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1、最新高中英语作文名师指点资料Confidence【话题词组】1)自信2)对某事有信心 对某人有信心2)建立自信心3)成功做某事4)谚语有云4)着手做。5)持有积极地态度6)在困难的情况下7)显然地8)从经验中吸取教训9) 失败是成功之母【话题句型】1. 他有信心通过考试。他对自己的能力从不缺乏信心。2. 缺乏维生素会产生很多症状。3. 我相信我有能力找到一个高薪的工作。4. 如果你想成功,你必须对自己的能力有信心。否则,你会一事无成。5. 有些人总是抱怨任务有多难,却拒绝尝试。6. 因此,他们没有机会克服困难来让自己提高。7. 在面对困难时,人们沮丧或泄气是有原因的。8. 显然,他们害怕犯错或

2、失败。9. 我们在着手做之前要做充足的准备并且要不断鼓励自己。10. 我们对自己要有正确的态度,不能小瞧自己。【范文】 Self-confidece means the firm belief that you can do things well. If you want to succeed in doing anything, you must have every confidence in your abilities. Otherwise, you may hardly achieve anything. Some people always complain about how

3、difficult their tasks would be and they often refuse to have a try. There fore they will have no opportunities to overcome difficulties in order to get themselves improved. Obviously, this show their lack of self-confidence. There are several reasons why people feel frustrated or discouraged in face

4、 of difficulties. First, they underestimate themselves. Second, they are afraid of making mistakes or getting failures. It is important for young people to build up self-confidence. As a proverb goes, “confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success.” We should get fully prepared and

5、 encourage ourselves before setting about doing anything. We should have a right attitude toward our abilites and should never look down upon ourselves. In addition, we dont have to be afraid of mistakes or failures, for we can learn from mistakes and “Failure is the mother of success.”Health【话题词组】1

6、. 重视。 2. 对。上瘾3. 早睡早起身体好4. 熬夜5. 对。有害6. 保持均衡的饮食7. 总而言之8. 忽视。;不注意9. 养成好习惯10. 戒掉坏毛病【话题句型】1. 很明显,健康是其他东西的基础。2.随着生活水平的提高,人们越来越重视健康。3.没有健康,我们学生部能保持学习的效率。4依我看来,合理的饮食和运动时保持健康最主要的两种方式。5我们必须平衡膳食,每日必须吃蛋白质,维他命,纤维。6.每天喝牛奶,不要对酒和吸烟上瘾也很重要。7.体育运动也是必要的。我们可以散步,骑自行车,打羽毛球或游泳。8.如果你保持好习惯,就能保持健康。9. 既然我们知道健康是我们活力的源泉,我们应该怎样去保

7、持健康呢?10. 只有当你失去时,才知道健康的重要性。Keep a healthy life (周报31期基础写作) Health and learning are closely connected. If we want to succeed in our study, we have to keep healthy, because good health is the basis of other things. So we must exercise regularly and keep fit. Also, learning is of great importance to us

8、 students as we can only contribute to our country in the future by gaining as much knowledge as possible. But many students spent most of their time on their study, and as a result, ignored their health, which is harmful and dangerous. To sum up, both health and learning are important to us so we s

9、hould study hard and pay attention to health as well, trying to strike a balance between health and learning. Holidays 【话题词组】期待假期 look forward to holidays纪念 in memory of 盛装打扮 dress up 享受家庭团聚 enjoy family reunion 好好地休息一下 take a good rest恢复精神 refresh ourselves/ relax ourselves参与丰富多彩的活动 take part in co

10、lorful activities对。有益 be beneficial to 与。相比较 compared with【话题词组】1. 每年国内外会庆祝各种各样的节日。2. 春节传统文化的象征。过春节亲戚们可以聚在一起,吃美食,分享快乐。3. 我们有机会享受家庭团聚,好好地放松一下自己。5. 但是,街上总是挤满了人,连呼吸都很困难。6. 所以,不妨去旅游,享受大自然,远离喧嚣的都市。7. 我们也可以找一份兼职,这样可以提供我们将来的工作经验。8. 有些学生赚钱为下个学期支付学费。9. 虽然学校都关门了,有些学生不得不参加各种各样的班。10.无论假期多长,最重要的是假期是娱乐的时间,要有意义地度过

11、。 Short holidays and Long Holidays Different students have different ideas about the length of holidays. Some like long holidays. Others prefer short ones. I think both of them have their advantages and disadvantages. As for me, I prefer the latter. Compared with long vacations, short ones have many

12、 advantages. First, short holidays offer us time for a full relaxation after busy exams. When we finish the exams, well spend a vacation of a month doing things like visiting friends, going home, going to concerts, watching sports games, and so on. Second, we can plan to travel during the short holi

13、days, which will give us a lot of pleasure. In addition, short vacations may enable us to have colorful activities while the long holidays are always dull.On the other hand, short vacations have disadvantages. For students who want to make some money to cover their school expenses, they are too shor

14、t for them to make enough money. Despite the disadvantage, I prefer several short holidays from which I can benefit a lot.31期周报大作文 In this passage the author talked about her feelings about the four main holidays to show that she had mixed feelings about them, because they gave her both happiness an

15、d unhappiness. Just like the author, I also have mixed feelings about various holidays because they bring us happy memories along with upset feelings. On one hand, from international and traditional holidays, we can learn a lot about cultures and traditions. Also, holidays are good chances for peopl

16、e to have a good rest, do some shopping or travel. On the other hand, there are always terrible traffic jams on holidays because too many guys pour into streets. Among all the western and Chinese holidays, my favorite is the Spring Festival. In this holiday, many relatives get together to celebrate this big event. A

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