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1、t responsabilitlimite (limited liability company) with share capital of XXXX, whose registered office is located at 1 rue de la Verrerie, XXXX Bordeaux, registered with the Bordeaux Trade and Companies Registry under number XXXX, represented by 多米尼克, duly empowered for the purposes hereof by virtue

2、of a decision of the general meeting dated 11 April 20XX,1. 某某海外公司,有限责任公司,注册资本为XXXX欧元,注册地址为波尔多市拉维雷里街1号(邮编XXXX),注册号为XXXX。根据公司20XX年X月X日之股东会决议, 多米尼克(音译:多米尼克孟雷)被授权处理本前置条件买卖协议中所涉事项。2 - 多米尼克, residing at Bordeaux (XXXX),1 rue de la Verrerie Born on June 18th 1946 in Libourne (33), France.The husband of Ma

3、rie- Claude AUDY, born on June 18th 1946(实际应为November 20,1942) in Libourne (33), France,whom he married on June 29th 1974, under the marital regime of community of assets in accordance with a marriage contract signed in the presence of MatreHardouin, Notary in Libourne, on June 29th 1974, a regime t

4、hat has remained unchanged to date.A French national.2. 多米尼克孟雷先生【法国国籍】,1946年6月18日出生于法国利布尔讷(33),现居住于波尔多市拉维雷里街1号(邮编XXXX)其妻为玛丽-克劳德奥迪(音译:玛丽-克劳德奥迪)【法国国籍】,1942年11月20日出生于法国利布尔讷(33),二人于1974年6月29日在利布尔讷公证人MatreHardouin的见证下,以婚后财产共享制结婚,直至现在。 Hereinafter jointly referred to as the Vendor 以下统称“转让人”Party of the fi

5、rst part, 以上为一方当事人3 - XXXXX Co Ltd, a Chinese company, whose registered office is located at 21/F, Vanburgh Hotel No.XX West XXX Road, XXX, XXX, China, represented by Mr. XX, duly empowered for the purposes hereof by virtue of a decision of the General meeting of XXXXX Co Ltd dated 11 April 20XX, 3.

6、XXXXX有限公司,注册地为中国XX市XX区XX大道XX号XX房,根据XXXXX有限公司20XX年X月X日股东会决议,XXX先生被授权处理本前置条件买卖协议中所涉事项Hereinafter referred to as the Purchaser 以下统称“受让人”Party of the second part,以上为另一方当事人The Parties have entered into this sale (the Sale), the purpose of which is to sell, subject to the conditions precedent set out here

7、in, all of the shares comprising the share capital of Chateau de XXXXX (the Company). 双方当事人经协商一致,就Chateau de XXXXX(以下简称“公司”)100%股权转让事宜,达成前置条件买卖协议Recitals转让人陈述:A. The Vendor owns 100% of the shares of the Company, which is a French socicivile (non-trading company) with share capital of XX divided int

8、o 9,000 shares, as described in further detail below. Schedule A hereto contains up-to-date copies of the Companys articles of association and extrait K Bis (registration certificate). A 转让人持有公司100%股权,该公司为法国民事公司(非贸易性质的公司),注册资本为XX欧元,共分为XXXX股(详见前置件A:公司最新营业执照及章程)B. The Company is the owner and operator

9、 of a wine-growing estate, located in the Bordeaux/Bordeaux Suprieur AOC (appellation doriginecontrle controlled designation of origin) area, of which the description, an up-to-date record from the computerised vineyard register (CVI) and the land registry references are set out in Schedule B. B 公司拥

10、有并经营一家位于“波尔多/超级波尔多”法定产区的葡萄酒庄(详见前置件B:最新海关CVI和地籍资料)C. The Company owns the equipment needed to operate the vineyard. A list of this equipment is attached in Schedule C. C 公司拥有运营酒庄所必需的设备(详见前置件C:设备清单) D. The Company owns the trademarks and the domain name listed in Schedule D. D 公司已注册多个商标及拥有自己的酒庄名称(详见前置

11、件D:商标及酒庄名称清单)E. The Companys wine inventory as of 31December20XX is listed in Schedule E. E 公司已清点了截止到20XX年12月31日的葡萄酒库存(详见前置件E:截止到20XX年12月31日的葡萄酒库存清单)F. The Vendor makes more detailed representations regarding the nature of the Company and its assets and liabilities, in the Warranty Agreement under t

12、he conditions of Article 9 below. F 基于下述第9条的规定,转让人须在双方另行签订的保证协议中,对公司性质、资产、债务进行更为详尽的陈述和说明。NOW THEREFORE THE VENDOR AND THE PURCHASER HAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS:鉴于以上所述,转让人和受让人达成协议如下:前置条件买卖协议1 DEFINITIONS INTERPRETATION 1、定义-解释1.1 - Definitions1.1-定义The capitalised terms and expressions below shall have th

13、e following meanings:下列下划线标示的术语,含义如下:Article shall mean an article of the Preliminary Sale Agreement.条款:是指前置条件买卖协议的一个条款。Claim shall mean the certain, liquid and due claim that the Vendor holds against the Company as of the Completion Date (shareholders current account).债权:是指至转让日时,转让人对公司拥有的确定及应付债权(股东

14、的现金账户)。Company shall mean Chateau de XXXXX, a non-trading company with capital of XX, whose registered office is located at Chateau de XXXXX, 33350Ruch, France, registered with the Bordeaux Trade and Companies Registry under number是指SCA Chateau de XXXXX,民事公司,注册资本为XX欧元,注册地址为Chateau de X

15、XXXX, 33350Ruch, France,注册号为418161。Completion Date shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Article 11.1.转让日:规定于第11.1条Purchasershall mean the undersigned party of the second part.受让人:指签订本前置条件买卖协议的另一方当事人Real Estate Assets shall mean all of the real estate belonging to the Company, the description and land registry references of whi

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