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高考英语总复习 课后强化作业9 外研版必修2Word下载.docx

1、9The _ (听众) was enthusiastic for the opening of the play.10His speech was _ (录音) on a tape.答案:1posed2.tune3.classical4.talent5.musical6influence7plex8.lose9.audience10.recorded.完成句子1中国人民都被温家宝总理的话深深地打动了。Chinese people _ all strongly _ Premier Wen Jiabaos words.2直到她摘下墨镜,我才认出她。It was _ her dark glasses

2、 _ I recognised her.3随着时间的流逝,他的健康状况变得更加糟糕。_, his health goes worse.4秘书把老板让她做的事记录下来。The secretary _ what her boss had asked her to do.5到退休时,他将工作满35年。 By the time he retires, he _ for 35 years.1.are; impressed by2.not until she took off; that3.As time goes by4.made a note of5.will have worked.单项填空1He

3、_ the lecture given by the famous professor.Adid BmadeCrecorded DlistenedC句意:他录下了那位著名教授做的演讲。record此处用作动词,意为“录音”,符合题意。listen为不及物动词,后接宾语时需要加to。2I was strongly impressed _ the beauty of the sunrise seen on Mount Tai last summer.Awith Bin Con DatA句意:去年夏天,泰山日出的美给我留下了深刻的印象。 be impressed with为固定搭配,意为:对有深刻印

4、象。3The new plan _ three parts, each of which is very important.Aposes of Bis posed ofCmakes up Dmakes up ofB句意:这项新计划由三部分组成,每一部分都至关重要。be posed of.“由组成(相当于be made up of)”。故B项符合。4(xx天津模拟)It was after he got what he had wanted _ he realized it was not so important.Athat BwhenCsince DasA考查强调句型。去掉it/was.t

5、hat.后,句子结构及句意依然完整,因此判断为强调句型,所以选A项。5The new play will _ several big cities in China this year.Atravel BvoyageCtour Dtrip今年这部新剧将在中国数个大城市举行巡演。tour作动词表“演出,旅行”;travel作动词只表“旅行,游历”;voyage只作名词;trip只能作名词表示时间短、距离近的“旅行”。故C项正确。6He showed a great _ for languages. Apower BappearanceCtalent DcharacterCshow a talen

6、t for“表现出天赋”,为固定搭配。power“力量”;appearance“外表”;character“性格”。7Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, pletely _ to the outside world.Ahaving been lost Bto be lostClosing DlostD句意:安娜正在读一个科幻故事,完全不知道外面发生了什么事。be lost to the outside world表示“(全神贯注于某事而)不注意周围的事物”。8He looked at her with a_ of amusement and

7、 happiness.Amix BmixedCmixture DmixableCa mixture of.意为“的混合体”。句意:他又惊又喜地看着她。9As is well known, Edison was one of the greatest scientists _.Aall the time Ball timeCof all time Dof all the time众所周知,爱迪生是有史以来最伟大的科学家之一。of all time为固定搭配,意为“有史以来”。10We can _ a note of what the teacher says in class and _ not

8、es afterwards.Atake; make Bpare; takeCmake; pare Dmake;我们可以上课时记下老师讲的,下课后再交换意见。make/take a note of“把记下来”;take/make notes“记笔记”;pare notes“对笔记;交换意见”。11There were so few people living in this area that we had covered 40 miles _ we could find a village.Auntil BbeforeCafter DwhenB考查before的用法。在这个地区住的人很少,我们

9、走了40英里才发现了一个村庄。before在此表示“过了多久才”。12On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine, she _ pale.Agained BchangedCwent Dappeared一听到煤矿发生事故的消息,她就变得脸色苍白。go用作系动词,意为“变得”,常指往坏的方面变化。13Violent programs on television may have a bad _ on children.Aaffection BpressureCcontrol Dinfluence电视上的暴力节目可能对儿童有坏的影响。ha

10、ve a/an.influence on.“对有影响”。14Modern plastic can _ very high and very low temperature.AstandBholdCcarryDsupport新型塑料能承受很高和很低的温度。stand“承受,忍受”。15She doesnt have natural talent but she _ it with hard work.Agets out of Bkeeps up withCcatches up with Dmakes up forD考查动词短语辨析。她没有天赋,但凭借刻苦的劳动弥补了不足。D项有“弥补”之意,符合

11、句意。.完形填空On a cold January morning, a man sat at a subway station in Washington DC and started to play the violin. He played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. Since it was rush hour, it was _1_ that thousands of people went through the station, most of them on their way to work.Three minutes _2_

12、and a middleaged man noticed the musician playing. He slowed his _3_ and stopped for a few seconds and then hurried up to meet his _4_. A minute later, the violinist received his first dollar tip: a woman threw the money in the hat and without stopping continued to walk. A few minutes later, someone _5_ against the wall to listen to him, but then the man looked at his watch and started to walk again.The one who paid

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