速器和安全钳可以阻止轿厢墩底,但不能阻止轿厢的冲 顶。为了防止轿厢冲顶,有另外一种称为夹绳器的装置。,Sentence Explanation(句型讲解)The safety gear can be divided into two types:the instantaneous type and the progressive,the former for lower rated speed elevator and the latter for higher rated speed elevator.安全钳可以分为两类:瞬时式和渐进式。前者用于低速梯,后者用于高速梯。,Sent

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