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1、C出境货物换证凭条 D出境货物不合格通知单4属于D/P支付方式下单据审核依据的是( C )。AL/C BUCP600 C外贸合同 DISBP 5不适合逐笔核销的是( C )。A出口收汇高风险企业 B差额核销C来料加工项下的出口收汇 D无法全额收汇的出口收汇6Bidding Documents是由( A )编制的。A招标人 B投标人 C开标人 D评审专家7进口许可证最多只能延期( B )次,延期最长不超过( )个月。A1、2 B1、3 C2、6 D2、9 8在下列贸易术语中,应该由买方办理出口手续的是( B )。AFOB BEXW CFAS DFCA9在海运过程中,被保险货物被海盗劫持造成的损失

2、属于( B )。A实际全损 B推定全损 C共同海损 D单独海损10出口商在货物装船取得提单后未能及时到银行议付,该提单将成为( C )。A顺签提单 B倒签提单 C过期提单 D预借提单11无须提示承兑的汇票是( D )。A定日付款的汇票 B出票后定期付款的汇票C见票后定期付款的汇票 D见票即付的汇票12属于委托代售的贸易方式的是( C )。A代理 B经销 C寄售 D回购13加工贸易合同审批的主管部门是( C )。A国务院 B国家发改委 C商务部 D海关14下列关于加工贸易登记手册代码说法正确的是( B )。AA电代表子手册 BB代表来料加工CC代表设备 DD代表进料加工15欧洲经济共同体产品责任

3、指令对产品责任实行( B )。A过失责任原则 B无过失责任原则C公平责任原则 D过错推定责任原则16注册商标的专用权,是以核准注册的商标和核定使用的商品为限,有限期为( C )年。A3 B6 C10 D1517在进出口贸易中,知识产权权利人发现侵权嫌疑货物后可以直接向( C )申请扣留。A政府 B人民法院 C口岸海关 D商务部18根据进出口贸易风险的性质划分,分为静态风险和动态风险,前者属于( A )风险,后者属于( )风险。A不可回避/可回避 B不可回避/不可回避C可回避/可回避 D可回避/不可回避19假远期信用证中贴现费用由( A )支付。A开证申请人 B受益人 C开证行 D通知行20空运

4、货物的货物体积体积重量=( D )m3/kg。A6 B0.6 C0.06 D0.00621What is the term when the consignment is delivered with all the charges up to arrival at the port of destination paid by the seller.( D ) AFOB BFCA CDDU DCIF22When the seller pays for all charges up to an including the loading of a consignment on board th

5、e carrying vessel, the term is ( C ).ADDU BFCA CFOB DCIF23Financial documents include the following except ( B ).Apromissory notes Bbills of ladingCchecks Ddraft24A bank opens an L/C at the request of the importer. It is a (an)( A ).Aissuing bank.Bapplicant Cseller Dinforming bank25The basic functio

6、ns of a bill of lading is (are)( D ).Aa receipt for the goods which evidences the taking-over or loading by the carrierBan evidence of contract of carriage between the carrier and the shipper.Ca document of title to goods. DAll of the above.26What is the name given to the sum of money which a person

7、 agrees to pay to an insurance company?( D )Acompensation BcommissionCinsurance value Dpremium27The risk of breakage is considered to be the ( C ).AFree of Particular Average BWith Average CGeneral additional risks DSpecial additional risks28If the seller finds any discrepancies in the letter of cre

8、dit, whom does he write to asking for an amendment?( C ).AThe issusing bank BThe advising bank CThe applicant DThe negotiating bank29Bank of China informs the beneficiary, a Chinese import and export company that a foreign bank has opened a letter of credit in his favor. The bank does not add its en

9、gagement by informing the beneficiary. The Bank of China ia acting as ( B ).CThe confirming bank DThe negotiating bank30 Which of the following payment mode may bring the lowest risk to a seller?( A ).AT/T in advance BL/C CD/P DD/AQuestions from 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:The export

10、er, as drawer of a draft (bill of exchange), hands the draft to his bank, the remitting bank, who in turn forwards it to the buyer through a collecting bank in the buyers country. A draft (also called a bill) is a written order to a bank or a customer to pay someone on demand or at a fixed time in t

11、he future a certain sum of money. If shipping documents accompany the draft, the collection is called “documentary collection.”Documentary collection falls into two major categories: one is documents against payment(D/P); the other, documents against acceptance (D/A).Documents against payment, as th

12、e term suggests, is that the collecting bank will only give the shipping documents representing the title to the goods on the condition that the buyer makes payment.Where the paying arrangement is D/A, the collecting bank will only give the buyer the shipping documents after buyers acceptance of the

13、 bill drawn on him, i.e. the buyer signs his name on the bill promising to pay the sum when it matures. In return he gets what he needs the shipping documents.Under D/A, the seller gives up the title to the goods shipping documents before he gets payment of the goods. Therefore, an exporter must thi

14、nk twice before he accepts such paying arrangement.31Under D/P , the importer can obtain the goods only by( D ).Ashowing the bill of lading Bsigning on the bill of exchangeCpaying in cash Dpaying or accepting the bill of exchange32Under D/A , the importer can gets what he needs the shipping documents only by( C ).Ashowing the bill of lading Bpaying in cashCmaking accepta

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