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1、句型:What do you usually do on weekends? I often go to the movies. What does she do on weekends ?She often goes to the movies.语法:频率副词的运用。单元总体目标描述时间频度的词汇及开展周末活动的调查。能力目标:听:能听懂谈论生活习惯、学习习惯和饮食习惯的对话材料。说:能谈论生活习惯、学习习惯和饮食习惯。读:能读懂介绍个人生活习惯的文章。写:能写出section A和section B中的重点单词和重点句型,并能够描述自己的生活习惯。情感目标:通过开展周末活动调查问卷,引导学

2、生正确处理好学习和娱乐之间的关系。跨学科学习:通过谈论谁的饮食习惯更健康,引导学生了解什么样的饮食习惯,才能保持健康的体质。单元教学重难点一览重点难点 第三人称单数谓语动词在此核心句型中的运用。单元学情分析1、学生已有的认知水平和能力基础 八年级的学生大多数基础较好,在教学中尤其要注意学习能力的培养;需要多教给学生学习的方法并将课文重点处理到位。学生的共同之处如下:大家都是接触教材已一年多了,所以已经过了磨合期,学生对新老师,新教材都有一种新鲜感,也有初生牛犊不怕虎的冲劲,想利用学过的英语知识,说出流利而准确的英语。在这样的基础上,学生对于讨论跟他们生活息息相关的相关内容一概很容易产生兴趣。

3、2、学生学习本课可能遇到的困难和问题 他们之间也存在着差异:有些学生基础不错,愿意积极分享自己的意见,但有些学生原来小学初一时接受的英语教育基础比较差,有说的冲动,却无说的行动,怕丢面子,怕被嘲笑。这样就给听说训练课的开展设置了一道难关。我在设置教学目标时充分考虑到这些实际情况,根据不同的学生情况,设置不同难度阶梯,让每个学生都有机会达到成功点,都有属于自己的英语话语权。 3、学生在学习过程中可能采取的各种学习策略 教师创设提供的情景,降低了学生学习对话 ,交际用语的难度,学生在欣赏影视短片和交际情景中感受使用英语的魅力,并积极主动地掌握必要的有关交通的习惯词汇与语句,学生充分在情景中,通过自

4、身的交际活动,学习英语。口头的表达最终的体现还应该是书面的应用,还需有写作内容的量带质的提升,学生可以及时做书面练习和造句。单元教学建议首先进行集中识字,为本单元的学习作好铺垫。其次,充分利用听力材料和阅读材料,训练和提高学生的听力和阅读水平。在听读的基础上创设语言情景,加强读写训练。培养学生的听、说、读、写综合能力。单元课时分配课型:两节新授课 时间:每节40分钟 教学要求:speaking、listening and writing. 教学内容Section A教学目标知识与能力1Match the vocabulary:delicious,awful expensive,inexpens

5、ive,crowded2.Master and use:Where did Vera go on vacation?Did Vera like the vacation?How were the stores?They were very expensive.过程与方法大面积操练,采用学生提出间题,学生解决问题,借助媒体来提高学生的主动性。情感态度价值观培养学生的逻辑表述能力,激发学生的积极思维,并使学生互相了解,增进友谊,加强人际交往,以形成良好的人际关系。 教学重、难点及教学突破l.The vocabulary:flew kite, later ,felt ,little ,comer ,

6、till ,fry, question ,discuss ,difficulty2.Language: Did Vera like the vacation? How were the stores?培养学生的听、说、读、写综合能力教学突破对于本课的单词短语和语法点的学习。Language:How often.?及答语的学习.教学准备录音机、磁带、课件学生准备预习生词和课文。 课型:教学步骤section Athe first period步骤目的教师活动/方法学生活动/方法多媒体应用step 1review and lead-intalk to the studentstalk to the

7、 teacherspeakstep 2new wordsshow some pictures of the new words on the screen.ask them try to read.look at the example and try to understand多媒体教学read the new wordsrepeat the new wordslet them look at the book 1a and finish 1a.finish 1athe bookgive the correct answer on the screen.check the answerste

8、p 3practice to sayask ss some question:what do you usually do on weekends?what does he/she usually do on weekends?answer the twoquestionspair workstep 4listening practicelet them look at the book 1b and listen to the tapejust listenrecorderplay the record again and ss finish it.finish 1bput the corr

9、ect answer on the screen and let them check the answer.explain the words.make notesnotebookstep 5let them use the wordsabove to make the newconversations.learn to make thenew conversations.ask pairs of students to show their conversations.pairs of ss show their conversations.step 6make the sscan fre

10、ely to talkshow the target language.learn to understand the target talkhow often do you .?teacher ask these questions one by one.try to answer thequestions.step 7let the students make thesimilar conversationsmake theconversationsstep 8listeninglet them look at 2a and play the recording

11、 for the first time.just the recording for the second time.listen and finish 2a.put the correct answer on the screen.check the answer.homeworkwrite down your own conversations in pair workinterview ten students what they usually do on weekends and how often they do it. 讲解: 1.一般现在时:表示经常发生的事情或习惯性的动作。 标志词:always, usually ,often , sometimes, hardly ever, never (常放在句中,be 动词后或实义动词前,sometimes可在句首或句尾)every day , once a week , twice a month, three times a year.(常在句尾),on weekends, on Monday, in the morning.(放在句尾) often:多久一次?对once a week, twice a month, three times a year.,us

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