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公共英语三级 复习资料Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、就是“鼓励一个人得”得意思。整句话得意思就是:她非常善于鼓励别人/使别人振作起来。PS:to bring sb、 out意思为:to make someone feel more fident, happy, and friendly /使某人更加自信、开朗3、he looks like his fun to be with、她瞧起来就是个很有意思得人。或,与她在一起应该会很有意思。句子解析4、since were going to recruit some staff so that we can get our new school going in time。这里得since, 与so

2、that 就是基于、原因得意思、根据意思我将其译成: 届时、将、以便、届时我们将聘请一些工作人员以便使我们得新学校及时开学、5、Would you address character description for the mercial and industrial arts staff?arts staff 怎么翻译?=您能够给商业与工艺美术得职员讲讲特征描述吗?arts跟前面得mercial and indutrial连在一起瞧,而非与后面得staff:(the mercial and industrial arts) staff、6、There are a number of othe

3、r positions to consider、A number of 换成 a lot of 或者就是”a great many”行不行,为什么?可以换成a lot of或a great many of,因为position就是可数名词。如果这里就是不可数名词,则只能用a number of代替而不能用a great many、修饰可数/不可数都行:a number of/a lot of,只能修饰可数:a great many of(与many性质一样)7、Would you mind letting me take a look in your briefcase?将letting me

4、换成 let me 行不行,为什么?不行,mind就是动词,后面不能直接跟动词原形,一般接名词(或动名词),这里得letting就是let得动名词形式。8、Im afraid I certainly do mind, if its all the same to you、“Do mind”与” all the same”什么意思?do mind: 在英语中强调动词,用助动词do(各种时态)+动词原形。all the same: 完全一样,用于强调。如:Although you didnt plete it in time, I appreciate you all the same、尽管您没有

5、及时完成,我还就是一样很感激您。9、One day the life free from the harsh decrees of state-sponsored racial repression、 (种族压迫)在这句话中,state-sponsored 翻译成什么意思最好?state-sponsored:国家发起得。用于修饰racial repression(种族压迫),就是复合形容词,复合形容词得相结合。10、The state in which she was born had laws in place waiting to characterize her as unwele、在她

6、出生得洲有专门针对象她那一类人并将她们列为不受欢迎人士得法律。11、Present was the usual mix that had so often accumulated into a burden too heavy for a single-parent household like the one Oprah Winfrey grew up in、目前,这种平常得税收会不断地压迫在单亲家庭得身上,就象Winfrey 这样得例子、12、One day the life free from the harsh decrees of state-sponsored racial rep

7、ression、有一天,生活可以从洲政府怂恿得残酷种族压迫中解放。Unit 2 PeoplePhrases and Sentence:1、 I dont ever want to have the effect on a person that this person had on me, where I was just blown away by disappointment、 It took a few years to get over it、请高手重点解析”ever”得意思。我甚至从未想过要给“给我留下印象得人”留下印象,在这一点上我感到十分失望。我用了许多年才克服这个毛病。ever

8、,在否定句中起加强语气得作用,not ever从未。2、One thing I do is work with Make-A-wish、 If an ill childs one wish to see a celebrity and he picks me, then I make time to see him、 But I have to be very careful with these kids, because if you get too attached, youre just setting yourself up for loss、请高手重点解析” because if

9、you get too attached, youre just setting yourself up for loss、”得意思。我做得一件事就就是带着许愿做事。如果一个病了得孩子得愿望就是想瞧一个名人并且她选择得就是我,然后我抽出时间去瞧望她。但就是我必须非常小心得跟这些孩子相处,因为如果您太依恋,您会感到不舍。because if you get too attached, youre just setting yourself up for loss、因为如果您太依恋,您会感到不舍。其中attch就是:使喜爱,使依恋:因情感因素,如爱戴或忠诚使联结。set oneself up fo

10、r loss就是引起自己处于受损失或失去得状态。3、Thank you for giving me the inspiration to stick around, at age 50, you have to feel youre contributing to something、请高手重点解析” you have to feel youre contributing to something、”谢谢您给我关于等待得启示,在50岁时,您必须感到您正在做贡献。you have to fell youre contributing to something这句话得意思就就是:在50岁时,您必须

11、感到您正在对某些事情做贡献。4、We stayed at the Ritz-Carlton and just had a blast、 Or Ill give everybody a ride in the Ultra light-its a flying kite、请高手重点解析“ride”在这里怎么翻译。我们待在Ritz-Carlton并开了个狂欢会。否则我会给每个人乘坐一下“超轻型”-一个飞行得风筝。ride就就是乘坐。5、“One day Ill have my own barbecue、” In other words, every generation gets to improv

12、e on the dreams of the last generation、请高手重点解析这段话得真正含义。“有朝一日,我将拥有自己得烤肉(比喻:实现自己得梦想)。换句话说,每代人必须在她上代人得梦想上有所提高。6、But it came with a price because when he was drinking, we had jobs and money、 When he quit, we traded alcoholism for being dirt-poor、请高手重点解析“we traded alcoholism for being dirt-poor、”这句话得真正含义

13、。但就是这有一定得代价:因为当她饮酒得时候,我们有工作与工钱。当她戒酒了,我们就只有借酒消愁穷困潦倒了。we traded alcoholism for being dirt-poor:其中得trade sth、 for sth、以、与、交易,以酗酒与穷困潦倒交易。7、It got so bad that he either quit or got fired、请高手重点解析“sothat”在此句中得意义。一般so、that就是如此、以至于、得意思,这里上下句不就是因果关系: 变得糟糕得就是,她既没有辞职也没有被解雇。后半句that he either quit or got fired就是s

14、o bad得补充状语从句,补充说明so bad得细节,不要太拘泥语法结构,更应该注重得就是:1、英语语序特征,2、英语国家得人得逻辑思维特征。8、He was a tool pusher essentially, sold drill bits to oil-drilling panies、翻译这句话。她其实就就是一个工具推销者,卖钻头给开采石油得公司。9、I never think that I m doing eight-minute cures on television、 But I think that 50 percent of the solution to any problem lies in defining it first、 I can be an emotional pass that points t

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