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1、1 A hats the atter?B e neither I thin s2 A e lie peaeB Abut 300 B giving speehes abut peae3 A In hinatnB There as se fruit That sunds great4 A ure eleB Srr t hear that Than u A Its a pitB f urse nt e lie hi ver uh 听短对话,选择正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。6 hats rng ith ie?A He has a headahe B He has a sre thrat He has

2、a tthahe 7 hen is effs birthda?A tber 14thB Nveber 4th Deeber 4th 8 here are the t speaers?A In the bstreB In the librar In the shp 9 H des hn ften g t shl?A B arB B bus B suba 10 h an pla the pian?A ar B Lu e dnt n 听长对话,选择最佳答案。听第一段对话,回答第11至12小题。11 hih untr did ate visit last nth?A Aeria B Australia

3、 anada 12 H lng did she sta there?A T ears B T nths T ees 听第二段对话,回答第13至1小题。13 hat ill the b give a tal abut?A hinese histr B hinese ulture Spae siene 14 hat ind f bs des the b lie?A Histr bs B Siene bs Sprts bs 1 n hih da is the librar lsed?A Sunda B ednesda Frida 听短,完成下面表格,每空一词。短读两遍。A qui nteSubetA

4、 16 petitin DateThe petitin ill be held n 17 20th Things t dTherell be 18 ebers in the tea Befre the petitin, the tea shuld pratie at least three ties a 19 as t ntat(联系方式)u an g t the 20 t find Gar, r all the nuber 6322 984 16_ 17_ 18_ 19_ 20_二、笔试部分(满分80分) 单项填空(每小题1分,满分1分)21Li ing and ang Gang disag

5、ree ith e Never ind N ne an anbd A satisfB anel priseD disuss22 The bs tried , but the failed There as a fight beteen the A t be angrB nt t be angr be angrD nt be angr23 e are all bus the ing English exa A t get readB getting read t prepare frD preparing fr24 a has tld us uld u lie t tell us ? A set

6、hing interesting; anthing elseB sething interesting; else anthing interesting sething; anthing elseD interesting sething;2 Get up earl, _ ull be late fr shl A andB but rD s26 The par is he an ild anials A atB t inD n27 I lie travelling b train, it is nt as fast as b plane A untilB unless thughD beau

7、se28 Thats an exiting str the passage A arding tB l frard t lead tD thans t29 f the ppulatin here are rers A 20 perentsB 20 perent The 20 perentD The 20 perents30 A nuber f anials illed and the nuber f the getting saller and saller A has been; areB has been; is have been; isD have been; are31 hat di

8、d u d ur guests? A eleB eling t eleD eled32 e advise parentstheir hildren at he alne in rder t eep the aa fr danger A nt leave B nt t leave leave D t leave33 The driver ffered the three hildren t the train statin A driveB t drive drivingD drve34 Tr urself and have a gd tie at the part A tB be t beD

9、t being3 T alas aes his sister the r But tda he as ade the r b his ther A lean; leanB lean; t lean t lean; leanD t lean; t leanII完形填空(每小题1分,满分1分)artin is a fifteen-ear-ld b He used t be a “prble hild”, but a reent 36 ith his ther hanged his life He didnt use t give his ther an prbles 37 , after his

10、fathers death a fe ears ag, artins life beae 38 re diffiult His ther uldnt affrd t pa fr her hilds eduatin T d this, she 39 r, and s she as ften nt at he His ther led after hi as 40 as she uld Unfrtunatel, artin still aused prbles He as nt 41 in studing and he ften gt int truble Luil, his ther as ve

11、r 42 and didnt give up tring t help hi In the end, she 43 a diffiult deisin: t send hi t a bs barding shl artin hated it and used t ause a lt f truble ne da, he tld his teaher he anted t leave the shl The teaher said it as neessar fr artin t 44 ith his ther artin alled his ther, but t his 4 , this p

12、hne all hanged his life“It as exatl 46 I needed,” he said “ ther helped e t understand h uh she had given e She als tld e that even thugh father as n lnger ith us, he as 47 e and uld alas tae pride in everthing gd I d Thats hen I deided t hange I realize that 48 father died, I have been afraid f bei

13、ng alne, and have tried t ae ther pa re attentin t e” N artin has 49 hanged He has been ring hard and is n ne f the best students in his lass H as he able t hange? His thers 0 helped hi t feel gd abut hiself 36 A nversatinB reprt surveD speeh 37 A SB But TherefreD Hever 38 A verB an uhD t 39 A uldB

14、had t shuldD uld 40 A snB quil ellD gd 41 A pleasedB tired bredD interested 42 A rriedB patient arefulD serius 43 A adeB t gtD thught 44 A argueB sa disussD tal 4 A surprisedB surprising surpriseD surprises 46 A hihB hat thatD h 47 A seeingB ntiing helpingD athing 48 A sineB befre afterD hen 49 A al

15、asB hardl reallD ust 0 A advieB lve idea D deisin 阅读理解(每小题2分, 满分20分)AIt is true that peple ith better eduatin are usuall able t get better paing bs In ther rds, the have re hanes t hse a gd b hile peple ith little r n eduatin dnt It sees that the purpse f eduatin is t ae peple get bs But this isnt aepted b all peple Se peple a thin that a persn shuld spend

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