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1、18.3725Cli ni cal On cologyJ. Cli n. On col.志13.8536The Journal of experime ntal medic ineJ. Exp. Med.实验医学杂志国立癌症研究13.7577Journal of the Nati onal Can cer In stituteJ. Natl. Cancer Inst.所杂志11.6658Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.)Hepatology肝脏病学癌症与转移综10.5739Can cer metastasis reviewsCan cer Metastasis Rev.述D

2、rug resista nee updates : reviews and comme ntaries in an timicrobial9.55910and an tica ncer chemotherapyDrug Resist. Updat.耐药性新资讯人类生殖学新9.23411Huma n reproductio n updateHum. Reprod. Update资讯8.49312Europea n urologyEur. Urol.欧洲泌尿科学自然临床诊13Nature cli ni cal practice. On cology疗:肿瘤学8 J7.85614Can cer re

3、searchCan cer Res.癌症研究Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association7.74215for Can cer ResearchCli n. Can cer Res.临床癌症研究人类分子遗传7.63616Huma n molecular gen eticsHum. Mol. Genet.7.58317Epidemiologic reviewsEpidemiol Rev流行病学评论J Mammary Gla nd Biol孚L腺生物学与6.74118Journal of mamm

4、ary gla nd biology and n eoplasiaNeoplasia瘤形成杂志6.47519Seminars in can cer biologySem in. Can cer Biol.癌生物学文辑Ann als of on cology : official jour nal of the Europea n Society for Medical6.42520On cology / ESMOAnn. On col.肿瘤学纪事6.37321On coge neOncogene致癌基因22Journal of medical gen eticsJ. Med. Ge net.医

5、学遗传学杂6.3656.仃423Agei ng research reviewsAgei ng Res. Rev.衰老研究评论6.05424Can cer treatme nt reviewsCan cer Treat. Rev.癌治疗评论5.94625Neoplasia (New York, N.Y.)瘤形成5.72326Neur o-on cologyNeuro-on cology神经肿瘤学5.70227Carc inogen esisCarcinogen esis致癌作用Radiotherapy and on cology : journal of the Europea n Socie

6、ty for放射疗法与肿28Therapeutic Radiology and On cologyRadiother On col瘤学5.58 f5.56629Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.)Epidemiology流行病学5.53630Europea n journal of can cer (Oxford, En gla nd : 1990)Eur. J. Can cer欧洲癌症杂志5.44431In ter nati onal journal of can cer. Journal in ter nati onal du can cerInt. J. Can

7、 cer国际癌症杂志32The America n journal of medic ineAm. J. Med.美国医学杂志5.43 f5.24533Breast can cer research : BCRBreast Can cer Res.乳腺癌研究分子癌症治疗5.22634Molecular can cer therapeuticsMol. Can cer Ther.5.08235Molecular on cologyMol On col分子肿瘤学Pigme nt Cell Mela noma色素细胞和黑5.05936Pigme nt cell & mela noma researc

8、hRes色素瘤研究5.04237British journal of can cerBr. J. Can cer英国癌症杂志Ca ncer Prev Res (Phila4.90838Can cer preve nti on research (Philadelphia, Pa.)Pa)癌症预防研究4.78839Apoptosis : an in ter nati onal journal on programmed cell deathApoptosis细胞凋亡4.78440On cotarget4.77141Can cer癌症J Toxicol En vir on Health B毒物学与

9、环境4.72542Journal of toxicology and en viro nmen tal health. Part B, Critical reviewsCrit Rev健康杂志4.47543Huma n reproducti on (Oxford, En gla nd)Hum. Reprod.人类生殖44Breast can cer research and treatme ntBreast Can cer Res. Treat.乳腺癌研究与4.431治疗Crit. Rev. On col.肿瘤学与血液4.41145Critical reviews in oncology/he

10、matologyHematol.学评论国家综合癌症4.40946Journal of the Nati onal Comprehe nsive Can cer Network : JNCCNJ Natl Compr Cane Netw信息网杂志欧洲人类遗传47Europea n journal of huma n gen etics : EJHGEur. J. Hum. Gen et.学杂志4.4 f内分泌相关癌4.36448En docri ne-related can cerEn docr. Relat. Can cer癌症药靶研究4.32749Curre nt can cer drug

11、targetsCurr Can cer Drug Targets最新进展4.31750Cli ni cal scie nee (London, En gla nd : 1979)Cli n. Sci.临床科学4.28851Molecular can cer research : MCRMol. Cancer Res.分子癌症研究4.25152Expert review of vacc inesExpert Rev Vacc ines疫苗专家评论4.23853Can cer lettersCan cer Lett.癌症快报4.21854Huma n gene therapyHum. Gene Ther.人类基因治疗外科肿瘤学年4.16655Ann als of surgical on cologyAnn. Surg. On col.鉴Can cer epidemiology, biomarkers & preve nti o

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