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1、Behaviourist theory 行为主义理论 =audio-lingual method听说教学法A stimulus-response theory of psychologyYou can train an animal to do anything(within reason) if you follow a certain procedure which has three major stages, stimulus, response, and reinforcement.Cognitive theory 认知主义理论 communicate approach 交际法Con

2、structivist theory 结构主义理论 Learning is a process in which the learner constructs meaning based on his/her own experience and what he/she already knows.Socio-constructivist theory 社会结构主义理论Emphasises interacion and engagement with the target language in a social context A good language teacherEthic dev

3、otion,professional qualities and personal styles品德节操,职业素质和个性特征Learning, practice, and reflectionUnit 2 Communicative Principles and ActivitiesCLT=Communicative Language Teaching 交际语言教学法TBLT=Task-based Language Teaching 任务型教学法PPP=the Presentation, Practice and Production呈现,操练,展出Communicative competen

4、ceEntails knowing not only the language code or the form of language, but also what to say to whom and how to say it appropriately in any given situationFive main components of communicative competenceLinguistic competence 语言能力Pragmatic competence 语用能力Discourse competence语篇能力Strategic competence策略能力

5、Fluency 语言顺畅CLTGoal :to develop students communicative competence, which includes both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations.Principles :Communicative principleTask principleMeaningfulness principleMain features: (1

6、)Functional communicative activities: 功能互动活动Identifying pictures Discovering identical pairsDiscovering sequences or locationsDiscovering missing informationDiscovering missing featuresDiscovering secretsCommunicating patterns and picturesCommunicative modelsDiscovering differencesFollowing directio

7、nsReconstructing story-sequencesPooling information to solve a problem(2)Social interaction activities: 社会交往活动Role-playing through cued dialoguesRole-playing through cues and informationRole-playing through situation and goalsRole-playing through debate or discussionLarge-scale simulation activities

8、 模仿Improvisation 即兴创作Notes:No specific activities almost about listening and speakingSix criteria for evaluating how communicative classroom activities are:Communicative purpose: information gapCommunicative desire: real needContent, not form: messageVariety of languageNo teacher intervention 干涉No m

9、aterials controlTBLTDefinition:Refers to an approach based on the use of task as the core unit of instruction in languageTBLT:pre-task, task cycle, language focusDefinition of a task:A task is a piece of work undertaken for oneself or for others, freely or for some reward.Four components of a task:A

10、 purpose: focus on content,not formA context:A process:problem solving reasoning , inquiring, conceptualising and communicatingA product: no communicational resultsExercises, exercise-tasks and tasks:Focus on individual language itemspurposeful&contextualised communicationExercise exercise-task task

11、How to design tasks:Think about students needs, interests, and abilitiesBrainstorm possible tasksEvaluate the listChoose the language itemsPreparing materialsPPP modelAt the presentation stage:The teacher introduces new vocabulary and grammatical structures in whatever ways appropriateAt the the pra

12、ctice stage:The lesson moves from controlled practice to guided practice and exploitation of the texts when necessaryAt the production stage:The students are encouraged to use what they have learned and practised to perform communication tasks.Grammar-Translation Method: 语法翻译法reading and writingThe

13、Audio-Lingual Method: 听说教学法speaking and listening; dialogues and drills 对话和操练Unit 3 the National English Curriculum 课程标准It was in the 1993 syllables that the word communication was used in the objectives of teaching for the first time.The Six Design principles for the National English Curriculum for Nine-year Compulsory Education:1.Aim for educating all students, and emphasise quality-orie

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