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1、【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】听力原文M: Are the subway trains easy m take here?W: Oh, yes. I recommend the subways. They are very fast, faster than taxis.Q: What will the speakers probably take?解析 此题属于推理判断题。题目询问说话人可能会乘坐什么交通工具。根据女士的回答“I recommend the subways.”(我建议坐地铁。)可知正确答案为选项C(地铁)。避错指南 选项A(公共汽车)比较容易排除,因为 b

2、us这个单问没有在对话中出现。选项B(出租车)和选项D(火车)在对话中出现过,因此有一定的迷惑性,但抓住关键的recommend(推荐)一词就不难做出正确的判断。第2题 He has no time to tell her how to get there.He cannot tell her.He doesnt know where to find the department store.There is no department store in the region. Excuse me, where can I find a department store? Sorry, I c

3、ant help you. Im not familiar with this area. What does the man mean?解析 题目询问这位男士的话是什么意思。根据他的回答“我对这个区域不熟悉”可知答案为选项 C(他不知道在哪儿能找到百货商店)。避错指南 选项A(他没时间指路)、选项B(他不能告诉她)和选项D(这个区域没有百货商店)在对话中均未提到,应排除。第3题 Alcohol.Beer.Juice.Win So, what would you like to drink? They have beer, wine and juice hers. I dont like al

4、cohol. It makes my face turn red. What will the woman probably drink?解析 此题考查推理判断能力。题目询问女士可能会喝什么。根据女士的回答“I dont like alcohol. It makes my face turn red.”(我不喜欢酒精。它会让我的脸变红。)可以判断女士不会点含酒精的饮料,四个选项中只有果汁是不含酒精的,因此正确选项应该为C项(果汁)。避错指南 选项A(酒精)、选项B(啤酒)和选项D (葡萄酒)都很容易排除。第4题 Teacher and student.Saleswoman and custom

5、er.Husband and wife.Policeman and criminal.B Anything else, sir? Thats all for now. How much do I owe you? What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?解析 此题属于身份分析题。根据原文“Anything else, sir?”可知女士一定是在为男士服务。又从“How much do I owe you?”可知答案为B项(售货员和顾客)。避错指南 选项A(老师和学生)和选项D(警察和罪犯)有一定的迷惑性,因为在生活中

6、这两种关系的人之间确实会使用“sir”这样的称呼,但如果能注意男士提到的“owe”一词也就能排除这两个选项。选项C (丈夫和妻子)之间一般不会使用“sir”这样的说法,因此可以比较容易地排除这个选项。第5题 A handbag and flowers.Flowers and a cake.Shoes and a cake.A handbag and a pair of shoes.D Have you prepared any gifts for your mothers birthday yet? My father has ordered flowers and a birthday ca

7、ke. My sister will give her a handbag. And Ive got a pair of shoes. What presents will the children give?解析 此题属于事实细节题。题目询问孩子送什么礼物。女士说她买了鞋子和她妹妹准备送手提包,因此可知答案为选项D(鞋子和手提包)。避错指南 解答本题关键是要注意女士提到的谁送给谁什么。“My sister will give her a handbag. And Ive got a pair of shoes.”而从男子说的“your mother”一词可以推知这位母亲有两个女儿,他们送的礼

8、物分别是鞋子和手提包,因此可以判断其余选项均不正确。二、Listening Comprehensionm(Section B) (共5小题,共5.0分)Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation , there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions

9、will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. She disliked him.She laughed at him.

10、She envied him.She felt depresse听力原文6-7 Hello. How was your vacation? It was great. A whole week at the seaside, swimming in the sum I feel completely relaxed. (6) How I envy you! Do you know what I was doing when you were enjoying your life? (7) Working as usual. Right. And I was also asked to do s

11、ome of your work. Im sorry. They should have waited for me to come back. Dont worry. Go to your desk and youll find lots of e-mails waiting for you. Oh, its terrible, so many! Well, its really hard for you to make up for the lost time. Yeah, I agree.6. What is the womans attitude towards the mans en

12、joying a holiday?解析 这是考查态度的题。题目询问女士对男士的休假持什么态度,由女士的话“How I envy you!” (我多么羡慕你啊!)可知答案为选项C。避错指南 选项A(女士不喜欢男士),选项D(女士嘲笑男士)和选项C(女士感到很沮丧)都不能合理地从文中推出,因此要排除。Colleagues.Boss and secretary.Schoolmates.Roommates.AWhat is the probable relationship between the two speakers?解析 题目询问说话人之间的关系,通过女士说的“你出去玩而我照常工作”并且“还要替你干一些工作”,可以看出他们是同事关系,即选项A正确。避错指南 这类推断关系的题一定要从说话人之间的对话及语气仔细判断。若是选项B(老板和秘书)的关系不可能听到女士的抱怨,若是选项C(同学)关系则不可能有下文的“回到你办公桌你会发现有许多邮件等你处理”,所以都应排除。而选项D(室友)关系更不会有类似的谈话,所以只能选A。What they are going to do.What program they are going to watch on

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