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1、外贸函电自考题模拟4外贸函电自考题模拟4 第部分 选择题 一、单项选择题 (在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的。) 1. You must be _ any further delay in shipment will bring about adverse effect on our future business. A.aware of B.aware to C.aware that D.aware in 答案:C 考点 本题主要考查的知识点为aware的用法。 解答 be aware of sth. 或be aware that+句子均表示“意识到,认识到”。本题中awa

2、re后接的是表语从句。故选C项。 2. Buyers request for insurance to be _ up to the inland city. A.cover B.covers C.covering D.covered 答案:D 3. Your claim for the damage is to be _ with the insurance company. A.met B.filed C.satisfied D.compensated 答案:A 考点 本题主要考查的知识点为索赔的有关表达。 解答 在四个选项中,A项表示“符合,满足”,B项表示“存档”,C项表示“满足,符合

3、”,D项表示“补偿”,是及物动词。由词义和用法,排除B、D项,C项表示“使人满意”,其主语应是人,故排除C项,选A项。 4. Upon receipt of this letter please let us know _ the cable the exact of shipment. A.via B.through D.on 答案:C 考点 本题主要考查的知识点为有关装船通知的表达。 解答 A项表示“经过,经由(货轮,港口等)”;B项表示“穿过(从中间穿过)”;C项表示“通过(表方式,方法)”。故本题选C项,by the cable是指通过电报。 5. The goods _ f

4、or shipment tomorrow. A.are preparing B.are prepared C.have prepared D.have been preparing 答案:B 考点 本题主要考查的知识点为被动语态的用法。 解答 本句题意:这批货物准备明天(被)装运。句中主语(the goods)和谓语(prepare)属于被动关系,所以应该用其被动形式“be prepared”。故排除A、C、D项,选B项。 6. Under the FPA terms, the insurance company is liable for any loss, whether total or

5、 partial, _ other external causes, including theft and pilferage. A.rised from B.arised from C.rising from D.arising from 答案:D 考点 本题主要考查的知识点为对FPA(平安险)的理解。 解答 本句题意:在FPA(平安险)的险别下,保险公司的承保责任范围包括:由意外事故导致的全部或部分损失,含偷窃和提货不着险。句中已有了谓语,故其后再有动词就要用其相应的分词形式,排除A项。rise表示“升起,起床”;arise表示“产生”。由题意,应是“产生,由原因”,排除C项。句中ari

6、se的分词形式结构要修饰其前的loss,两者属于动宾关系。故选D项。 7. We are pleased to _ you that 6000 dozen shirts under sales confirmation No. 123, L/C No. 5678 have gone off on S.S. Dongfang. A.ask B.inform C.speak D.tell 答案:B 8. _ unexpected changes in the weather, strawberries will ripen a month earlier than expected. A.Beca

7、use B.As C.Resulting to D.Due to 答案:D 考点 本题主要考查的知识点为due to的用法。 解答 due to表示“由于,因为”,可以直接接名词,但A、B项只能接句子,故选D项。 9. _ the opinion of the Bureau the shortage had occurred before shipment. A.On B.With C.Out of D.In 答案:D 考点 本题主要考查的知识点为有关理赔写作中的表达。 解答 in ones opinion/in the opinion of sb. 表示“在某人看来”,是固定用法。 10.

8、We received a SCIBs Survey Report evidencing a short _ of 5 tons of wheat. C.deliver D.provide 答案:A 11. If the loss or damage to the goods falls _ the liability of the consignor, the insurance company is not liable to pay. A.into B.under 答案:B 考点 本题主要考查的知识点为fall的用法。 解答

9、fall into sth. 表示“某事物可分为;养成(习惯)等”;fall under表示“列入某项下”;fall in sth. 表示“倒塌”;fall to doing sth.表示“开始做某事”。结合题意,应选B项,表示货物损坏属于托运人的责任。 12. It is apparent that the goods have been subjected _ long periods _ extreme sunlight., in, on, on, in 答案:A 考点 本题主要考查的知识点为有关介词搭配的使用。 解答 be subjected t

10、o sth. 表示“经受,遭受”;in在句中表示“在之下”。 13. The shortage in weight was due to the original bags being short-weighted prior _ shipment. A.than D.of 答案:B 考点 本题主要考查的知识点为有关索赔原因短重的表达。 解答 prior to sth. 表示“在以前”。 14. We consider that the suppliers are responsible for the short weight because 50 bags were _

11、 broken. A.find B.found C.finded D.checked 答案:B 考点 本题主要考查的知识点为find的过去分词形式。 解答 were found broken表示“被发现破了”。be+动词的过去分词就是被动语态的具体形式。句中的broken作补语,表示“打碎的,破的”。 15. Your claim on the shortage of weight _ to 13.5 tons in all. A.account B.accounts C.amount D.amounts 答案:D 考点 本题主要考查的知识点为有关索赔的表达。 解答 amount to sth

12、. 表示“共计,总达”。句中主语为第三人称单数,故用amounts,选D项。 16. We wondered if in future you would allow us to settle our accounts _ monthly installment. A.on D.over 答案:B 17. Consequently we find no _ to compensate for the loss you claimed for. B.ground D.position 答案:B 考点 本题主要考查的知识点为有关理赔的表达。 解答

13、ground表示“根据,理由”。 18. The buyer complain _ the excessive moisture of the minerals. A.of C.about D.for 答案:C 考点 本题主要考查的知识点为有关投诉的表达。 解答 complain (to sb. ) about sth. 表示“(向某人)抱怨某事”。 19. The FPA covers _ risks than the WPA. A.less B.wider C.more D.few 答案:A 考点 本题主要考查的是比较级结构及对FPA和WPA的了解。 解答 由句中的than,可排

14、除D项,再由对保险险别的理解,FPA的承保范围比WPA的承保范围少。故选A项。 20. After inspection of the above shipment we found 6 cases _. A.loss B.losing C.missed D.missing 答案:D 第部分 非选择题 二、填空题 1. If you wish to secure protection Risk of Odour, it can be easily done _ the payment of an additional premium. 答案: upon 2. We have looked _ the matter in details and so far as we found that there is no ground for such a claim to be lodged on us. 答案: into 考点 本题主要考查的知识点为处理索赔时的表达。 解答 look into表示

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