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1、 6 t pr S F and Dnalds ust 7 their haburgersSe Dnalds in India have a gd 8 n The have anther ind f eat, 9 And ne Dnalds there desnt have an eat in its enu Its haburgers have 10 nl an peple g t this Dnalds ever da 1 A h B hat here D hih 2 A se B uh n D an 3 A interesting B different iprtant D health

2、4 A the B hi the D he A seties B usuall ften D never 6 A hell B srr thans D gdbe 7 A ae B have D hange 8 A questin B eat idea D eal 9 A pr B hien beef D bread 10 A vegetables B drins fd D enu (二) D u have a beautiful drea? I n alst everne 1 his n drea in his lifeThe dreas are ver iprtant 2 theThe dr

3、eas an ae the 3 harder I a studing in a shl nI d ell in all subets 4 the teahers lie e ver uh drea is a teaher in the est f hinaan hildren there ant t g t sh1 6 the antTheir failies are pr and their parents dnt have enugh ne t send their hildren t sh1I thin that ging t shl and studing is the nl 7 t

4、hange their life Teahers are greatl needed there,s I ant t be a teaher t help the I ill be ind t students and ae friends ith theA11 the hildren 8 lie t tal ith e,tI ill give the lve and teah the 9 t be a useful persnI thin it is an interesting b in the rldI hpe drea an 10 !1Ahas Bhave is Dare 2Aat B

5、t in Dith 3At r Bstudies rs Dstud4ABth BEah All DEverAbe Bd t d Dt be6Aand Bbut r Ds7Aa Bdrea shl Dplae8Ahere Bthere in here Din there9Ahen Bh h Dhat 10Afind ut Be ut 1 fr De true(三)Bb and Sue are in the sae shl, 1 the are in different 2 The g t shl n eedas 3 shl, Bb and Sue ften pla gaes ith 4 frie

6、nds lasses begin eight in the rning N Bb and Sue are in their lassrs The are listening t their 6 Bbs studing English His teaher is taling 7 English Sues 8 a hinese lass Her teaher is taling 9 h t rite The stud hard The lve their teahers and the lie their 10 1 A but B and r D hen 2 A lasses B lass le

7、ssn D lessns 3 A In B hen T D At 4 A his B her ther D their A abut B in at D n 6 A friends B father teaher D teahers 7 A ith B at in D fr 8 A having B listening getting D sitting in 9 A at B abut fr D lie 10 A he B fail shl D lthes (四)A an is ging shpping She is ging 1 bat The bat is ging arss(穿过)th

8、e river Her baset is ept(空的) h dear! L! Her baset is in the 2 “Help!”she sas“L! baset is in the river”A b sees the baset He sas, “Dnt rr! I an 3 it! I a ver gd sier” He taes ff his shes and shirt “L 4 shirt and shes, please!” he sas and then ups int the river A sees the baset “I an g b baset!” it th

9、ins It gets t the baset The b 6 in the river “heres the baset?” he alls:“Its ver there!” alls the an “Its behind u!” Its 7 that du! The b gets t the baset“G aa!” he sas t the du The du 8 ut f the baset and sis aa The b taes the baset t the land “h, than u!” sas the an “Than u ver uh!” “Nt at all!” s

10、as the b“ 9 u lie t give e shirt and shes? “es, here u are h, hats in the baset? Its the dus 10 ”1An B in b D t2Aater B bat ship D tree3Alean B bu d D get4Aafter B at fr D lieAdg B hien du D ne6Ais fishing B is siing is plaing D is fling7Abeside B under n D behind8Alibs B es ups D als9AAre B D uld D

11、 uld10Aeat B hair hand D egg(五)It is a fine Sunda enn and her ther are n the l The ant t g t 2 There are an hildren n it Their parents are telling stries t 3 An ld an gets 4 the bus He has n seat(座位) t sit in enn ass hi t sit in her seat The ld an enn There are t freigners(外国人)n the bus The ant t g

12、t the Great all, t But the 6 spea hinese enn tals t the in English She tells the Beiing is a big it 7 a lng histr And the Palae useu is ver faus, t She tells stries 8 the Palae useu At the sae tie the learn abut a lt f hinese ulture (化) fr enn The thin the stries are 9 and the ant t visit ther plaes

13、 f interest in hina sn an their drea 10 ? f urse 1 A train B bus plane D ar2 A hutng B Tiananen Square the Great all D angfuin3 A the B the e D hi4 A up B n dressed D in A sas B tals shs D thans6 A an B ant ust D need t7 A at B in ith D has8 A t B abut r D ith9 A bring B relaxed afraid D interesting

14、10 A thin f B e n e true D get t(六) Paul Sith ens 1 sprts and his favurite sprt is basetball Five nths ag, Paul athed a basetball ath 2 and he lied it N he plas basetball ever da He has se big nie psters f basetball plaers 3 his bedrs all and befre he ges t sleep, he ften 4 agazines abut basetball “ nl ne prble fr e,” sas Paul “I t 6 Basetball plaers are usuall tall and I nt tall enugh”

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