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1、th ink he is right, is he?You| don tth ink he is right, do you?He/She/ToM doesHtthi nk I am right, does he/ does she/ does Tom3.-ng/-ed形容词区别a.-ing形容词修饰物b.-ed形容词修饰人(人所特有的五官 face,look,voice,smile, expression也用-ed来修饰)4.对 would you mind doing 的回答介意一Yes, you better not./ I prefer you not to do./ Im sorry

2、 , but不介意一No, of course not./ Certainly not./ Not at all./ Go ahead.5. 倒装句 表情况相同She likes dancing, so do I . 倒装句表情况相同She doesnt like dancing, n either do I.She likes dancin g, so she doe正常语序表“确实是这样”6.take part in/ join in / join/ attendA.take part in 参加群众性的、集体性的活动,例如 take part in school activities/

3、take part in the OlympicGamesB.join in 参加正在进行的竞赛活动 常用 join sb. (in) doingC.join参加某个组织或团体,例如,join the Party(共产党)/join the league共青团)/ join the army(参军)D. attend正式用语,常指参加婚葬,会议,典礼,上学,上课等,例如,attend the wedding婚礼)attendthe fu neral葬礼)atte nd class 上课) atte nd school上学)7.matter的用法8.n . Key Phrasesat the s

4、tart/ beginning of 在的开始/开端 at the end of 在的末尾attitude to/towards 对的态度 in other words 换句话说take part in/ join/ join sb. (in) doing/ attend 参加divide sth. into = sth. be divided into 把 划分为move to 搬到 look forward to doing 期盼做某事feel/get/be bored with 对感到厌倦be impressed with 某人对 印象深刻leave a deep impression

5、on/ leave an unforgettable impression orr给某人留下深刻印象 /给某人留下难忘的印象用这种方式: in this way in this manner with this method by this meansIH . Grammar 一般现在时1.经常性、习惯性动作用一般现在时She goes to see the film once a week.He always/often/usually/sometimes/never/seldom talks with others.2.客观规律The teacher said that the earth

6、 travels around the su n.The light travels faster tha n sound.3.在if引导的条件状语从句中,主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时,也就是“主将从现”I will go to Xi an if it doesntrain tomorrow.主将 从现IV. Everday English How are you doin g?=How is it goi ng?某事进展的怎么样? Fin e./ Not bad.Module21.with的用法A.with + 宾语 + adj./ adv./介 词短语a.with + 宾语 + adj.

7、Don talk with your mouth fulLb.with + 宾语 + adv.The room is bright with all the lights _on.c.with + 宾语 + 介词短语Ms. Liu comes into classroom with a book in her hand.B.with +宾语+ V.(看宾语和动词之间的关系)a.主动 ingThe mother left, with the baby crying.b.被动 doneHe is sleepi ng with the window closed.c.还没做With so much

8、homework to do, I cantgo out.2.sothat & so thatA.sothat 如此以致于She expla ins En glish grammar so clear that eve n I can un dersta nd that引导结果状语从句,译为“因此”Mrs. Liu just smiles, so that you dont feel completely stupid.3.appreciate 的用法A.appreciate (oneb) doing 感激(某人)做某事I appreciate your help ing me

9、.B.I would appreciate it if 如果我将感激不尽I would appreciate it if you help me.4.admit的用法A.admit doing承认做了某事He admitted break ing the win be admitted to/i nto 被录取或接收I was admitted to/into Peking University.5.prefer 的用法 (preferring, preferred)A. prefer sth.更喜欢Which one do you prefer, the apple or

10、 the pear?I prefer apple.B. prefer sth to sth.比起更喜欢I prefer apple to banan a.比起香蕉我更喜欢苹果C.prefer doing sth. to doing sth.比起做更喜欢做 I prefer dancing to singing.比起唱歌,我更喜欢跳舞D.prefer to do rather than do 宁愿也不愿 Rather than talk with us, he prefers to play alone.6.would rather 的用法A.would rather (not) do 宁愿(不

11、)做I would rather stay at home.B.would rather do than do宁愿做也不愿I would rather stay at home than go to see the fact事实上 fall asleep (fall的过去式是fell)睡着 tell joks讲笑话(tell的过去式told) make progress取得进步(progress不可数) make a lot of/great/much progress取得巨大进步as a result!吉果 as a result of=because o由于respec

12、tful=polite有礼貌的 respectable体面的,正派的,值得尊敬的be patie nt with sb对某人有耐心be popular in sp在某地受欢迎 be popular with sb在某个人群当中受欢迎be strict with sb. in sth.在某方面对某人要求严格admit doing承认做了某事 sb. be admitted to某人被接收或录取appreciate onesdoing感激某人做某事 I would appreciate it if you.如果 我将感激不尽consider doing考虑做某事 nothing like完全不像m

13、ake sb. do sth / sb. be made to do使某人做某事prefer doing A to doing B比起做 A更喜欢做 B prefer to do rather than do宁愿做也不愿做 would rather (not) do宁愿(不)做 would rather do than do宁愿做也不愿做have problems with sth.在某方面有问题have problem/difficulty (in) doing 做某事有困难川.Grammar1.非限制性定语从句A.标志:”将主从句隔开B.指人时,主语用who,宾语用whomHe is a

14、doctor, who is in his thirties.The old man has two sons, one of whom is a scie ntist.C.指物只能用which (在限制性定语从句中既可用 which也可用that来指物)This is the house, which I lived in ten years ago.D.指地点用whereThis is the house, where I lived ten years ago.2.V. + doing/ to doA.只能接doingadmit/appreciate/avoid/co nsider/mi nd/look forward to/be busy/be good at |+doinbB.既能接doing,又能加to do, doing表做过了,to do还没做要去做remember to do/ doing forget to do/ doing stop to do/ doing go on to do/ doingC.接doing与接to do时意义差别较大try to do努力尽量做 try doi ng尝试做regret to do对将要做的事感到

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