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步步高届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Challenging Yourself Ⅱ同步导学 重庆大学版选修7Word文档格式.docx

1、7compulsory /kmplsrI/ adj.必修的;义务的;强制的8context /kntekst/ n上下文;背景9acquire /kwaI/ vt.学习,习得;获得acquirement n习得;学得10appealing /pilI/ adj.吸引人的,打动人心的appeal vi.呼吁;上诉11disgust /dIsst/ vt.使厌恶disgusting adj.令人厌恶的12accomplish /kmplI/ vt.完成,实现accomplishment n成就,完成13intelligent /IntelIdnt/ adj.聪明的,有头脑的intelligence

2、 n智力,理解力14exist /IzIst/ vi.存在,生存existence n存在,生存15disadvantageous /dIsdvnteIds/ adj.不利的disadvantage n不利(条件);损失16immediacy /ImidIsI/ n直接;立刻immediate adj.立即的;直接的immediately adv.立即;马上17creativity n创造性;创造力creative adj.创造(性)的,有创造力的create vt.创造,创作,创建18refreshing /rIfreI/ adj.使精力恢复的;使耳目一新的refresh vt.(使)恢复精

3、神,提神,提醒.重点短语识记1in agreement with.同意,赞成2in terms of根据,按照3turn out结果是,证明是4develop out of.从中发展而来5mean to.打算;意指6be compared.to与相比;把比作7have a strong link to与有密切的联系8provide.with为某人提供9cope with应付;处理.经典原句默写与背诵1On September 11 I ran home from the bus stop,anxious to hear what had happened.9月11日,我从车站跑回家,急切地想知

4、道发生了什么。2Our ancestors did manage to write without paper.我们的祖先在没有纸的情况下确实能书写。3Qinshihuang was said to start his day by reading official accounts on such strips weighing up to 50 kilograms.据说,秦始皇就是通过阅读记录在这样的重达五十公斤的竹简上的国事来开始他繁忙的一天的。4In this day and age there seems to be a move towards secondary school s

5、ubjects which have a strong link to a tertiary course of study.在当今这个时代,社会上似乎有一种只重视那些跟高等教育直接相关的中学课程的倾向。1To accomplish great things,we must not only act,but also dream;not only plan,but also believe.(accomplishment)2He compared Beijing to the heart of China.(comparison)3Some people will succeed in the

6、ir efforts to stop smoking.(succeeding)4I believe in the inherent intelligence of human beings.(intelligent)5His poetry is hardly comparable with Shakespeares.6When I first came here,I was very violent.(violence)7Alternatively,you can use Googles language tools.(alternative)8They wish to begin immed

7、iately after dinner.(immediate)9He was breathing,quickly and shallowly.(shallow)10We turned to see the approaching car slow down.(approach)1 appeal n.呼吁;恳求 request ;吸引力 attraction ;上诉;v.呼吁;有吸引力 attract appeal to sb.for/to do.向某人呼吁;恳求某人做appeal to sb.吸引某人;迎合某人所好appeal to force诉诸武力make an appeal to sb.

8、向某人提出呼吁have no appeal for sb.引不起某人的兴趣The Prime Minister appealed to young people to use their vote.总理呼吁青年人使用他们的投票权。Music has little appeal for me.音乐引不起我的兴趣。夯实基础(1)The programme “Voice of China” on Zhejiang TV appeals especially to(迎合所好) people of all ages.(2)同义句改写On the other hand,the idea attracted

9、 him.(用appeal改写句子)On the other hand,the idea appealed to him.2把比作compare.with/to.把和比较compare notes交换看法without/beyond compare无与伦比;举世无双Ive had some difficulties,but they were nothing compared to yours.我遇到了一些困难,但与你的困难比起来就算不了什么了。We carefully compared the first report with the second.我们仔细比较了第

10、一份报告和第二份报告。用适当的介词填空(1)Compared with/to many people,she was indeed very fortunate.(2)The height of the empire building is without/beyond compare.3 approach v.靠近,接近 draw near ;走近;接洽;n.方法 means ;接近;通道;路径 path,road ;建议an approach to.(做某事的)方法/途径;接近,靠近at the approach of在快到的时候be approaching 快到了(just) aroun

11、d/round the corner(时间上)临近地,马上,快要;(距离上)紧邻地,很近地When I approached,they grew silent.当我走近时,他们就不说话了。(1)At the meeting they discussed three different approaches to the study of mathematics(三种不同的研究数学的方法)With the time for graduation approaching,we are busy with our papers.(用corner短语改写句子)With the time for gra

12、duation just around the corner,we are busy with our papers.4 refresh.with.以使振作精神/恢复精力refreshing adj. 令人耳目一新的;使人精力充沛的refreshment n茶点;点心;恢复活力They had stopped by a spring to refresh themselves.他们曾在一处泉边停歇休息。Allow me to refresh your memory.让我帮你回忆吧。用refresh的适当形式填空(1)It made a refreshing change to be taken

13、 seriously for once.(2)Can you offer me some refreshment.(3)He refreshed himself with a cool shower.单项填空1Mary is very untidy,and she always leaves her room in a .Adisorder BmessCdamage Dtrouble答案B解析句意为:玛丽很不爱整洁,她的房间总是很零乱。in a mess为固定搭配,意为“处于混乱中”,符合句意。disorder也表示“杂乱无章”,但要注意在in disorder中用零冠词;in trouble为固定搭配,表示“陷入麻烦中”,不合题意。damage为不可数名词,也不与in连用。2My mother always gets a bit if we dont arrive when we say we will.Aanxious BashamedCweak Dpatient答案A如果我们不能在我们说的时间到达,母亲总是有点焦虑。anxious忧虑的,不安的,符合句意。ashamed 羞愧的;weak虚弱的;patient耐心的。3Of her plays,three wer

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