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1、21-25.BDCAD the facing. all problems Of 26-30.AABDD The British psychoanalyst John. 11-15 BDCAD This is supposed an . 16-20 DACAC The biggest safety threat. 11-15 I B D E F 16-20 G K M N O Then term is “culture shock”. 21-25. 2 CDACD There is a massive confusion. 26-30. CADCB The ordinary family in

2、. 21-25 HAFBJ 26-30 CKDLE As soon as it was revealed. 11-15 ACADA In most systems of . 16-20 CBCCD People are always coming. 21-25 EACND 26-30 GJNKM Journey into the Shadows. 1-5 ACFGC 6-10 HDEFH Managing Conflicts. 11-15 GIKIA 15-20 BJFKC In only two decades Asian . 21-25D F A M I 26-30 K O H J E A

3、 million years have been added to. 31-35 DDBAB It is hard to track the blue whale. 36-40 BACDA I find it wholesome to be alone . 41-45 CDABC In recent years,Israeli consumers. 46-50 ACDDA 3 Keep Playrooms Tidy With Bins . 1-5 DFIGA 6-10 BHDGC Can Digital Textbook Truly Replace the . 11-15BFAED 16-20

4、HJKIG The existence of oil wells has been know . 21-25 BBDBB There are various ways in which individual. 26-30ABDDB According to sociologists. 31-35 DCABD The food we eat seems to have . 36-40 DBCDA 一、Have you ever know . 61.remarkably 62.object 63.different 64. protect 65.rocketed 66.start to 67.wo

5、rshipping 68.fancy 69. have to 70.last 71.originally 72.altitude 73.look down 74.wake 75.crulty 76.desperate 77.result in 78.bankrupt 79.emotionally 80.on the ground 二、Charlie Chaplin was born in . 4 61.London ic 63.popular 64.crude 65.too much 66.appearance 67.talking 68.nonsence 69.nationality 70.

6、sucess 71.talented 72.physical 73.transformation 74.skill 75.secret 76.collision 77. betrayed 78.desaster 79.emotional 80.happiness Life in a wheelchair is . 三、65.welfare 62.with 61.tough 63.client 64.decent 69.honesty 66.extra 67.individual 68.choice 73.till 72.mountain 70.declare 71.increse 75.unr

7、eported 74.unacconted 76.consequent 77.transform 78.helpers 79.detective 80.cheating A transformation is occurring. 四、64.decade 63.investment 61.boost 62.invest 65.pour 67.key 69.jump 72.choosing 70.revolution 71.experience 76.temptation 73.deperate 75.lagged

8、sist 78.peisist 80.superhighway While loneliness is very. 五、 5 mon 62.admit 63.perceived 65.wildness 66.solitude 67.philosophers 70. 69.solitary enjoyable 68.inspiration 71.productive 72.basic 73.daily 74.consequence 76.embarassingly 77.important 78.rational fortable 80.g

9、race 六、Bribery in various from is on the . 61.increase 62.substantial 63.licence 64.stand by 65.questionable mercial 67.categories 68.consist 69.political 70.contract 71.approval 72.wheel 73.made 74.traditional 75.passage 76.prohibit 77.conduct 78.concerning 79.frequently 80.moral .Her thoughts imme

10、diately flashed back to last 81 night. 她的思绪立即回到了昨晚。82. Someone broke into my car and stole my mobile phone. 有人进了我的车偷走了手机。83. His girlfriend appeared before him out of 6 nowhere. 他的女朋友不知从哪里冒出来,突然出现在他面前。84No one can read a writer is mind though his face,but we can see into his sentences. 没有人能从作家的脸上看出他

11、的想法,但是可以从他所写的文字中看出他的内心世界。Ive already put myself on the line . 85.我曾为你冒过一次险for you once, and Im not going to do it again. At that urgent moment, he stepped up .在那紧要关头86. to catch the kid falling down from a tree. do Political considerations 87. 在制定政策时,要考虑诸多因素e into play when making policy. the for Th

12、e instruments 88. 音乐会要用的乐器差不多准备好了.concert were nearly all in place. 81.He gave away his last chance of winning the election when he said the wrong thing on TV. 当他在电视上发表不当言论时,就葬送了自己选举获胜最后机会。82.The dog was scratching at the door to be let in. 这条狗正在抓门, 想要到屋子里去。83.Tom says he was fascinated by the plot

13、of the film that revolves around a true life incident. 汤姆说被这部以真实事件为题材的影片的情节深深吸引了。 7 84The building was given over to the youth club. 这栋大楼被用作青少年俱乐部. 85.快点儿,我们别浪费时间了. Hurry up, were wasting time. 86. 这炉子好像不太热.This fire doesnt seem to be giving off much heat. 87.做完把试卷交上来. Give your exam papers in when youve finished. 88. 他们的政治势力逐渐减弱.Their political power is on the wane. 81.At one point,i though he was going to burst into tears. 有那么

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