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本文(关于危险化学品建设项目安全距离问题文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、(一)居住区以及商业中心、公园等人员密集场所; (二)学校、医院、影剧院、体育场(馆)等公共设施; (三)饮用水源、水厂以及水源保护区;(四)车站、码头(依法经许可从事危险化学品装卸作业的除外)、机场以及通信干线、通信枢纽、铁路线路、道路交通干线、水路交通干线、地铁风亭以及地铁站出入口;(五)基本农田保护区、基本草原、畜禽遗传资源保护区、畜禽规模化养殖场(养殖小区)、渔业水域以及种子、种畜禽、水产苗种生产基地;(六)河流、湖泊、风景名胜区、自然保护区;(七)军事禁区、军事管理区;(八)法律、行政法规规定的其他场所、设施、区域。 新建危险化学品建设项目要在县级以上人民政府确定的化工集中区域或化工


3、们仍然需要进一步关注。自2002年危险化学品安全管理条例(国务院令第344号)实施以来,各级安全监管部门在现有标准的基础上将距离不符合条件的企业作为重点整改对象,取得了一定的成效。由于法律制定的局限性,危险化学品安全管理条例规定的八类场所、设施、区域的距离,很大程度上没有明确的规定。近期参与危险化学品从业单位的安全生产标准化诊断工作过程中发现部分企业的安全评价报告存在原则性的问题,结合部分专家对“安全距离”情节和政府部门“规划”缺陷甚是不解。特在能力范围内对相关安全距离的法规、规章、行业准入条件、标准规范等进行汇总,以供企业和网友参考。一、国务院法规 1.公路安全保护条例(国务院令第593号,

4、 2011年7月1日起施行) 第十八条 除按照国家有关规定设立的为车辆补充燃料的场所、设is completed in time for said items taken from the balance box, put weights in the weight box, turn the index back to zero position. Pull the plug, check the balance pan is clean inside the box, and then dust cover cover good balance. 13. the balance fails

5、, without repair, shall immediately report the quality assurance Department. 14. cover well cover, fill out the record. Titrimetric analysis of the sixth section outlines (intermediate) and the titration with a standard solution of known concentration of accurate drops of the buret is added to the s

6、olution of the substance to be measured, until the substance being measured response completely, and then according to the concentration of the standard solution and the volume of consumption, calculate the content of material being measured, this kind of method called titration analysis method for

7、quantitative analysis. 1. standard solution: solution of a known concentration of accurate. General requirements to four digits after the decimal point, such as the concentration of HCl standard solution: 0.1234mol/L. 2. the stoichiometric point: standard solution and measured substance dripping hap

8、pen to reaction points. Stoichiometric point is often not apparent in the reaction, in order to determine the stoichiometric point, generally included in the solution to be measured indicators, indicator color changes to determine the stoichiometric point reached. 3. finish: indicator color changes.

9、 End point and the stoichiometric point are two different concepts, theory of Chemical measuring point isreservations, as standard with minimum number of significant digits behind the decimal point. In addition and subtraction, because it is a transmission of the numerical error, so the absolute err

10、or of the result must be comparable with the maximum absolute error in the. For example: 2.0375+0.0745+39.54 =? 39.54 is decimal Hou bit number at least of, in this three a data in the, it of absolute errors maximum, for ? 0.01, so should to 39.54 for associate, other two a digital also to retained

11、decimal Hou second bit, so three number calculation should for: 2.04+0.07+39.54 = 41.65 2. in multiplication and Division method operation in the, each number and the they of product or business of effective digital of retained, to each number in the effective digital bit number at least of for stan

12、dard. Multiplication method, the relative error of the numeric values are passed, so the relative error of the results must be comparable with the maximum relative error in the. For example: 13.92x0.0112x1.9723 =? 0.0112 is three digits, digits at least, its relative error, 0.0112 digits shall preva

13、il, namely: 13.9x0.0112x1.97 = 0.307 3. analysis of results number of digits after the decimal point should be consistent with the precision of the analytical method number of digits after the decimal point. 4. the formulation of test results should be consistent with the corresponding product stand

14、ard. Standard concepts and provisions in a fourth section, test temperature 1. water temperature unless otherwise specified, refer to 98100?; 2. hot water means 7080? 3. the lukewarm or warm water is 4050? 4. refer to 1030? at room temperature; 5. cold water is 210? 6. ice bath refers to about 0 deg

15、rees Celsius; 7. put cold refers to cool to room temperature.施外,禁止在下列范围内设立生产、储存、销售易燃、易爆、剧毒、放射性等危险物品的场所、设施:(1)公路用地外缘起向外100米;(2)公路渡口和中型以上公路桥梁周围200米;(3)公路隧道上方和洞口外100米。第十一条 县级以上地方人民政府应当根据保障公路运行安全和节约用地的原则以及公路发展的需要,组织交通运输、国土资源等部门划定公路建筑控制区的范围。公路建筑控制区的范围,从公路用地外缘起向外的距离标准为:(1)国道不少于20米;(2)省道不少于15米;(3)县道不少于10米;(4)乡道不少于5米。属于高速公路的,公路建筑控制区的范围从公路用地外缘起向外的距离标准不少于30米。第十三条 在公路建筑控制区内,除公路保护需要外,禁止修建建筑物和地面构筑物;公路建筑控制区划定前已经合法修建的不得扩建,因公路建设或者保障公路运行安全等原因需要拆除的应当依法给予补偿。2.铁路运输安全保护条例(国务院令第430号,2005年4月1日起施行) 第十七条 任何单位和个人不得在铁路线路两侧距路堤坡脚、路堑坡顶、铁路桥梁外侧200米范围内,或者铁路车站及周围200米范围内,及铁路隧道上方中

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