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江苏专用版高考英语二轮复习 题型组合练一Word下载.docx

1、the Ba;a Cthe;/ Da;/3Jack Ma,the founder and chairman of Chinas Alibaba Group,has a 28.6 billion fortune, making him the richest person in China.Ait Bone Cthat Dwhich4We first met in the Slender West Lake in 2010,and both of us felt immediately that we each other for years.Aknew BknowChave known Dha

2、d known5There is no doubt that if the students interest in the subject is aroused,they will the challenge and commit more of their time and energies to their studies.Aface up to Bkeep pace withCput up with Dlive up to6Maya Angelou is one of those rare writers who can your heart and soul with her viv

3、id words.Acombine Btouch Cshare Dabsorb7Recently,a new research has suggested the possibility in a popular magazine pleasant smells might reduce pain.Awhy Bwhether Cthat Dhow8Love means you care about the of a person;that is,you hope he or she can lead a happy life.Aauthority BbeliefCpreference Dwel

4、fare9According to the data from Robbs studies,men produce slightly speech.But no sex difference in the reading task was found.Aclearest Bclear Cclearly Dclearer10Arent you interested in the new flat? .It is noisy near the sports center.ANot especially BNo wonderCNot a little DNo doubt11Would you min

5、d if I smoked here?Sorry,better not.Your smoking in the office me!Abothered Bhad botheredChave bothered Dwill bother12Not far from the building,there was a garden, owner seated in it playing hideandseek,with his children every afternoon.Awhose Bwhich Cthat Dits13They are said to have been familiar w

6、ith each other.But they .They were introduced only hours ago.Amay not have been Bcouldnt have beenCmustnt have been Dneednt have been14 your watch five minutes ahead is an effective way to avoid being late.ASet BHaving setCSetting DBeing set15 youre putting off doesnt go away;we had better solve the

7、 problem right now.AWhatever BWhicheverCWhenever DHowever.完形填空(2015苏北四市一模)In a recent airing of “Unsolved Mysteries”,there was a young boy who was the victim of the Holocaust(大屠杀)Hed been 16 in a work camp for several years and somehow had managed to survive the 17 of his imprisonment.The story was

8、of a boynow in his sixtiesand his quest to find an American soldier who had 18 a kindness to him by 19 some food.It might seem 20 ,but to this child,who had seen nothing but 21 and inhumanity for 22 he could remember,it was a 23 that marked a turning point in his life,for he had lost hope.When he wa

9、s liberated by the American forces,he was dying.He, 24 needed food.As he was staggering along the road,a young soldier 25 down from his tank and gave him some of his supplies.16A.stationed BplacedCdistributed Dtreated17A.horror BembarrassmentCrelief Dannoyance18A.held on Bagreed onCfocused on Dpasse

10、d on19A.guaranteeing BofferingCpresenting Dcontributing20A.unbelievable BtroublesomeCinsignificant Dconvenient21A.difficulty BcuriosityCsympathy long as Bas good asCas well as Das much as23A.wave Bfate Cgesture Dduty24A.highly BmostlyChopefully Dbadly25A.moved BjumpedCturned Ddashed 2

11、6 this one act of generosity,the kind American had aroused the 27 again that there really was some good in the world.And the boy never 28 it.The boy later went to America,raised a family,became successful and worked hard to repay the 29 he had received with his own.Actually there were so many simila

12、r acts of generosity that it would be almost impossible to know 30 who the soldier was.We all have a choice:to create more light in the world.As Confucius 31 over 2,500 years ago,“It is better to light one small candle than to 32 the darkness.”The story above so nicely 33 small gestures can often ge

13、nerate huge 34 .If were constantly 35 and doing kind acts,we will no doubt bring more joy into the world around us as well as into our own world!26A.Upon BBesides CWith DBeyond27A.honesty Bloyalty Ctrust Dbelief28A.forgot BrememberedCdelivered Bmercy Ckindness Dcredit30A.for example Bfor everCfor free Dfor sure31A.made it Bput itCtook it Dgot it32A.curse Bpray Cswear Dappreciate33A.declares BarguesCillustrates Dexpands34A.congratulations BblessingsCbelongings Dconsequences35A.looking for Badapting toCmeeting with Dbringing up

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