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1、This is my friend. He s very naughty.This is . Hes/Hes.Module 21. Whats this? 这是什么?(其答句要用Its开头的句子)2. Its a book about London. About 关于3. Is it your house?Yes, it is. No, it isnt.一般疑问句用什么问用什么答4. Whose house is it? Its the Queens house. Whose对谁的东西进行提问 Queens house名词所有格,表示.的5. Its close to the Queens h

2、ouse. Close to 靠近6. London Bridge is falling down. Be(am ,is, are) 表示正在发生的事情。 现在进行时态。Module 3.1. Sam can ride a bike. Amy can fly a kite. Can+ 动原 ride a bike译为骑自行车。 fly a kite 译为放风筝。2. Whats that,Daming? Its a robot. Whats that? Whats this? 回答都用Its a.3. One day, robots will do everything. they

3、 will do the housework. Will+动原 they will help children learn. they will do our homework.4. Nex tweek is a holiday. What will you do,Shanshan?询问某人将要干什么? 用什么时态问,就用什么时态答。On Monday, Ill go swimming. On Tuesday, I ll play with my friends.On Wednesday, i ll go to the park. On Thursday, i ll do my homewor

4、k. On Friday, ill visit my grandpa. On Saturday, ill help my mother. On Sunday, ill read my books.On+星期几/will+动原。5. Today is Monday and tomorrow is Tuesday.Module41. On Saturday were going to have a picnic. On +星期 be going to+动原, have a picnic举行野餐2. Will you take your kite tomorrow? Yes, i will . No

5、, i wont.一般疑问句,用什么问用什么答。3. Why not? Because tomorrow is Friday. 用why 问用because答4. I will take my kite and my ball on Saturday. Will +动原。 on+星期5. It will be sunny in Beijing.will be+形容词6. Will it be hot in Haikou? Yes, it will. No, it wont.一般疑问句,用什么问用什么答。Module 51. be( am, is(was) ) I he she it 单三(wa

6、s)Are -were you they we 复数(were)2. I am ten now, but i was two then. (now 表示现在时态,用am,then 表示过去时态用was)3. She wasnt fat.She was thin。4. They werent old then.They were young.5. Was it fat? No, it wasnt. It was thin.(一般疑问句,肯否定回答用Yes/No)Module 6be动词的口诀:我(I)用am ,你( you)用are ,is 连着他(he)她(she)它(it),单数(is)复数

7、(are)变疑问be提前,句末问号莫忘记,变否定更容易,be 加not 要牢记,疑问否定任意变,句首大写莫忘记。(Be动词过去很容易,am,is 变was.然后把are变成were)1. Were you at the park yesterday? Yes,i was. No, i wasnt. 2. Is it sunny in London? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.3. Was it sunny in London? Yes, it was. No, it wasnt.一般疑问句,肯否回答很重要,用什么问用什么答4. I want to play in the

8、sun. Want to do sth 想要做某事。在太阳下用介词“in”。5. Were you at home yesterday? Yes, i was. No , i wasnt.(同1-3题)6. I was out with Grandpa for our Chinese lesson.我和爷爷出去上我们的汉语课了。7. Was it a big city then? Yes,it was. No, it wasnt.(同1-3题)8. Where is he? He is in Shenzhen. Where 对地方提问 in+大地方9. The park was small t

9、hen. It is big now. 遇到then 用过去式 遇到now 用现在进行时。Module 7动词过去式变化规则: 一般情况下加-ed,哑e结尾直加d, 辅y 为i 加ed, 重读闭音节,单辅字母要双写,再加ed。练习题:is /am-( ) row-( ) have-( )Phone-( ) cook-( ) help-( ) wash-( )Do-( ) play-( ) watch-( ) talk-( )Walk-( ) listen-( )1. Yesterday was a holiday. It was a beautiful day. 遇到yesterday 动词用

10、过去式。2. We rowed a boat on the lake. Row-rowed on the lake在湖面上3. We all had a very happy day. Have-had4. On Monday Amy phoned Grandma. On +星期 phone-phoned5. I cooked noddles yesterday. Cook-cooked yesterday 过去式标志词6. I helped Mum and i washed clothes. Help-helped wash-washed7. He didnt help Mum. Didnt

11、加动原8. He played on the computer and he watched TV. Play-played wash-washed9. I love him. 喜欢某人,him,人称代词用宾格。10. I talked with Miss Dog yesterday. Talk-talked talk with和.交谈11. I walked with Miss Cat yesterday.walk-walked walk with 和. 一起散步。12. They listened to music. Listen-listened listen to music听音乐13

12、. Grandma cooked fish and cooked noddles. Cook-cooked14. What did they do last night? Do-did last night 昨晚过去式标志词Module 81. We had picnic last Sunday. Have-had last +时间(year month Monday-Sunday)用过去式2. Was it fun? Yes, it was. No, it wasnt.一般疑问句,用什么问用什么答。3. We went there by bus. Go-went By+交通工具。4. And

13、 we saw some birds. They song beautifully. See-saw sing-song5. We ate some food and drank some drinks. Eat-ate drink-drank6. He was thin then .H e is very fat now. Then 用于过去式,故用was, now 用于现在时,故用is。7. Tell me about your picnic. About 关于8. We ate lots of delicious food. Eat-ate lots of=a lot of许多 加可数名

14、词复数 9. I took some pictures and i made a poster. Take-took make-made10. Last Sunday Dad went swimming. Mum went to the supermarket.Grandma listened to music. I did my homework. Last +时间表示过去式 go-went listen-listened do-didModule91.Its a postcard from my cousin Dalong. He lives in the US. From 来自He 是单三,所以lives2. Does he live in New York.?因为he 是单三,所以用does, live in +地方 表示居住在某地3. Did he live in New York last year? Yes, h

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