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1、 M1 = Man 1, etc.; W1 = Woman 1, etc.Part 1P: Hi. Im really excited about the next few months. Im DJing on the banks of the River Thamesin the heart of London and Im playing some beach parties. Today Ive come to Covent Gardento find out how people feel about their lives. What are you looking forward

2、 to in the future?Part 2M1: Er, Im looking forward to having a family: I dont have a family right now. Er, Im lookingforward to buying a house er, I actually live in the United States right now and I haventbought a house there, so Im looking forward to that. And I guess Im looking forward to um,more

3、 travel.W1: Finding a job that Im really passionate about.M2: Er, near future, Im looking forward to a holiday next year. Im going to Vegas with a familythat I havent been away with um, for about five or six years now.W2: Getting a good job, and finishing university.M3: Nothing really. I kind of enj

4、oy my life at the moment. Um, I . I live in Australia now, andIve got things the way we like them at home, and lifes good.M4: Starting a new job next summer.Part 3 Is there anything you arent looking forward to? No, no, theres nothing I can think about that Im not looking forward to in the future. T

5、he one thing that Id have thought most people say is dying. Quite serious, but, other thanthat, no I kind of embrace life to the full; look forward to most things.W3: Um, I have to say, the premise of getting older, and with getting older you have moreresponsibilities, so thats one thing I wont . Im

6、 not looking forward to. Well, Im not looking forward to retiring: Um, I like my job and I like working, and I thinkIll be a little bored when I retire. Its quite stressful looking for jobs and going to job interviews, so I do get nervous aboutthat. Getting older. Your bodys starting to fall to bits

7、. Not looking forward to that, but itllhappen.Part 4 People say that your schooldays are the best days of your life. Do you think thats true? Absolutely. I do, yes, because youre, the world is your oyster. You have so much hope, somany dreams, and you believe, you believe you can achieve anything. S

8、o yeah, definitely, Ithink so, yeah. No. Schooldays were hell on earth for me. It was (They were) the worst days of my life. Um, theyre quite stressful because you have exams, but I do think theyre fun: being able tobe with your friends every day. So I do think that schooldays are . are good days in

9、 yourlife. Looking back on it, I had a great time at school. Im sure at the time it seemed a littledifficult, um, you know, trying to fit in, but now when I look back on it, they were fun daysand, you know, I . I . I look at them very fondly. For me, personally, my, er . my schooldays were my favori

10、te because Ive still got friendsfrom, going back 20-odd years. Thats when Ive created most . the most valuable relationships I have in my life. For most people, yes, but when I left school at 16, I was a fulltime footballer at IpswichTown Football Club for two years. So, living away from home with f

11、riends and doing, kindof, the best thing I could do in my life, were the best two years of my life.ListeningOK . so . Ive got the date . “Thursday, the 20th of May, 2004. Dear the future me, I hopethis letter has found its way to you / me. As I write this, I am 16 in Year 11; and as I read it, I am2

12、0. Wow! I will have changed so much. I can only guess what I will be like at 20. I envisage tomyself at Oxford Uni, sitting . oh, this is embarrassing . “sitting under a tree by the river in thecollege grounds. I think Ill be wearing something floaty and a bit indie, but I bet when I get this,itll,

13、itll be raining.“As I read this, Ill have already remembered that I fancied Tom Squires . there you go,Tom . Im looking at him now. “I wonder if Ill ever have the guts to tell him. . I know, Im aromantic. I hope that hasnt changed. My plans for myself in the following years are to find a man,someone

14、 good-looking, romantic and intelligent, who, who shares my interests or just Tom.Either way, um, I hope Ill have someone. I dont remember this, “. and then I think Ill havethree children with long brown hair and green eyes.“Well, Ill stop now even though I want to write everything I can down, but I

15、m running outof time. I hope Im happy in 2021, and I hope this letter makes me feel good about who I was, oram, as I write this. Keep smiling, and while I cant really say bye, but good luck for the future andkeep dreaming. Dont change too much, and be happy with who you are I like who I am nowmore than any other time. Love, Laura.It all seems very shallow looking

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