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1、transport2. I think we should invest in training the _(职员)staff3. Do you have a size _(限制) on that?limit4. She brought them here at the invitations of _(避难所) officials.shelter5. It is probably the most perfect liquid ever _(观察)observed6. This includes the belief in the _(生存) of the spirit after deat

2、h.survival7. Do you know whats our teachers biggest _(缺点)?disadvantage8. Next he told me about his leadership _(哲学)philosophy. 选词填空in particular, associate.with, for the exchange, have an influence on, attach.to1. Foreigners always _ China _ the Great Wall.associate; with2. She likes fruit and tomat

3、oes particular3. The young man didnt seem to _ any importance _ the question.attach; to 4. The experience _ his life.had an influence on5. This was major event _ of Daoist ideas.for the exchange. 完成句子1. Wherever you may be, you must _.不管你在哪里你都要遵守法律。observe the law2. It is generally believed tha

4、t IT _ _.人们普遍认为信息技术既有优点又有缺点。has both advantages and disadvantages3. We reached a little hut, where we _ _.我们来到一个小茅屋,我们在那里避了雨。took shelter from the rain4. The site _ Chinas largest dinosaur park.这片地域就是中国最大的恐龙公园的归属地。is home to5. The homing instinct is usually _ _.返巢本能通常是与动物世界联系在一起的。associated with the

5、 animal world. 单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1. With a lable _ (attach) to each luggage, it is easy for passengers to recognize their own luggage.attached句意:由于每件行李都贴有标签,这对于乘客来说很容易认出自己的行李。the lable与attach为被动关系,故用attached。2. It is predicted that existing reserves of fossil fuel _(run) out by 2045.will have run句意:据预测

6、,在2045年之前现存石油燃料将用光。由by 2045可知,此处应用将来完成时。3. In order _ (not miss) the exam, the girl got up earlier this morning.not to miss不定式的否定形式,应在不定式符号前加not。4. The air of hills is cooler than _ of plains.that考查代词。that指代可数名词单数或不可数名词,代指同类不同物,air为不可数名词,故用that代替。5. The book in honor of a great inventor _ (belong) _

7、 John, who enjoys reading books introducing science and technology.belongs; to考查静态动词。belong无被动无进行,主语是The book,故用其第三人称单数形式。6. Twenty students want to attend the class that aims to teach _ to read fast.how考查名词性从句。句意:20个学生想要去听旨在教授如何快速阅读的课程。根据句子结构可知,that aims to teach_ to read fast是定语从句,修饰先行词class,在此定语从

8、句中,teach后接的宾语从句中缺少表示方式的连接词,故how正确。此处为“连接词to do”结构。7. Simon made a big bamboo box _ (keep) the little sick bird till it could keep考查非谓语动词。Simon制作了一个大竹盒来养这只生病的小鸟,直到它能飞起来。make a big bamboo box的目的是为了keep the little sick bird,因此用不定式表示目的状语。8. The two sides have agreed _ all the terms at last.onagre

9、e on“决定,达成共识”,符合句意。9. _ do you think we should do to protect wildlife?What句中do you think作插入语,后面的部分用陈述语序。分析句子成分可知,句中缺少do的宾语,故用疑问代词what。10. I think you should phone Jeanne and say sorry to her._ way. It was her fault.No考查情景交际。我认为你应该给Jeanne打电话对她道歉。没门。是她的错。no way“没门”,符合语境。提升实战能力. 完形填空If you visit a big

10、city anywhere in the world, you will probably find a restaurant which serves the food of your native country. Most large _1_ in the United States offer an international sample of _2_. Many people enjoy eating the food _3_ other nations. This is probably one reason _4_ there are so many different kin

11、ds of restaurants in the United States. A second is that Americans _5_ from all the parts of the world. They enjoy tasting the foods of their _6_ lands.In the city of Detroit, _7_, there are many people from Western Europe, Latin America _8_ the Far East. There are many restaurants in Detroit _9_ se

12、rve the foods of these areas. There are many _10_ international restaurants, too. Americans not only like the foods in these restaurants but also enjoy the chance to _11_ understand the foreign people and their _12_ of life.One of _13_ most common international restaurants to be _14_ in the US is an

13、 Italian restaurant. The restaurant is a small business _15_ by a single family. The mother of the _16_cooks all the dishes and the _17_ and children serve the customers who come to eat there. Or it may be a _18_ restaurant which can _19_ many customers during one evening. So a restaurant may be owned _20_ one family, one person, or by several different peop

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