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1、30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5听下面段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。第二部分阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分) 阅读下列短文, 从每篇短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AA British education official has urged primary schools in his country to return t

2、o the traditional whole class teaching method in order to reproduce its success in China, the Daily Mail reported on Sunday.Having a teacher speak to the class as a whole from the front is much more effective than trendy student-centred learning. Minister of State for Schools in the British Departme

3、nt for Education Nick Gibb said.Gibb added that he would like to see schools across Britain adopt methods, particularly in math and science.Whole class teaching methods, also known as chalk and talk teaching, was primarily used in Britain until the 1950s when it was branded authoritarian(专制的) and re

4、placed with the child-centered approach. Under the new system, pupils are encouraged to discover knowledge by themselves at their own pace, often in small groups, with the teacher offering them support.The whole class teaching has proven popular and effective in China. In Chinese primary schools, pu

5、pils sit in rows of desks facing the teacher and blackboard. Videos showed that teachers interacted with the whole class 72 per cent of the time in Chinese classrooms, compared with only 25 per cent in England.Research shows that children in China score up to 30 percent higher in math than British p

6、upils of the same age.As Shanghais pupils have been the top performers in the Program for International Student Assessment organized by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, sixty of Chinas top math teachers from Shanghai were invited to selected British schools to share their s

7、kills in a bid to lift standards in Britain this September, while some British teachers flew to Shanghai to study teaching methods in China.21.Which of the following is NOT an advantage of Chinese method over British approach? A. More effective B. Students enjoying more freedom in class C. Better pe

8、rformance in math D. More interaction between teacher and students 22.The meaning of the underlined word “branded” is probably closest to “_” A. strongly supported B. widely praised C. unfairly called D. gradually abandoned23.What is the best title for this passage ? A. Chinese Teaching Method Widel

9、y Accepted B. Advantages of whole class teaching” Method C. Exchange Programs Between Britain and ChinaD. British Schools Urged to Learn From China in Teaching BFred Michel is one of 7.2 million Americans who moonlight. Once a week, after his day job as medical director of a mental health center, th

10、e 40-year-old psychiatrist heads to a part-time job at a treatment center for young people. Twice a month, he travels three hours to another teenage treatment center.Last year, 5.4 percent of the American workforce held second jobs, according to the US Labor Department, and that looks set to increas

11、e this year. Many workers like the safety that moonlighting provides, says Carl Hausman, the writer of Moonlighting: 148 Great Ways to Make Money on the Side.The information from the US Labor Department shows that 40 percent of US moonlighters take a second job to meet household expenses or pay off

12、debts. Others save money or buy some special things.People also take second jobs with an eye to the future一wanting to try out a new field or gain experience.Michel started moonlighting when medical systems were unstable. He wanted to make sure he wasnt tied to one system that ended up failing.Just a

13、s the purposes for moonlighting vary, the moonlighters cross all ages and racial groups. And they work in a variety of industries - no longer just service, office and sale jobs.Technology just affects your ability to make money, Hausman says, that makes a frequent change in moonlighting.As its name

14、means, moonlighting still occurs mostly at night. And that results in some pressures. Chief among them is time.Full-time employers could misunderstand, too. Some companies do not allow after-hour work because they fear it will affect their employees 9-to-5 performance.The primary employer is saying,

15、 Wait, Im paying you for the sharp, fresh, energetic you, says Tom Gimbel, president and founder of LaSalle Staffing in Chicago. If youre burning yourself at both ends, its going to show.Still, the good done to the moonlighters can be great. Besides extra income, moonlighters enjoy variety, freedom and chance to do something new. They may also find their part-time jobs strengthen what they do full time.Besides, its fun, Michel says. Not only do his part-time jobs offer a chance to netwo

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